Description from extension meta
Changes the behaviour of Google Images™ so that clicking on an image thumbnail takes you directly to the full-size image.
Image from store
Description from store
Google updated their search results page, which broke this extension some time ago. This release fixes this issue.
Google Images forces you through an intermediate preview step when trying to view an image from their images search result page.
Sometimes, I'd prefer to just go directly to the URL of the fullsize image. This extension detects when your browser has arrived at a Google Images preview page and provides a simpler way to get at the full-size image.
Version 2.0 (6 November 2013)
- Updated to work with Google's new search results page format.
Version 1.6 (2 October 2012)
- Updated the manifest file to the new format (was preventing the extension from being installed)
- Rewrote a lot of the code to change the way the tab handling is done
- Added "View original website" and "View Google Images preview" links to the full-size image display page
Version 1.5 (15 September 2011)
- Fixed a major issue introduced when Google changed the structure of their URLs which broke the previous version.
- Removed the additional links added below the image in the previous version.
Version 1.4 (28 Mar 2011)
- Added browser toolbar button to toggle the extension on and off
- Can now use the browser's back/forward buttons to switch between Google Images preview and the full-size image.
- Added useful options below the full-size image
- Slight name change to comply with the Chrome Web Store's branding guidelines
Version 1.3 (23 Aug 2010)
- bugfix to support domain (thanks Nos402)
Version 1.2 (3 Aug 2010)
- Added new icons
Version 1.1 (3 Aug 2010)
- Detection update
Version 1.0 (2 Aug 2010)
- Initial release
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-23) Agiver Reviga: Not working.
- (2023-05-21) IM'PRESS RAHMAN: Not working
- (2023-04-28) Matthew J: Apparently used to work a long time ago but now no longer works. Crazy how there are so many recent negative reviews yet the total review score is still excellent.
- (2023-04-23) English_Lessons Pre-Int_Intermediate: 3 stars so that the other suers were not encouraged to click this page and install this soft, and waste time. I would have given it 1 star, but I suppose this extension still helps the users with older versions of edge, so let them not think this thing does not work. It possibly does, on older version. My new updated version does not show any functionalty like the one promised in the description. I click the images in Google Image search results and I ger redirected to the site with this image, and what I origanally wanted does not happen - the image does not open in full size after I click Google Image results.
- (2022-05-29) Quasarist Magnetar!: doesn't work for Microsoft Edge, at all!
- (2022-05-03) Michæl Alan Baker: I don't "hate it" its simply has not been updated since 2013 and no longer works with recent versions of Chrome.
- (2022-04-09) Владислав: Not working
- (2021-11-15) woo ruis: it doesn't work? i've already refreshed a few times
- (2021-10-20) Max P: 1. Learn to say hello in description its a kinda blog 2. Not working
- (2021-07-11) Sander Poks: No longer works
- (2021-07-08) Sod Almighty: Does not work
- (2021-05-16) Stanton McCandlish: No longer works. This is probably fixable by the developer. Google just changed whatever this was working around, so the workaround no longer works around it.
- (2021-03-26) Mojtaba Vahdati: I don't hate it (as Google is interpreting one-star ratings) I just want to let others know that it's not working. With all the thanks to the dev team for what they made and worked in 2013. But no, it doesn't work anymore now (in 2021).
- (2021-02-03) J Nevinsky: Broken. Abandonware.
- (2021-01-23) behrouz 40: Does not work
- (2020-12-14) ASADF ASF: Doesn't work at all
- (2020-10-21) Joseph Brewster: I used to love this extension, but it just doesn't work now. DEAR DEV: PLEASE UPDATE!
- (2020-04-08) Diego Parra: No esta funcionando hace un tiempo
- (2020-03-19) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
- (2020-03-06) H. Pliev: Was good, but USELESS NOW
- (2020-03-01) Gzz Nox: Ha dejado de funcionar. Una pena.
