Confirm a Reload or Close
Click the icon to create a popup when you attempt to navigate to another page or reload the current one. The check mark indicates that you will be asked confirmation on the current tab. The red x indicates that you will not be asked to confirm leaving the page. Click the icon to toggle on and off. There is also an option to confirm when closing the window.
Latest reviews
- (2023-01-17) Tony Alba: Useless. Keeps de-activating on new pages even though I've selected the option to enable automatically on every page which renders this extension pointless.
- (2020-11-25) Brian Q: Doesn't work in Chrome 88
- (2018-01-20) Shovon Boshak: Very good extension and what i want. Thanks
- (2017-03-12) Warmuser: Nice idea!!! I really appreciate your work. But please, limit the "exit confirmation" functon only to the closing "x" on the current tab and to the window "x" button. And add also a function of automatic reload of the current page when someone press the "cancel" button to abort the exit from the tab. Because on my browser the exension access automatically to the "about:blank", and If I press "cancel" the pace doesn't reload automatically. Anyway for me it's too much annoying to use these extension to surf on google results and switch from a website to another and always check for exit confirmation. Please, implement these valid extension with the above functions. Will become SUPER useful! ;)
- (2017-02-02) Alan Winston: I've been looking for a "confirm closing multiple tabs" ever since I moved to Chrome from Firefox, mostly to keep me from shutting the browser completely. I have occasional accidents when I will click on the wrong X and lose all my tabs instead of just the rightmost. When I got a touchscreen Chromebook three years ago, it became even more critical, since a little mispositioning of the thumb could mean closing all open tabs, instead of just adjusting the screen or putting the tablet to sleep. With this extension, if I bump or inadvertently click, the "close window" X, no tabs close if any tab is set for confirmation. That does what I was looking for. And I may find it useful for other purposes as well.
- (2016-11-30) Josh Silverbauer: This is an ABSOLUTE lifesaver for GTM and form submits. I am a tagger and I work with websites that force javascript forms to push to the next page before i can grab any variable information. This plugin sped up my work flow SO MUCH!
- (2016-10-12) Dan Campbell: Swan Tayle -- if that is your REAL name -- I don't know what you're talking about. This plugin is amazing. It does what it says it will do. And it's incredibly useful for Google Tag Manager. I am constantly struggling with how to make some form submits stay on the page so I can analyze GTM data in the browser. This plugin is going to save me so much time and frustration. Thank you to the developer for making such a simple and useful extension. It deserves more than its current 2-star rating.
- (2016-04-07) Bryan: only confirms closing of the entire window is a poor extension
3.1 (10 votes)
Last update / version
2016-01-29 / 3.1.1
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