extension ExtPose

Amazon Smile Redirect

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Description from extension meta

Ovo vas proširenje automatski preusmjerava na odgovarajuću stranicu AmazonSmile s Amazon.com.

Image from store Amazon Smile Redirect
Description from store Pomozite svojoj omiljenoj neprofitnoj organizaciji kupnjom svojih Amazon predmeta putem AmazonSmile. Pregled: Ovo će vas proširenje automatski preusmjeriti na odgovarajuću stranicu AmazonSmile, tako da nikada nećete morati upamtiti da prvo odete na AmazonSmile. Da bi vaša neprofitna organizacija imala koristi od vaše kupnje, kupnju morate dovršiti putem AmazonSmile-a. Podržana web mjesta: amazon.com amazon.co.uk amazon.de Open Source: The code for this extension is open source and can be viewed on GitHub. https://github.com/webdevnerdstuff/amazon-smile-redirect Legalna informacija: AmazonSmile i logotip AmazonSmile zaštitni su znakovi tvrtke Amazon.com, Inc. ili njenih podružnica. Proširenje nije stvorio niti odobrio Amazon. © 2020 Amazon Smile Redirect. Sva prava pridržana.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-01-19) Kirill Birger: Does what it says, and does it reliably well. Extension mostly lets you forget it's there, which is exactly the idea. However, sometimes it takes too long to redirect, and the experience is quite slow and jarring. Perhaps, this could be achieved in a different way in the future.
  • (2023-01-19) ECOGICE: Great extension have had no issues, sadly they are discontinuing Amazon Smile on February 20, 2023 :(
  • (2022-12-04) Jim B: Very useful extension! I used to use another one but it stopped working for me. This one so far has always redirected my sign-ins to AmazonSmile. I even have my bookmark for Amazon set to AmazonSmile, but, without this extension Amazon ignores the bookmarked url and tries to send me to regular Amazon. Do they not want to donate a little money to charity? Why do we need to have an extension to manually redirect to AmazonSmile if Amazon is happy to help charity causes?
  • (2022-11-01) Jimothy Z: Works great, and builds up money for charity for no effort on my part after initial setup! Amazing.
  • (2022-07-30) Amanda Rodewald: I've had this extension installed for a few years now on most of my browser identities on most of my machines, but yesterday I accidentally followed a link on my work laptop that someone else had sent me, and clicked on my cart from there... and sadly, I made the first Amazon purchase without a Smile donation that I've made since they started the program. See, that's the only problem with this extension... it is so very, very good at it's job that you'll forget you have it and forget to install it somewhere and then *bam* Amazon makes 1% more profit than they deserve off my purchase. I'm a software developer myself, so I'd like to extend my gratitude to the author for years of service with absolutely no problems or need for support, ever. I thank you, and if the National Center for Transgender Equality could thank you, they would too. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go share a link to your extension with all my Facebook friends, telling them they should have installed this the first time I told them about it a few years ago ;)
  • (2022-07-16) Irene Takacs: Works great! Thank you! It even has translations for my main language!
  • (2022-06-20) Travis Terrell: Quite slow to handle the redirect. Maybe this is a limitation of Chrome's API, but the add-on I use for this in Firefox immediately replaces the amazon.com with smile.amazon.com. Using this extension, the original Amazon.com link loads fully, then a second or 2 later, it reloads the smile equivalent. Is it possible to make it happen instantaneously? Or at least, within 1 second rather than 3-5?
  • (2022-06-16) Jonathan Talan: Works perfectly, thank you.
  • (2022-03-11) Adventiar Venatule: Works exactly as expected and is very needed. Thank You for taking the time to build this!
  • (2021-08-25) Dave Kernen: The only thing that would make this better is if it would take you straight to smile.amazon.com by clicking on the extension icon, which is exactly what the official "AmazonSmile 1Button for Chrome" extension by Amazon does. Unfortunately Amazon has discontinued/removed that extension. I still have it on one computer and it still works great. Was bummed to find it was removed from the store. Another reviewer must have confused this extension with the old official Amazon one.
  • (2021-05-07) Lisa Bottomley: Just what I needed! Thankful for a simple-but-essential extension!
  • (2021-03-30) Ian Darke: Redirects as expected. Too bad I can't install this on IOS.
  • (2021-03-28) Robbi: I've been looking for something like this for followers of Central Minnesota Wildlife! Great! Thanks!
  • (2021-03-28) Cute Bunneh Rabbits: Works exactly as advertised! Since I always forget to go to amazon smile, this does it for me automatically! :)
  • (2021-03-23) Black Thorne: It does NOT "automatically" redirect you to Amazon Smile. You click on it, and it presents a drop-down and then you have to click AGAIN to get there. That is not 'automatic'. Hated it and removed it immediately. In fact, I had to re-add it long enough to write this review and as soon as I hit submit, I will be removing it again.
  • (2021-01-22) Ali Greer: Works exactly as you'd expect. Such a simple thing that can have such a great impact on charities. Thanks for making it!
  • (2020-12-30) Chaney Goldstein: The extension works as expected, and the only complaint that I have is that it can be a little slow to actually detect the page and redirect. But, I don't think that deserves a penalty. I think it's just my patience :) Other than that, I love it and apprecaite the idea.
  • (2020-09-22) Joe Salazar: Does exactly what what it's supposed to do which happens to be exactly what I needed it for. Excellent job! Thanks!