- (2020-02-24) Claire Medcalf: this WAS the greatest extension in the world - now it doesn't work anymore
- (2020-02-23) leafbelly: Stopped working. Worked great for about a month or so, then suddenly stopped. It would be nice if this were updated.
- (2020-02-05) Fox Box: Does not work any more
- (2020-01-13) Jason: Used it for a year with no problems but it recently has stopped working for me. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling but the problem persists. Please fix!!
- (2020-01-12) Pasha Azad: Doesn't work
- (2020-01-10) Alejandro González: Iba genial pero ha dejado de funcionar. Ayuda!!
- (2019-10-25) WintersKing: Oct 2019, was getting mad at google images opening thumbnails instead of the full sized image, this fixed that
- (2019-09-03) Oh Sheri: So here is an improvement if you can do. Opening on a new window would be great because if I click on one image and then have to click another one I have to go back. Can you please add link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); after link.setAttribute('href', href);
- (2019-08-27) Rodrigo Bermejo: Google se puso la gorra, esté plugin es lo más, solo hacer click y abre la imagen en alta.
- (2019-05-26) Anonymous A.: Opening in new tab doesn't work, only way to use is to click on the image, which disrupts the entire search by opening the single image in the tab. You have to go back in your browser to look at each new image. Doesn't really make the process easier as it should. Also, too difficult to visit the website associated with the image.
- (2019-04-25) Enis Kaan Dervish: amazinggg!!! thanks dude
- (2018-10-24) mohamed osman: doesn't work anymore
- (2018-08-03) Justin Everhardus: Works very well, my suggestion to people stating that it doesn't work should refresh their search a few times for the first time as sometimes the extension needs a minute to activate once installed, after which, it works perfectly.
- (2018-07-01) George Cooke: THANKS it works!
- (2018-05-22) JUN SEOP LEE: 구글 이미지 검색 결과에서 이미지 클릭하면 이미지만 화면에 표시되어 다운로드/스크랩하기에 딱 좋습니다. 가령 핀터레스트pinterest 이미지가 구글이미지 검색에 많이 나오는 편인데, 핀터레스트 페이지로 가지 않고 이미지를 즉시 보게 되어 스크랩하기 유용해요.
- (2018-05-17) sergio prieto sierra: EXcelente pero que hacer si no funciona como la reparo
- (2018-04-22) Sergio Mixer: la verdad esta muy bueno,me re salvo
- (2018-04-16) Семён Корчевский: Nice. Would be even nicer though, if normal click worked as intended, but middle-mouse-click would open the full image.
- (2018-03-15) ʞɔᴉɹʇɐd: can you make a firefox version?
- (2018-03-15) Tupac_Senpai: It works
- (2018-02-20) Jordan Backman: Recently Google changed their image search and got rid of the button that links directly to the image file. That was a function I used dozens of times a day. This app saved me from a lifetime of using Bing.
- (2018-02-18) Officer Gregory Stevens: You probably had no idea how useful this would become when you wrote it! All who use Google Images should use this addon. Just don't tell Google.. which is kind of what I'm doing now. It works well. Just control click is my advice, to open full-sized in a new tab.
- (2018-02-17) Annie J: Works brilliantly. I've installed it because Google images removed the click on image. Love it.
- (2018-02-16) Chris s: Worked after refreshing a couple of times. I like it, but wish I could set a keybind + Click to open the picture, since View Original Image is no longer a thing and thus this extension could be very relevant.
- (2018-02-16) Mangerive: Google have removed the "View Source" option and rather than having to right click and open image in new tab, I can now just left click once and I get the image full screen. Thanks dsmith!
- (2018-02-16) Alexander Harding: This is great. Thanks to Google removing the "view source" button, I think this extension will get a lot more popular.
- (2018-02-15) mepizzasmangled: This is about to get seriously popular
- (2018-01-27) Nishandx De Zoysa: Does not work Chrome V64 Windows 10 Pro (64Bit) Clicking and image in google image search takes me to the original site
- (2017-02-24) GAG ABRAHAM: Klasss