extension ExtPose

Search Center

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Description from extension meta

Quickly Search & re-search multiple sites without having to type your search terms again and again

Image from store Search Center
Description from store Quickly search your favorite sites & search engines without having to re-type your search every time. Includes engines like google, wikipedia, imdb, amazon, twitter, ebay or easily add your favourite websites. Autopopulates with selected text or previous search. Please add ideas suggestions to; here or: (new) Angry Turtle Google Group http://groups.google.com/group/angryturtle/topics Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/AngryTurtleLtd Version History 4.0 updated to manifest V2 3.7.x fixing bugs and preparing for manifest 2 3.7.0 Search current site button on popup 3.6.0 Toggle Searchbar 3.5.0 Searchbar hotkey is now customisable Suggestions are less invasive 3.4.0 Context Menu Drag to Move 3.3.0 Can rename groups Updated popup UI 3.2.0 Group Engines 3.1.0 tab search disable search bar 3.0.0 hot key search bar (ctrl + q) 2.9.0 Pin engines for multi-search 2.8.0 Disable suggestion Small icons 2.70 Rightclick search box for history can export/import engines from options page 2.6.0 search suggestion when typing fixed last site & features bug 2.5.0 search History can set the default engine to the last engine used 2.4.0 can edit website details in options default search is now the first website on the list default search button now responds to right click 2.3.0 right click multi-search (does not close the popup) 2.2.0 quick key searches e.g a default search for "food /w" will search wikipedia for food 2.1.0 can now reorder engines default search on a selected Url will open that Url directly new features page 2.0.0 will remember searches from the address bar, if the the website matches search center's websites. 1.9.0 shift+enter will search the current site (in popup) support for mycroft.mozdev.org definitions 1.8.0 & below Ability to train websites Image cache speeds up loading, (Thanks PAEz!) Can automatically add many websites Middle click opens new tab,left clicks opens in same tab. (Thanks PAEz!) Open search in same tab (set in options menu) Remembers google address bar searches including other countries domains (e.g co.uk) Default search added (press enter ) Manual add search engines (in options) selected text will appear in pop Tim Ker

