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Automatize, impulsione, gerencie suas vendas sociais e geração de leads
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Description from store
Gerencie suas vendas sociais e nutrição de leads.
O Linked Booster não é afiliado ao LinkedIn. Oferecemos 7 dias de teste para sua experiência emocionante conosco!
A ferramenta permite sincronizar automaticamente milhares de primeiras conexões e categorizá-las por tag/nota, obter acesso à sua página pessoal de CRM, apoiar vendas em redes sociais e nutrir leads conectados
Deixe o Linked Booster ser seu assistente virtual no LinkedIn. Confira o que você pode fazer com o Linked Booster.
Não armazenamos informações de usuários do LinkedIn automaticamente em nosso servidor.
Modo de gerenciamento de primeira conexão
Todos nós sabemos que os usuários do LinkedIn desejam que sua rede de primeira conexão seja enorme. Porém, como construir relacionamentos que sejam realmente significativos e não o propósito do desenvolvimento de redes? O que você precisa não será encontrado no LinkedIn. Chegamos à solução perfeita para gerenciar seu círculo de forma mais rápida, além de retirar vários convites pendentes e aceitar/ignorar vários convites recebidos ao mesmo tempo. O Linked Booster permite aos usuários importar detalhes da 1ª conexão para o painel, gerenciando com tags/notas personalizadas.
Exportar contatos do LinkedIn para CSV
Esse recurso é chamado de “chave de ouro” para abrir o tesouro de informações de contato do LinkedIn. O Linked Booster permite sincronizar e exportar todas as informações de contato disponíveis ilimitadamente da sua rede LinkedIn (incluindo nome, número de telefone, e-mail, site, rede social…), desde que esses perfis compartilhem informações de contato para você. Depois de visitar os perfis-alvo, você obterá um recurso de qualidade para criar muitos relacionamentos benéficos no LinkedIn.
Gerencie todas as suas conexões do LinkedIn como uma página de CRM. É uma ferramenta alternativa do LinkedIn não só para vendas, mas também para recrutadores, com uma poderosa capacidade de gerar milhares de leads em um curto período de tempo. Você também pode adicionar tags e notas aos seus leads de alta qualidade no LinkedIn. O filtro de pesquisa no Dashboard ajuda você a encontrar resultados em apenas milissegundos instantaneamente.
Com a ajuda da tecnologia GPT3, o Parrot gera automaticamente centenas de modelos de mensagens para 2 finalidades básicas: enviar pedidos de ligação no LinkedIn ou lançar o seu produto. Além disso, a Parrot também possui uma biblioteca de modelos de mensagens criados por especialistas em marketing. Esse recurso economiza muito tempo e esforço, garantindo a qualidade do seu conteúdo. Em particular, o Parrot é totalmente seguro para usuários do LinkedIn. Consideramos que é extremamente útil e seguro, por isso será o seu braço direito no trabalho.
Tema escuro
É a primeira ferramenta de suporte do LinkedIn com tema escuro (modo noturno) - seus olhos vão agradecer.
Para maiores informações:
Website oficial:
E-mail de suporte: [email protected]
Esperamos sinceramente que nosso Linked Booster seja seu assistente mais útil no LinkedIn.
E se você estiver satisfeito com nosso produto, deixe um comentário em nossa Chrome Store.
Aproveite o LinkedIn com o Linked Booster!
Muitas felicidades,
Linked Booster Team.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-08) Google SEO cursus: Two weeks in. No reply from email, no reply from Facebook, no support whatsoever and the tool is still not working. Tried three different computers, tried four different Chrome versions but nothing. This tool IS NOT WORKING and there is NO SUPPORT. People, do NOT BUY this tool. It is a scam. They only reply at AppSumo sometimes so you "think" they offer support, but there is literally none. Don't waste you're time on this tool, it is a scam and they offer zero support.
- (2022-10-09) Dhruv Ghulati: Great extension, but definitely gets you banned on Linkedin - presumably because it syncs your profiles all at once rather than Leadsdelta which does 100 a day. This update all at once makes Linkedin suspicious it might be a bot. Unsubscribing for now.
- (2022-09-29) Ankit Jaitly: Linked Booster is an incredible app for LinkedIn marketing. It has everything you need to take your business to the next level. I love the interface, the ability to export leads into a csv file, the sync and manage connections, and the way you can automate and control what you do. I have been using it for about 3 months now, and I never stop learning new things. This tool has helped me a lot, and the owner is always happy to answer any questions. He is a genuine person! Highly recommended!
- (2022-09-28) nga hoang: cool product with good customer support service!
- (2022-09-26) Rain: A simple tool but good enough for old and new LinkedIn users, especially for recruiters
- (2022-09-26) Anh Trịnh Quang: I don't expect tools with loads of functionality but I need a tool that is simple, easy to use and has core functions like Linked Booster. Thank you
- (2022-09-25) Quang Anh: Simple UI, useful features and works well
- (2022-09-25) Loanh Quanh: Easy tool, good price. Absolutely love it
- (2022-09-24) MY GMAIL: Bought a lifetime subscription yet when I want to log in I get the info that I can't do that since my subscription has expired....
- (2022-09-21) Ha Doan: It can automatically manage my Linkedin account saving me tons of time. Useful product!
