Description from extension meta
Get movie info and aggregated movie ratings (IMDB and RT) quickly - rather than having to go search for reviews.
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Description from store
Just select the text (usually the movie title) on any web page, right click the selection and choose "Get movie info". A handy popup will appear on your screen, showing an 'at-a-glance' summary of the movie details, scores from Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB and an overall average score (based on IMDB reviews and Rotten Tomatoes critics and audience ratings). The over all score, the "Movie Wrap Score", is weighted depending on your personal preferences. Don't care about Tomatometer? Ignore it when calculating the score. Think that IMDB ratings are meh? Make them only weigh 40% towards the total score.
Note: Permissions to read and change data on all websites is required in order for the extension to be able to show the pop-up on any website you happen to select the movie title from.
*** This extension is under active development. More features to come soon. If you have any suggestions please leave comments in the reviews section. Stay tuned for further updates! ***
- Added weighted Movie Wrap Score, you can choose which ratings you value more in the options page!
Latest reviews
- (2018-04-15) Marcelo Sena: No longer works
- (2015-10-21) Marc Argent: I never realised how much I needed this in my life until now! So easy to see whether or not a film's worth watching, without having to go open a new tab and go to Rotten Tomatoes. Superb!
- (2015-10-21) Nicole Ekvall: Very helpful and practical! Less clicking for quick and easy info.
4.2 (5 votes)
Last update / version
2015-10-28 / 0.40
Listing languages