extension ExtPose

KeePassHelper Password Manager

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Description from extension meta

Extensão auxiliar para KeePass para encontrar e inserir credenciais, gerar senhas, ou guardar novos logins sem copiar e colar…

Image from store KeePassHelper Password Manager
Description from store KeePass/MacPass Helper extension adds an action button to your browser toolbar area. Pressing the button opens a panel that displays all the matching credentials for the current domain. You can either insert the username, password, or even both through the action buttons. The extension also can submit the form if you would like to. This extension offers a built-in OTP (One-time password) tool so you don't need to have a separate extension for that. The OTP credential can optionally be saved in SHA-256 encryption to make sure your OTP secrets are safe. This extension supports the following applications: 1. KeePass application with KeePassHttp installed 2. KeePassXC with a custom manifest (uses native messaging to communicate) 3. Direct read of KDBX3 or KDBX4 databases (when you cannot install a native application) 4. Any other alternatives that support HTTP communication (such as MacPass) Notes: 1. When using this extension, first make sure the login or password input box is selected on the page before opening the panel. Insertion occurs only if an input element is selected on a form. 2. It is possible to generate one-time password tokens using this extension. 3. This extension optionally supports automatic logins. 4. Native messaging that is supported by KeePassXC is now covered. Go to the options page to configure the extension to work with KeePassXC. For more info please visit the FAQs page: http://add0n.com/keepass-helper.html For bug reports use: https://github.com/belaviyo/keepass-macpass-helper/ Privacy Policy: https://add0n.com/policies/unixeco.txt Setup to work with KeePass application: Requirements: 1. KeePass 2 (http://keepass.info) -- version 2.17 or newer 2. KeePassHttp (https://github.com/pfn/keepasshttp/) -- download link is https://passifox.appspot.com/KeePassHttp.plgx Directions: 1) Install KeePass 2) Install KeePassHttp by dropping KeePassHttp.plgx into the KeePass Program Files directory 2a) Log into KeePass 2b) Verify KeePassHttp has been installed correctly by checking Tools > Plugins 3) Navigate to any page containing a password 4) Click the toolbar button 5) Switch to the KeePass window and enter a descriptive name into the dialog that popped up and click the save button. 6) Your passwords are now securely retrieved from KeePass and automatically entered into password forms and fields when needed. Change Log 0.1.7: fixes http://add0n.com/keepass-helper.html#comment-3141456132 0.1.8: fixes https://github.com/belaviyo/keepass-macpass-helper/issues/1 0.1.9: fixes duplicate context-menu items are created on extension activation 0.2.0: support for Ctrl + B is added for Windows OS. Panel keeps its focus when it is open. "\" char is now supported for both username and password fields. 0.2.1: 1. it now remembers your last login selection. 2. when the panel is closed, the last active element gets its focus back 0.2.4: Copy text to the Clipboard is improved. 0.2.8: Credentials are now displayed in a popup instead of an injected iframe. This is similar to how 1PAssword or LastPass display credentials. This default behavior can be changed from the options UI. 0.3.0: It is now possible to auto-login if there is only one credential (disabled by default) 0.3.1: "String Fields" are now supported. You can insert custom text to HTML input elements using these string fields. Please read FAQ 12 for more info. 0.4.3: Supports KeePassXC, supports multiple databases