- (2022-09-20) Surovy Dina: A very useful tool if you want to grow your LinkedIn profile. It is really easy to create quality connections with the help of this extension. If you are a LinkedIn user, you should check this out.
- (2022-08-31) Ritch Cuvier: Really good tool. It allows me to automatically offer my products to prospects.
- (2021-07-27) Kevin Pham: Software works great.
- (2021-07-27) thanh tú lê: This tool will save you a lot of time. So much value in one place!
- (2021-07-20) Tieu Hat: I really like feature “Allow user visit/collect/export contact information”. It’s very helpful. I can't wait for the auto visit feature to be released to make email retrieval faster. However, the features are now enough to make my work much smoother.
- (2021-07-13) Hen Ry: The Tool doesn't work - it stop working sometimes due to linkedIn update but the team will work on it right away
- (2021-07-13) ne Ja: Smoothly running app with regular update adapting to LinkedIn's changes/upgrades. Very helpful!
- (2021-07-13) am wili: The support is impressive! They really care about their customers.
- (2021-07-13) s Tommy: One of the best options! Fair pricing pairs with good performance. Responsive and helpful support team.
- (2021-07-13) cc marria: I have tried several tools for recruiter on LinkedIn, I think Linked Booster is the easiest one. Since I use Linked Booster, the number of candidates I reach has increased significantly and the number of CVs I get has also
- (2021-07-13) Bé Két: Linked Booster has features like - Auto connect with personalized message - Auto scrape and tag - A simple yet very useful dashboard - Collect available contact information This is the basic requirement to use any LinkedIn automation tool. If you have requirement like me, you would love to use it.
- (2021-07-13) The user UI is very simple. I think it's easy to use for beginners. Linked Booster helps me solve my connection growing problem safely. Easy setup to send invitations automatically. The contact information collection feature is useful to accurately collect and export important information. I will renew my subscription.
- (2021-07-13) Vxgxgx Xhxx: Great app. Get the job done... For only 13$ a month, unbelievable cheap
- (2020-12-11) Gears of War: This is a great extension for people who want to promote their LinkedIn profile etc. I would rate it 5/5! rated it 4/5 because it doesn't have any settings etc. like setting a limit to the connect invitation it won't just stop unless you close the browser. And this can get your profile banned!!! It would be great to set limit into 250 a day
- (2020-09-07) Hang Trinh: I was suspicious at first but glad I give it a try. From 200+ connections, I was able to have 1000+ in a month. It was very quick to generate leads and quick notes to manage them. Definitely try it, you won't be disappointed!
- (2020-09-07) Trang Nguyen Thi My: great, wonderful app. Highly recommend!
- (2020-08-17) Great app and super helpful support! Thanks you <3
- (2020-08-16) William Jack: this tool helps my work become more effective !
- (2020-08-16) great extension, great service !
- (2020-08-14) Larkin Simon: I really like dark theme on LinkedIn and auto connect feature brought by Linked Booster
- (2020-08-14) Le Jacob: I have been using Linked Booster for 5 months and I really satisfied with this extension, it really effective
- (2020-08-12) Lucinda Mark: A great software !
- (2020-08-12) Bush Garrick: Love this extension !
- (2020-08-12) Alia Elizabeth: Linked Booster and other similar tools are great extensions but Linked Booster has a friendly theme and reply very fast when I need help !
- (2020-08-12) Ambar Lily: Linked booster has a lot great features that help me a lot at work
- (2020-08-11) Cadell Smith: I'm so happy because I found my new job on linkedin when i use this tool to reach out recruiters. Thanks team so much !
- (2020-08-11) Bernard Jane: I found a lot of potential customer since I used tool, thanks a lot and I will wait for new feature
- (2020-08-11) Barrett James: I can with all people in search results with just 1 click!!! that's great, thanks guys from vietnam
- (2020-08-11) Alva George: this extension can save you some time because it has many automated features
- (2020-08-11) Adonis Henry: Linked Booster is a potential tool, they will launch new feature soon and it helps me a lot in my work
- (2020-08-06) Dakshi Henry: Improving my network so fast, thanks Linked Booster !
- (2020-08-06) Abeer Helen: Great extension on LinkedIn
- (2020-08-06) Elise Frank: I wish I had a tool that helps send letter automation, scientifically arranged customer data, and Linked Booster appeared. Thanks team so much !
- (2020-08-06) Aleema Frank: I have a good experience while using Linked Booster. This extension help my work become more efective
- (2020-08-05) Truc Anh Nguyen: I've used Linked Booster for a month now and love it! It's perfect and does exactly what you expect it to do each and every day. Thanks so much!
- (2020-08-05) Hoang Michael: I really like dark theme mode which helps increase the working intensity with LinkedIn
- (2020-08-05) kaytlyn richard: Having this smart tool at hand help me a lot at work and achieve a goal at an earlier time.
- (2020-08-04) Scarlett Richard: Linked Booster help me build a better source of customers, categorize, exploit and manage connections effectively, and fully automatic.
- (2020-08-04) Alia Smith: I always find ways to automate repetitive tasks throughout the day. Linked Booster is a great tool help me a lot at work, especially the auto-connect function
- (2020-08-04) Kate Susan: Great Linkedin tool, automated processes save me a lot of time, thanks team!