Description from extension meta
Set of handy tweaks of popular eshops for smart customers who want to get rid of marketing tricks make their own buying decisions
Image from store
Description from store
Shoping on-line is great. The problem is, that the owners of e-shops try to use every trick to get more of our money than we are prepared to spend. They do promos and discounts, they use prices ending with 999, they say that there's only one item in stock, etc.
Well, one day I said: "Enough!" and I wrote a simple script to get rid of the most annoying things. Soon I added more and more features, so that I can shop on-line without being manipulated.
- Highlight prices with VAT - Some shops display prices without VAT, because then the goods look cheaper. The problem is, most of the customer have to pay VAT.
- Rounding of prices - 199.99 is the same to me as 200, so why let them hack my brain by displaying all the nines?
- Simplified "In stock" information - They either have it or they don't. Displaying the number of items in stock can only trigger my sense of urgency. I don't want to be rushed.
- Remove specials and discounts - I don't want to buy something I don't need, just because it is on sale.
- Remove info about loans - Look, it's always bad to get a loan to buy something. Always. Don't do it.
- Remove the in-house banners - Yeah, I get it. You want me to buy more stuff with the highest margin. But no, thank you.
- Remove badges - Hot, Top, New... Who cares? It doesn't mean anything, it's just a bling-bling to draw your eyes.
- Remove offers of insurance or extended warranty - Some people want it, some people don't. It's up to you. This feature is disabled by default.
You can turn all these features off and on in the popup. Adjust your favorite on-line shops to your needs and preferences.
Supported stores (mostly Czech, for now):
- (
- Alza (,
- Czech Computer (
- Datart (
- Kasa (
- Mall (
- Marimex (
- (United States), (United Kingdom), (Germany), (France), (Italy), (Spain), (Canada), (Japan), (China) - this extension uses Amazon's affiliate program to earn a few bucks for the future development, it doesn't have any impact on your prices
I always add support for more of your favorite on-line shops. If you'd like to see yours in the list, please, let me know at [email protected]
Thank you!
This addon requests a permission to access all web pages. Without this permission, I would have to ask for additional permissions every time I add support for another e-shop. That would be very annoying.
I promise that I don't and won't sniff or modify any other websites than the ones listed above.
- New feature - better price recommendation.
- Performance improvements.
- Better price formating when rounding.
- Removed banners from
- Better Amazon support.
- Complete rewrite to add support for virtually any e-shop.
Latest reviews
- (2014-08-19) jan kolibač: Ano ano ano! Pryč s marketingovými oblbováky! :)
- (2014-05-23) Tomáš Smolík: Perfektní doplněk , díky za něj :-)
- (2014-04-22) Jan Smetana: Add tracking JS code to ALL pages. Sorry, I don't like this behavior.
- (2013-10-03) Michal Polus: Super nastavení a opravdu to funguje. Hlavně na Alze, kde mají velké ceny bez DPH, je toto velice přínosné. Doporučuji
- (2013-02-03) Josef Němec: Super! Víc netřeba psát. Nutnost pro každého kdo nakupuje v Eshopech.
- (2013-01-04) Ondřej Čermák: Tohle je naprostá nutnost pro všechny, kdo nakupují elektroniku (a jiné věci) na czc, alze a dalších eshopech. Ceny jsou všude včetně DPH, nikde neotravují žádné "nálepky" atd., prostě geniální.
- (2012-11-22) Petr Václavík: nevyhovuje mi rozšíření, i když chápu uvedené důvody.
- (2012-11-10) DD: Super, zaokrouhlování a skrytí VAT. Well done!
- (2012-11-10) Petr Procházka: Rozšíření požaduje oprávnění: - Získat přístup k vašim datům na všech webech. - Získat přístup k vašim kartám a vyhledávací aktivitě. Dokud bude takové oprávnění požadovat tak rozšíření používat nebudu.
- (2012-11-05) Filip Mateásko: Dal bych 5 hvezd, jenze dneska mi to zahlasilo, ze tohle rozsireni by rado chtelo pridat dalsi dve opravneni a to "ziskat pristup k Vasim datum na vsech webech" a k tomu jeste "ziskat pristup k Vasim kartam a vyhledavaci aktivite". Doufam, ze je to jen nejaky omyl autora, protoze pristup ke svym kartam, vyhledavaci aktivite a vsem webum mu fakt davat nehodlam.
- (2012-10-01) Marek Jech: Geniální. Nic míň! Konečně ceny vč. DPH. Na reklamy lze ještě kliknout po straně, i když se nezobrazují.... ale to je v pohodě.
- (2012-09-30) Jozef Ostrodický: Funguje aj na Osobne by som trocha poopravil zaokruhlovanie EUR.
- (2012-09-27) Jan Olejník: Povinnost! Naprosto geniální rozšíření, Richardovi velké díky! :)
- (2012-09-27) Vojtěch Jasný: Alza by se z existence tohoto rozsireni mela poucit a zacit uvazovat jak zakaznikum nakupovanim zprijemnit, nikoli otravit.
- (2012-09-09) Martin Šturcel: super,, medailu pre teba ;)
- (2011-12-23) Konecne tak, ako to ma byt - a kludne ti aj tie percenta dam, lebo si to zasluzis :)
- (2011-12-23) Jamie Pie: Great, that I was looking for
- (2011-12-23) veľmi užitočné, vďaka