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-26) Yves Tschantz: Le fonctionnement est conforme à la description, toutefois la base n'est pas chargée en cache (comme dans Keepass2Android) et nécessite d'être déverrouillée à chaque démarrage du pc. Mais c'est le prix de cette couche de sécurité supplémentaire 😅
  • (2023-12-21) F FEPA: ✅De las pocas extensiones actualizadas y en desarrollo activo relacionada al proyecto KeePassHttp/Keepass. ✅Ligera y eficiente. Cumple lo que promete. ✅Interfaz sencilla e intuitiva con múltiples opciones de uso. ✅Es parte del proyecto add0n.com y ésto hace a la extensión más fiable cara a su continuidad y, sobretodo, al tratamiento de tus datos. ❌El conector KeePassHttp no se encuentra en desarrollo activo oficialmente, sin embargo, puedes encontrar algun fork actualizado. Siempre acudo a "Kee" justo por esto, ya que el conector KeePassHttp no garantiza y sus forks no garantizan seguridad.
  • (2023-11-06) 182 vs 13: 非常不错; 我来介绍下这个插件的作用: 1能通过http从本地keePass中读取密码,如果存在密码,用户可双击或快捷键快速填充用户名和密码到浏览器输入框 2为浏览器当前网站生成密码并保存到本地keePass软件 依赖: 需要下载keePass的插件KeePassHttp, 下载后在其advanced选项中勾选"always allow access to entries",那么浏览器拓展读取本地密码时不再需要本地弹窗确认 ps: KeePass有个跨平台分支叫 keePassXC,该分支有官方浏览器拓展, 不过感觉不如这个拓展好用,这个拓展也支持 keePassXC
  • (2023-10-24) Johan Ronström: Doesn't find the credentials unless you have the url typed in. No way to search for a credential, even though the name of it is the same as the name of the page. Only using local files because I don't want to have services running and updating the file from several machines at once. Not as good as KeyPass Tusk, that is sadly no longer being developed :-(
  • (2023-07-23) N8T Blacksher: Works the best out of all the others I have used. Gives you more of a remote connection instead of just you repository link.
  • (2023-05-03) Marco Peli: Made to use in conjunction with Keepass. Works fine, this is a very good extension. I configured a shortcut key to access it easily. I recommend.
  • (2023-04-21) stefano montanelli: troppe pagine web non riconosciute come corrispondenza nell'archivio password
  • (2023-03-31) Jakub Wojciak: Bardzo fajna. prosta, nieskomplikowana. Jedynie czego mi brak to zapisywania nowych wpisów lub aktualizacji bieżących ale się przyzwyczaiłem.
  • (2023-03-22) Christian: does what's on the tin and does it well.
  • (2023-02-20) Aleksey Perelomov: Working well
  • (2023-01-26) Oscar Salvador: Simple y efectiva, bien configurada trabaja a la perfección. Te saca usuario, contraseña y código OTP de KeePass, usando el plugin KeePassHTTP.
  • (2023-01-03) Dennis Hosang: This appears to not had an update since Windows 95 with very horrible GUI interface. Example create database, add entries but you can't do any regex for URLs so you have to create an entry for every device regardless if its the same username and password. Not near as good as 1Password and from reviews way more vulnerable as well as KeyPass apparantly tracks your data unlike 1Password. I gave it a shot but it acts more like freeware than a professional app. With something as sensitive as passwords, I would rather have a secure solution that I'm confident with and this isn;t it.
  • (2022-12-27) Radu Hociung: Reliable, predictable. I could not imagine the web without it. You need to **read the docs** for the initial configuration to understand how it works.
  • (2022-11-25) Fran Keech: Works really well with Brave
  • (2022-11-25) No Body: Since latest update it is just broken. Became an update in november 2022 and now on most of the sites it can't find the forms to fill in anymore. Also in marks half the text on the site after filling in the credentials and doesn't automatically close the dialog anymore. Why did you break it tho? It was working perfectly ....
  • (2022-10-15) Mateusz P.: The best connector between KeePass and your browser. Constantly improved UI and functionality. Big thank you for all hard work!
  • (2022-09-11) Nicolás Fernández: Funciona excelente.
  • (2022-09-04) Android User: 修正されました->最近のバージョンで日本語が文字化けするようになりました。 thanks for fix -> multi-byte fonts are garbled in recent versions.
  • (2022-08-14) Connor Rae: Absolute must-have extension if you use KeePass!
  • (2022-07-17) Andreas “Bex” Beckmann: Installiert auf einem Chromebook mit (Lese-)Zugriff auf eine kdbx-Datei. Das funktioniert auch. Aber viele Einträge werden nicht gefunden, weil die Webadresse nicht komplett dem gespeicherten Eintrag entspricht. Da wäre eine Suchfunktion ganz praktisch um auch Teile einer Adresse zu finden.
  • (2022-07-07) Daniel Maticzka: Absolute life-saver. Would not want to live without it.
