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Earn cash back, find great deals and savings from 1000s of stores online with ShopBuddy, powered by SHOP.COM.
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Never miss a deal and earn cash back from 1000s of online stores with ShopBuddy Canada. Powered by SHOP.COM, ShopBuddy gives you easy access to great deals and coupons from Canada’s best stores.
ShopBuddy is your shopping companion, alerting you to the latest deals and coupons available, saving you both time and money. Once ShopBuddy is installed go directly to your favorite stores website and Activate Cashback to see the latest money saving offers. It’s that simple. ShopBuddy is Free, Fast and Fun. Download ShopBuddy earn cash back and starting saving today!
Learn more about earning Cashback on your purchases
Questions? See ShopBuddy Frequently Asked Questions
By installing ShopBuddy add-on / extension, you are agreeing to SHOP.COM Terms of Use located at, SHOP.COM Privacy Policy located at and End User License agreement located License in the
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-13) Carolyne Z: I used to love this extension and use it everyday. It has been working fine until December 23, 2021. Not sure what happened to the extension, it's not tracking my online shopping trips anymore. I've reinstalled/restarted my computer and laptop, not working. Hope someone from the developer team could help me solve this problem. Thank you.
- (2019-11-09) Adeel Khan: the fact that this plugin gives you cashback is one thing, but my favorite part about this extension is the amount of discounts you get using it.
- (2018-01-20) Annette Chia: Previous version shows the CashBack amount of login user. This version (as at Jan 2018) does not. Will love to see this valuable information reinstated.
- (2017-12-04) noah huang: Used to work. Just re added the app and it cannot sign me in what ever do
- (2017-12-03) Brian Quan: Used to work. Just re added the app and it cannot sign me in what ever do.
- (2017-11-20) Tianna Tettemer: IT DOES NOT WORK
- (2017-05-04) Cherry Huang: helpful app for shopping, telling the deals
- (2016-12-04) Rafiq Dhanji: Was great until it recently stopped working. Can no longer sign in! :(
- (2016-07-15) Rebecca Ni: love it! all the hot fresh deals save me lots of money and i never need to find it myself~ very convenient!
- (2016-06-15) Em Chen: Had no idea there was a Canada one!! Saves me time and money with cashback reminders and coupon codes!
- (2015-11-15) Matthew Ho: Works just as expected. Acts as safety net - ensuring you always get the best deal and potential cashback.
- (2015-09-19) jennifer wang: very good