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Remove Pinterest from Google search results
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If your'e looking for something that will keep Pinterest out out of your image searches, you've found it.
Whenever you do an image search, Unpinterested! will modify your query to tell Google to not return results from Pinterest. And it works, too.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-01) Cary Kingdom: Unfortunately it messes up the results of several normal searches, like searching for a location in maps or entering numbers to use google as a calculator. It continues appending the -site:pinterest to the end and giving weird results. A good idea but needs some tweaking.
- (2023-01-22) John Martin: It does anything to my image search results, which is what most people would want it for, but maybe this machine is too old. (Win7, Chrome 108.)
- (2022-12-28) Luca S: i like this because i dont have to manually remove pinterest every time i google something. a couple downsides: i still see pinterest results in the google images tab, but that is probably google's fault for being such a terrible search engine. the other downside is that i do have to manually remove the tag when i do a search on maps in order to return results. it would be great if something was added to prevent this
- (2022-12-11) robert fisher: Not working for me. Image searches are still cluttered with useless pintrest links. Works ok for normal searches, but that's not what I need it for, and not what it says it does...
- (2022-09-05) Chris Edwards: The extension works great. It sometimes doesn't remove all the Pinterest results, but it removes 99% of them, and the few remaining are much lower among the search results. This is great because Pinterest images rarely contain any info about an image's content or original source, or Pinterest prevents you from expanding an image (unless you create an account with them), and thus its results are usually often useless. This filter extension frequently saves me time and frustration.
- (2022-07-31) Beverly White: It works!
- (2022-04-12) Sean O'Brien: It lowers the pin results but doesn't remove.
- (2022-03-21) Matt A: Doesn't work, pintrest still shows up in my searches
- (2022-03-19) ColdWater: works like a charm
- (2022-02-10) Armando Cifuentes González: It works as expected, but it blocks some Google functionalities like the live score of the sports, the calculator, the trade rates, etcetera. And, if you go to the Maps option, you need to delete the parameter -site:pinterest.*.
- (2022-01-06) Scott LaPoint: Does what it says. Unfortunately, it won't return Map results since the extension isn't recognized among addresses. You have to physically remove the extension to get map results.
- (2021-12-03) Michał K: Finally! Thank you.
- (2021-11-30) Technae: pintrerest is a waste of google image search results
- (2021-11-10) Paulo Munir Peres Uequed: It. Just. Works. Marvelous!
- (2021-10-03) Kasper Kvaale: It works - "Pinterest gone from searches" = I love you Sello..! I hate / hated Pinterest.. Now I can concentrate my hate for more important contesters for my negative energy! May all contribute !
- (2021-09-03) AJ: hot garbage that does literally nothing. running chrome on a Lenovo Duet with all current updates as of 9/03/21, and pinterest shows up on all searches regardless of how many times I restart or turn it on/off. don't waste your time on it.
- (2021-08-23) Dan C: Kind of pointless. All it does is add : -site:pinterest.* to your searches. Which in itself is redundant, all you have to do is search for something and put -pinterest at the end and it'll remove everything related to Pinterest, you don't need an extension to do something so simple, especially if you're already typing the search in the first place.
- (2021-08-17) Jesse Watkins: i have been using this extension for few months and it worked very well. but, can you make new extension that hide Actress Nicholle Tom links from Google and other search engines? because i hate her in general since the 1990s. she is not my cup of tea
- (2021-06-07) Steven Spencer: Works a treat. Seeing there are 20k+ other people who have installed this extension makes me feel like I'm part of a community for people who hate pinterest. We should organise a rally.
- (2021-04-17) Jessica B: Worked fine before I disabled it for a bit then reenabled it. Doesn't work now.
- (2021-04-16) Agus: Yes!!!! This is exactly what I needed
- (2021-04-15) Jordan Blair: There's a special place in heaven for you.
- (2021-04-08) Brique Zallivam: Can't believe someone had to develop an addon to solve the pinterest problem. Anyways, thanks for doing just that, you just took a big piece of annoyance right out of my life.
- (2021-03-27) David Thornton: YES!!! Thank you so much! Works flawlessly!
- (2021-03-26) Patrick van Houte: Great invention, works perfectly.
- (2021-02-23) ziplock9000: All this does is add "-site:pinterest.*" to your search term.
- (2021-02-20) Will Harris: Perfect! Exactly what I needed! Finally can actually find the sources for the images I'm looking for.
- (2021-02-13) Walter Rego: Nice! Works fine in chromium.
- (2021-02-13) Jonathan McBrien: Installed, refreshed a search results page and boom! No more Pinterest. I feel I should be impressed with Pinterest's SEO, on the other hand it's become so pervasive it's like dealing with weeds in a garden. This extension's great in that it solves a real problem, affecting real people. We're researching bathroom furniture for our home and navigating round the Pinterest nonsense made it incredibly frustrating. Thanks to the dev for the extension. As I sit here enjoying my coffee (researching bathroom furniture) enjoy the tip for the extension.