  • (2022-07-06) Kris Erickson: Amazing, has made KeePass even more useful than it already was. Requires a bit of technological understanding, but after setting up KeePass HTTP following the instructions on https://github.com/pfn/keepasshttp/ it is pretty easy to get working.
  • (2022-06-24) Roger Lurker: Very useful extension for multiple browsers. Never have to worry about changing a saved password in one browser then having to update the others. Simple and reliable. Great little program. I had zero problems installing on my PC just followed the directions provided.
  • (2022-06-20) Francesco Gapito: unfortunately since this morning the plugin does not work anymore. It ask me to "grant the access" through plugin popop, I click on Proceed but nothing happen. Can someone help me?
  • (2022-06-19) Jacek Wiślicki: Perfect. Plugin versions for Chrome, Opera, Edge and Firefox allow having a common KeePass database with no need to remember passwords in each browser.
  • (2022-05-14) linerd 2: entries in database with http(s)://domain_name.com/ , yet this plugin says can't match any entries in subdomain. why?
  • (2022-04-30) Martin F.: Funktioniert absolut einwandfrei, ich bin begeistert! Danke an die Entwickler für dieses nützliche Plugin. Funktioniert mit Chrome und Brave natürlich ebenso.
  • (2022-04-11) Carlos Rengifo: Excelente!...
  • (2021-09-30) 平井伸治: This extension no longer works with the "Save a new Login Form in KeePass" feature on the Brave browser. This may be a problem with the Brave browser.
  • (2021-09-07) Nikhil Jain: I'm not able to generate TOTP using this plugin: created this string: Key: KPH: otp Value: key:HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ but when I click on OTP on the KeePassHelper Interface, it did not do anything, is this feature working? edit: this is not my actual key :)
  • (2021-08-22) gg100 nnikki: very good ,the best plugin for chrome with the keepass thanks a lot
  • (2021-05-19) Habib M: This extension actually works as I would want it. It gives you full and easy control about which credentials you want to enter onto a website. well made. Thank you to the team and anyone that helped make this keepass extension.
  • (2021-04-24) Marco Brandizi: Doesn't work. The direct file support says that argon2 isn't implemented. The KeePassXC integration fails to interact with KeePassXC, doesn't get any credential from it and attempts to save yield something like: couldn't communicate with KeePassXC, did you grant permission (which I did).
  • (2021-03-04) Matej Svec: used to work fine with my local keepass but suddenly stopped working yesterday :( no amount of reinstalls etc. help
  • (2021-02-17) Bogdan Hlevca: This is an excellent plugin. Those who rated one star did not know how to make it work
  • (2020-11-04) Mateusz Borowski: Skróty klawiszowe nie działają :(
  • (2020-09-05) Bob Stockdale: Really great extension. Works really well
  • (2020-08-15) Brian Davies: A very useful extension. Basic and reliable and does all I need. Recommended.
  • (2020-07-12) West Point: Kind of a spamware. Will automatically add pop-ups on your computer without consent.
  • (2020-06-26) Dave Wells: Ive been using it for month or two and love this extension. I was using other KeePass extensions, but this one is much easier to use, and packs more features too.
  • (2020-04-02) Zdenka Viktorová: Most of the web doesn't match the fields for username and password. Useless.
  • (2019-11-07) Sven Hüßner: When clicked it usually does what it's supposed to but it doesn't do things reliably automatic. Neither do the hotkeys work. It's ok, but it's not good.
  • (2019-04-23) Diagramm: Отлично!
  • (2019-03-21) Lukasz Remkowicz: nie działa
  • (2019-02-27) Stephane Grobety: Very nice extension. As long as you understand a bit of what you're doing, setting it up is a breeze and it works very well
  • (2018-10-09) Oxana Bogucki: Отлично
  • (2018-03-09) Shailen Sobhee: Has bugs: The Password (P) option does not work. When I am on a site where a password was stored, I click on the Chrome Extension icon. I see the site's entry with the username. Pressing P, or even on the button does not reveal the password that was initially set. Buggy.
  • (2017-08-13) Furo Jumbo: Non functional. Did not connect to KeepassHTTP
  • (2017-08-04) Gus Dunn: So far so good. LOVE the interface so much more than ChromIPass which I normally use. But I just started using it so take it for what its worth.
  • (2017-03-28) Shadow Boss: Установил вместо расширения chromeIPass. Всё работает хорошо. --------- Installed instead of the chromeIPass extension. Everything works well.


40,000 history
4.0 (77 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-24 / 0.8.2
Listing languages