Latest reviews

  • (2023-06-07) Max Morais: Tem boas opções como de agrupar buscas e exportar, mas tô tendo problemas para adicionar novos provedores de pesquisa como Bing e Startpage. Mesmo usando os parâmetros de URL indicados pelos próprios provedores, não funciona.
  • (2023-06-02) Carl Tessel: V helpful
  • (2022-08-11) R R: Would be great but my custom search engines disappear everytime I restart my browser. I've spent a great deal of time getting Search Center just right only to have it disappear. Anyone know how to prevent the search engines from disappearing? Are there similar extensions that work better?
  • (2021-07-29) Erick: A must have if you do lots of research
  • (2021-07-23) Blaze: When changing computer the fact that you cannot export or sync means you have to go back and do all the work you did
  • (2021-04-29) Ronel Priela: When I press Ctrl + Q ,The search center bar is glitching, sometimes it would pop multiple icons, sometimes it would show multiple search bars
  • (2021-04-24) Amir Work: Could be improved if Search Center was accessible from the URL bar. For example, in the URL bar I could type "sc car" and then searchcenter will search the term car on all of the search engines configured.
  • (2021-01-30) Robin Ilar: Roaring Kitty brought me here
  • (2021-01-28) Ryan Yeoh: Great idea, but doesn't open most of the time and a lot of search engines cannot be used if they don't have a search result page (for example the search bar uses a dropdown list)
  • (2020-03-01) m: Fantastic extension - thank you so much! Currently the default search is supposed to be the first item on the list, but this doesn't work when the first item on the list is a group [of search engines]. If it isn't too much trouble, would you mind adjusting this feature to accommodate groups as the default search? Thanks!
  • (2019-12-26) 匚卄丨丂丨几卄卂: To make sure you don't lose your search engines, use the "Export Engines" in the "Manage Engines" and save the text file for backup.
  • (2019-12-22) Ted E.: Excellent extension. I can't live without it! Would you be able to add an option to search multiple engines at the same time and open them in their own tabs? Maybe add a checkbox to select the desired engines. If so, I'd gladly give you more stars once I figure out how. LOL
  • (2019-02-10) N. Elizabeth Sparks: I had to give three stars as until last week it was AWESOME. It's gone from completely reliable, to incredibly annoying. For some reason, I click to search and WAIT abnormally long, so perhaps it's myself I'm more annoyed with. My pc was down temporarily, so found myself double clicking, hitting enter etc... Ugh. Alright, not sure what happened as I don't see any other adverse reviews, but hoping it can be fixed or I'll have to figure something else out. My laptop treats Chrome like the enemy as it wants me to use pre-installed Bing etc... so couldn't use the existing search box and was thrilled to find your handiwork. I've never written a review for an extension, rarely use them, but... Thanks in advance for the fix! ~Elizabeth
  • (2018-12-20) Will Gao: 为什么不更新了??按tab跳到要用的搜索后,在按回车不起作用。
  • (2018-12-18) Filip Gerchev (dazee): Very Useful!!! Only thing I would improve is when searching through Hotkey(Ctrl+Q) + Enter make it search in the same tab. I use it at work its excellent
  • (2018-11-23) James Davis: Unlike the reviewer below, I've had no problems with it. Tried many search extensions and this is the best search method I've found. Allows you to use any search engines rather than confining you to certain ones. Easy to add hard to add search using the "searchcenter" keyword.
  • (2018-09-06) Great and easy to use !
  • (2018-07-30) mark audacity romberg: Can't reliably get Search Center window to pop up. Sometimes it opens after I've typed something in the Omnibox, sometimes not, sometimes on empty new tabs, sometimes not.
  • (2018-06-24) Surinam Toad: kinda slow, pops after over 1s
  • (2017-12-24) Ruslan Baleshta: A great extension. It would be very good to add an option to have a possibility to change the order of search engines in options → manage engines to improve it yet. Thank you very much.
  • (2017-09-30) Lor Pal: Muy muy bueno, como detecta las paginas y me encanto poder editar los motores de búsqueda. El mejor hasta ahora. El único problema es que a veces tarda en aparecer y no se borra el contenido en la caja de búsqueda.
  • (2017-07-05) IceLancer SR: Its not using my search engines already defined in chrome and imported from firefox i do not want to make a lot of new engines all over again
  • (2017-04-16) Mohammad Ridwan: Please add the ability to add more than 30 engines!! Not enough!
  • (2017-03-27) Ahmed Samy: very useful and very easy,Please add an option that u can search group of engines in the same tabs instead of opening in new tabs would be great, thanks.
  • (2017-02-16) Katarina 素文 (素文): Very useful. And I hope I can add and manage more engines with Search Center.
  • (2016-09-25) FRed IntheMiX: very useful, I hope the author will continue to maintain it
  • (2016-07-29) Best Giveaways Free Bonuses: The best extension for searching anything 5 STARS
  • (2016-05-14) Aleksander Paruzel: Looks very nice, but doesn't work correctly on Vivaldi. I can't delete any search engine, sadly.
  • (2016-02-05) Christopher Mischler: On its own, it's nice to be able to select different search engines quickly; but the real usefulness is in its "folders" option. You can add multiple search engines to a "folder" and when you search/click that folder, it'll open a tab for each of the engines. This is *super* helpful when I'm doing product research & need to open 3-4 different sites every time I want to look at a product details or price.
  • (2016-01-26) David W. Levingston: I love this, thank you
  • (2015-11-15) Richard Strawn: Okay this is a great idea!!
  • (2015-11-13) jerry zhang: wonderfull project! we really appreciate your work! My suggestion is that ,Could if the key word will be kept in a period of time. Otherwise,we cannot,use the bar with the older "key word",continuously. Meanwhile,we dont need the key -word one-day later. thx for your reading!
  • (2015-10-29) Daniel Yin: great addon with everything that needed, thank u!
  • (2015-10-12) Василий Данилов: Добавьте синхронизацию между разными компьютерами.
  • (2015-09-14) Alexander Lapotko: На некоторых российских сайтах кодировка запроса неправильная.
  • (2015-06-04) Adlaric Cao: 扩展程序经常损坏,修复后自定的搜索引擎设置就会消失