  • (2020-08-21) M S: I love it!
  • (2020-08-16) Mark Dodd: Simple extension that keeps me on amazon smile. It's perfect.
  • (2020-07-12) g k (grescokit): I always forget to go to Smile when I order from Amazon, so this is absolutely perfect for me! Thank you, this is awesome!
  • (2020-02-21) Victoria B: I love this so much. Thank you!!!
  • (2020-02-14) Carlos Contreras: This app is awesome, finally something that gives back instead of always just taking. Please add and help those who really need it!
  • (2020-02-10) Cindy Ferrara: This extension works great! A benefit to those of us who miss the initial pop-up that asks if I want to use Smile instead! Ensures that my selected non-profit gets their rewards. Great work!
  • (2020-02-10) Baby Warm: Works just like it should. This really helps supporters of our non-profit to remember to go to Amazon Smile. Thank you for helping out non-profits.
  • (2020-02-05) Paul Querol: The concept is good and appears to generally work but seems to have a couple if major bugs in the code: 1. Will end up redirecting any website that happens to have an HTML element with an id of "nav-tools", whether or not it is related to Amazon (although it may well redirect to a broken URL in these instances) 2. The logic for redirecting to the login page will never run because `(navlineText !== "Hello. Sign in" || navlineText !== 'Hallo! Anmelden')` will never evaluate to FALSE.
  • (2020-01-24) Stanton McCandlish: Does exactly what it's supposed to. I even tested having an Amazon page open then enabling the extension and reloading the page and it redirected to Smile. Wouldn't mind if it did the job a little faster, but beggars can't be choosers. :-) It's also available in a User Script version, and even if you prefer the full-interface Extension version, you can hide the extension from the menu bar, since there's not much of a reason to have it there. A suggestion for future development: have an option in the extension icon's menu to temporarily turn off what it does, without going into chrome://extensions/ and completely disabling it. There are sometimes reason to be using Amazon that don't have to do with buying things (e.g. when testing various things), and in such cases the differences between the regular and Smile sites can require one to use the former. This would also help with Amazon ad ("sponsored" listing) blockers; I can't find one that works properly at Smile, so I have to disable Amazon Smile Redirect if I'm actively shopping for a bunch of stuff, otherwise I get spammed by all the ads; then I turn it back on or manually go to Smile when I want to place an order, or if I'm at Amazon for something very specific such that ads will not be getting in my way.
  • (2020-01-18) Amy Eisenmann: Works exactly what you need it for! Click. Load. Simple. Effective. Amazon should have this already. Thank you, developer. xoxo
  • (2019-11-09) Jim W: Has issues with Brave (Chromium Based) Browser. When activated from a link it keeps reloading until turned off.
  • (2019-10-16) Mark Wood: Works a treat - very useful - a bit more money for charity and a bit less for Jeff Bezos so what's not to like?!
  • (2019-09-05) Shaun D: broken. forces you to the creators LinkedIn page
  • (2019-07-16) Joseph Tozzi: Works great! I always forget to go to the smile site. There are other good extensions that do this, but I found this one first and haven't had any problems. Thank you to developers of all of these plugins that are out there to help non-profits!
  • (2019-04-26) Timothy Doolittle: it used to work great...one-click and you were at Amazon Smile in a new tab. I added it to a new computer, now when i click it, is shows a help display of what the addon and amazon smiles is about, which requires an extra click on a amazonsmile link to finally get to amazon. This is fine the first time, but this is broke if I it shows each time.I ended up replacing it with a bookmark toolbar shortcut.
  • (2018-12-19) David Mednikov: Great extension! Thanks to the developer that wrote this. Feature suggestion though, can it search the internet for the best price and get Amazon Smile to show that price? Would be amazing! Hope it's not too deep of a rabbit hole ;)
  • (2018-11-25) Rebecca Brusch: Works exactly like I'd expect. I haven't run into an instance yet where it hasn't worked.
  • (2018-02-23) Daniel Murray: When I click a link a product link on a website or email, it doesn't take me to smile.amazon - I need to refresh the page or manually go to Amazon and then the smile redirect works. It should automatically redirect direct links too.
  • (2017-08-20) Linda Gaddy: Truly useful add on that helps you give to charity. I used to kick myself for forgetting to go to smile.amazon.com everytime i made a purchase on amazon. Not anymore.
  • (2017-07-27) Neil J: The first few times, there was a lag between an Amazon page being displayed and then it switching to a Smile.Amazon page. Pretty sure that after the Redirect was used a few times, the lag almost entirely disappeared. In summary, when you first install Redirect, when you have an Amazon page being displayed, give it a few seconds to switch to Smile.Amazon before assuming it's not working.
  • (2017-05-11) Volkan Gül: kudos
  • (2017-01-24) Josh Dressel: It appears to be the only Amazon Smile redirect extension to play nicely with HTTPS Everywhere. The others point to http://smile.amazon.com which causes conflicts.
  • (2017-01-19) CC Express: Hasn't failed me yet. I always forget to go to smile.amazon now I never will!
  • (2017-01-12) Garrett Bartley: Now that I have this installed on all of my computers, I won't forget to use Amazon Smile and donate to my kids' school every time I place an order!
  • (2016-12-29) Bunny Fairy: Works great!


10,000 history
4.6167 (60 votes)
Last update / version
2023-05-13 / 4.0.0
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