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Google Slide has CJK font issue; What You See Is NOT What You Get in presentation mode.
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Description from store
Google Slide has CJK font issue; What You See Is NOT What You Get in presentation mode. This extension solves the issue by using the slide editor in presentation mode.
Follow simple 3 steps to experience WYSIWYG for Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
1. Slide settings;
. Turn off spelling suggestion under View of Google Slide. (one time, but if you want the spell check then turn on when you are done with presentation.)
. Turn off View > Show ruler, Show speaker notes, Show filmstrip, Show comments
. Hide Sidebar by clicking the right arrow ' > ' at the bottom of Sidebar.
2. Turn off fullscreen toolbar under View of Chrome. (one time)
3. Click 'Show As Is' button in Google Slide or extension logo, voila~
To go back, ESC (or Command + Control + F on new Mac) to exit fullscreen and click the 'ShowAsIs' extension logo again or refresh the slide.
* Animations won't work.
* If up & down doesn't work, please click the slide page and try it.
* If comments exist then share the doc in 'View Only' mode and then do 'Show As Is'. This will fix the problem without resolving all the comments.
* Even though it requires browser history for auto fullscreen feature, it doesn't do anything with browser history. If you can't believe it then here is the code.
* Release Note:
v.1.1.3 - Bugfix for Google Slide UI code update.
v.1.1.2 - Fixed extension not working in Viewer mode.
v.1.1.1 - Icons added.
v.1.1.0 - Added 'Show As Is' button in G Slide and automatic fullscreen.
v.1.0.1 - Minor updates.
v.1.0.0 - Initial version.
Latest reviews
- (2019-12-06) SELET OZ: 잘 사용하고 있습니다만, 이번 크롬 업데이트 때문이지 작동이 않되네요 ㅠ 업데이트 요청드려요~
- (2019-01-31) Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks alot
- (2019-01-16) 蘇襄: This is a MUST HAVE extension for those using Google Slides with CJK fonts. This developer is a life saver. We do Google Slide presentations in Chinese Traditional every week, and I have to say, developer Haebin Na has done a great service. Thank you for your service!
- (2019-01-12) Ricky S: May have [Full screen]? big thanks
- (2018-03-12) Jaesung Lee: 아주 좋습니다! 원리가 궁금했는데, 실제 Presentation 모드에서 폰트를 적용시켜 주는 것은 아니고, 편집 화면을 키워서 모양을 그럴 듯 하게 만들어주는 것이네요. 그래도 좋습니다! :D
- (2018-03-06) Heran Zang: 잘 쓰고 있습니다!
- (2018-03-02) Gwen Kyuwon Kwon: The best extension ever