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-20, v:4.0.1) ringdoc nada: search center was taken off chrome and when I try to add it i get the message an error occur Could not move extension directory into profile.Acropolis Athens Greece
    when I try to add it i get the message an error occur Could not move extension directory into profile I really love this extension it is so useful
  • (2023-03-11, v:4.0.1) JK: Search url
    Hi, what is the placeholder to insert in the search url of the target website: {} and %s do both not work for me, can you help us ? Thanks
  • (2021-07-06, v:4.0.1) Maverick: About paste funciton and text encoding.
    Thank you for your great extension. I have 2 little suggestions. (1) Could you enable copy and paste funcitons in the search bar? That'd make searching more efficient. (2) Could you enable more options for text encoding,say GBK etc. ? That'd make this extension better support more languages especially when it comes to adding new search engines based on various languages. Thank you again! Best regards!
  • (2021-04-09, v:4.0.1) Fady Garis: Search Center
    Hello, I just started using search center. I added like 8 websites, then I created a new category for "all" to search all 8 websites in the same time. My issue is that when when they all open up, they dont search the word in the websites. Only 4 of the websites do like twitter, google, and maybe 1 more. One of the websites like seeking alpha just opens the website, it does not search the word. If you can help me with that, i would greatly appreciate it.
  • (2021-03-29, v:4.0.1) Aamir Nasir: The Search Engines Resets Itself After I Exit Chrome
    can you suggest a fix? google chrome is up to date and everything is all updated and clean af
  • (2021-02-26, v:4.0.1) Nick Sanders: Adding a group is limited
    Attempting to create a search all function via the group option. When I create a new group, I'm limited to only four sites. How can I add more than four sites to a group?
  • (2021-02-23, v:4.0.1) J B: Change order?
    How can I change the order of engines in the search center? I would like to change the visual order as well as the order in which the tabs open. Thanks!
  • (2021-02-20, v:4.0.1) Vinh Nguyen: Searching for a keyword on multiple websites at once?
    Hi, I'm trying to have a keyword I search open up on multiple websites at once. For example, searching for "Lakers" and opening up the search query for Lakers on espn.com and yahoo.com in two new tabs. How would I do this?
  • (2021-02-15, v:4.0.1) Nick Riggi: Takes a long time for menu to open after I click it
    It takes a good amount of time for the menu to open to me, sometimes not opening at all.
  • (2021-02-08, v:4.0.1) Vladimir Olchanski: Hotkey arrow
    Is there a way to tab from the searchbar to navigate through the search engines to avoid using the mouse? Currently the tab button toggles between the searchbar and the 'options' button. Would be great if there was a way to tab in between the engines or to use the arrow keys to navigate.
  • (2021-02-05, v:4.0.1) Eddie L: Group search
    Thx for the extension. Is there a way to get all the websites to pop-up simultaneously on a search or do I need to click each site separately? Thx again.
  • (2021-02-01, v:4.0.1) M.W. Lucas: 'ALL' Search Tab
    I am trying to create a "ALL" tab so I can have all pages search simultaneously. Not sure if there is an option available, or you have to customize it but I have watched people have this function.
  • (2021-01-31, v:4.0.1) Paul M: Getting the search pages to appear
    Is there any documentation to support exactly how we get the correct search pages to come up? It appears for most websites it doesn't work and either wont search the added websites or leads to a dead ends.
  • (2021-01-28, v:4.0.1) HAK: Multiple Searches One Click
    Is there way I can click one button and tabs open with searches for all the engines I've set-up. So for example, if I'm searching for The Matrix and I click a button, it opens tabs from; Google, Wikipedia, IMDB etc without me having to search for each search engine individually? Thank you
  • (2021-01-21, v:4.0.1) Jesse Meisler-Abramson: Search All
    Hi, I would like to add a search all button - i know it is possible but currently when i search only the top search comes up. Thanks
  • (2019-02-21, v:4.0.1) James Nicolai: how to get the icon url of Longman dictionary
    I cannot get get the icon url of Longman dictionary. Does anyone know how to get it ?
  • (2019-01-26, v:4.0.1) Дмитрий М.: Copy search query from omnibox
    When the search query is already entered in omnibox, when I open Search Center's panel, that search query should be automatically copied into Search Center's search field. Further details: https://github.com/timker/SearchCenter/issues/4
  • (2018-07-11, v:4.0.1) Alucard: Поиск по открытому сайту
    На открытом сайте не ищет слова, хотя есть иконка поиска. Или добавьте эту возможность, что бы искать на открытом сайте нужные слова, а не через CTRL F. Заранее спасибо!
  • (2018-02-04, v:4.0.1) Denys Titarenko: Doesn't work properly with cyrillic symbols
    Doesn't work properly with cyrillic symbols
  • (2018-02-04, v:4.0.1) Denys Titarenko: Hotkeys
    It would be nice to use hotkey to choose search engine. Now i can't to choose it even through Tab button - it jumps from search text box to options. Thank you.
  • (2017-12-04, v:4.0.1) Danilo Santos: Support to New Tab
    It would be great if the app created a page in a new tab or replaced the Chrome search area
  • (2017-12-04, v:4.0.1) Danilo Santos: Keyboard Shortcut
    Example: Shift + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
  • (2017-12-04, v:4.0.1) Danilo Santos: Multiple Regex and Links
    This app could be used for other functions like go out and log in from Facebook [email protected], 123 facebook/logout.php facebook/login?searchcenter1&searchcenter2
  • (2017-07-11, v:4.0.1) Complex Carbivorous: Cannot add search engine from Mycroft
    Cannot add search engine from Mycroft web site anymore )o:
  • (2017-07-02, v:4.0.1) Limit auto suggestions..
    - option to limit amount of suggestions from the search box - option to search multiple search engines
  • (2016-09-20, v:4.0.1) Leo J: purchase
    we are looking to buy or purchase extensions if you thought about selling or had a price in mind please email [email protected]


10,000 history
4.3735 (249 votes)
Last update / version
2015-01-09 / 4.0.1
Listing languages