- (2021-02-06) Paul Rail: THIS PREVENTS GOOGLE MAPS FROM RETURNING ANY SEARCH RESULTS! CONFIRMED. So I had to remove it (which fixed Google Maps search results). Other love this idea. Developers see if you can fix this issue and I will change my review to 5 stars.
- (2021-02-05) Auro: Acceptable for web search results, but the extension breaks Google Maps search results completely. Any maps search will come up with "Google Maps can't find [address I'm searching for]" and nothing else. Disabling the extension via the Unpinterested! settings or Chrome's Extensions page resolves this, but I'm not about to turn this extension off and then on again every time I need to use Google Maps.
- (2021-01-26) G: Same problem as everyone else, it destroys your google maps searches which is very annoying.
- (2021-01-17) Michael Ottinger: I LOVE this extension. The only problem is: When it's on, Google Maps doesn't work. EVEN THOUGH it doesn't put "-site:pinterest.*" into the search bar, Maps still can't find anything except specific addresses. So if you type "grocery store," Google Maps can't find anything. Even "123 Main Street" doesn't work. You have to type "123 Main St." and even then it's extremely picky. But even so, this extension is so great, it's still worth having to turn it off every time I use Google Maps.
- (2021-01-12) Adrian Torres: works perfectly , 1/12/2021
- (2021-01-05) L. L. Yarbrough: I'm rating a five because I didn't know how much I loved this extension until it quit working. It quit working 1/5/21 at about 4pm Central time. I removed and reinstalled. Still not working. Pinterest is a f*****ing cancer.
- (2020-12-30) Shawn Setnicky: Pure garbage, because when this is enabled it makes Google Maps not function at all. You search for ANYTHING and it's not found. had to remove this extension.
- (2020-12-23) Nick Aschenbecker: Finally, after putting up with this illegal site's data pollution for, what? 10 years? Something that permanently removes it without me having to type in the exclusion script each and every time I use Google. To put it bluntly, whoever made this, you're a mensch.
- (2020-12-11) keith wren: How wonderful to remove that. revolting Virus sucking blood from google search!!! many many THANKS!!!!
- (2020-12-11) Lawkey: Idk if it's me that don't know how to use it but when I use reverse image search, the extension don't work. If I do a "normal" search it's okay, but tbh I needed the extension to find art sources easily without being drowned by pinterest reposts so... If it's doesn't filter for reverse image search it's useless to me.
- (2020-12-06) Jason Merrell: Installed extension, made sure it was on, did a Google image reverse search, nearly every result was pinterest. If it still lets every other country's pinterest results through, it isn't useful. I don't want pinterest, period.
- (2020-12-05) Dustin Short: Works great at adding a " -site:pinterest.*" tag to every google search to filter out pinterest. Unfortunately the implementation also seems to break google maps (couldn't search for restaurants when enabled, disabling immediately allowed restaurant search to work properly again). I checked and there wasn't a way to exclude the extension from the maps page easily, so had to uninstall.
- (2020-12-01) Арсений Веденин: This is amazing, I've been looking for the way to get rid of the useless ointerest links and images in search for ages, thank you very much!
- (2020-11-24) Pescadix: Funciona, gracias por poner un nuevo parche ya no me aparece nada de printrest♥
- (2020-11-22) C H: Does not appear to be working in the main search nor in image results.
- (2020-11-21) Dee G: Bless you! I've been trying to figure out how to remove pinterest from chrome for years. Best creation since sliced bread :P
- (2020-11-18) Peter Ferguson: It appears that it gets rid of sites, but seems to allow sites. So the majority of Pinterest links are disabled, some are still sneaking through. This app should really disable all pinterest sites with various country extensions.
- (2020-11-17) Brandon Harrison: This extension plugs a Google search modifier every time you search on google. While it works for its intended purpose of removing pinterest search results, it also breaks a few things. The biggest bug, for me, is searching VIA google maps. The extension continues to place the -site:"pinterest modifier, which google interprets as part of the search string and then returns 0 results of nearby businesses. Again, it works for its intended use case, but has some unforeseen issues crop up in wider use.
- (2020-11-17) Zoogle: Great extension. It's just too bad that we even need a 3rd party piece of software to fix the cancer of Pinterest. Would have been nicer if Google would just cut them off from all search results and let that awful site die.
- (2020-11-10) jk w: 5/5 this extension makes you have a longer lifespan for sure!
- (2020-10-24) Jonny Wonderland: Great but breaks maps I love this extension but using it totally screws up it makes it come up with no results even if you delete the -site functionality. I use maps on a daily basis so I'm constantly having to toggle this extension off and on. If it could be written to not function when using maps that would be great.