extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Free messaging any time, anywhere

Image from store LINE
Description from store Free messaging any time, anywhere LINE reshapes communication around the globe, allowing you to enjoy free messaging wherever you find yourself. Install LINE now and stay close with your favorite people. Show your emotions through expressive LINE stickers - Choose from an extensive variety of LINE stickers that perfectly capture a wide range of emotions. Large files? No problem! - Send photos and even large files up to 1 GB quickly and easily. Stay closer by creating groups - Keep in better touch with your family, school friends, and other people important to you. - Share exciting news and interesting conversations with multiple friends at once. - Easily organize your groups in a separate list. Screen capture made easy - From cute pet photos to complicated graphs, easily capture your screen and save it to a memo or share it with friends. - As long as you have the Chrome browser, you can easily use LINE Chrome to capture your screens. Enjoy secure chats with Letter Sealing - All your chat messages, calls, and shared locations can be encrypted using Letter Sealing. - Your chats are always safe in LINE! * The Chrome version of LINE is available on Chrome OS, Windows, Mac, and Linux. * Please use the official version of Chrome to experience LINE at its best.

Latest reviews

  • (2025-01-13) Dennis Huang: 看過的訊息還一直跳出提醒 很不方便
  • (2024-09-24) 淺月深嵐: 好用多了,但依然是閹割版本,至少增加社群吧,不然還要開手機太麻煩了,公司又不能用安裝版
  • (2024-08-29) Henry Pan (番薯猴): 沒辦法使用社群功能
  • (2024-08-28) David Tsai: 2024/08/28 一直網路不穩..關了後就開不起來了....直接被放生了嗎????? 2019/3/26 可以不要另外開個WINDOW 嗎? 多一個分頁就好了. 2. 允許這個擴充功能讀取及變更你在造訪過的網站留下的所有資料:為什麼需要勾選"在所有網站上"才能使用? 想收集上網資料嗎?
  • (2024-08-28) Ha Ya: ---2024/08/28更--- V3.5.1 網路連線狀態不穩定要多少次!! ---2024/07/19更--- V3.4.0繼續LAG,用越久越卡 ---2024/07/19更--- ---更--- V3.2.3依舊LAG ---更--- V3.0.2版實在有夠LAG 切個聊天室窗要等,開照片也要等 舊版還比較好用 爛透了
  • (2024-08-26) 雅唄: 不支援最新的社群 完全不會顯示 2024/08/26 仍然不支援社群 官方似乎沒打算更新支援社群?
  • (2024-05-25) ไม่รองรับ ubuntu ซักทีมัวแต่ให้ใช้ผ่าน web browser อยู่นั่นแหละ
  • (2024-01-23) Martin Stern: stopped working about 2 month (or more) ago! I use the latest chrome with all updates and removed and added this chrome extension multiple times, get only a spinnig circle instead of qr code at login. now its mid january 2024 and still not working in chrome, get only a endless running circle
  • (2023-12-08) tzengshinfu: 您好:改版後,Fcitx倉頡第三輸入法無法輸入"媽"、"所"、"點"、"完"、"語"、"貼"、"雨"、"熬""、"英""、"賠"、"哈"、"噴"、"關"、"帳"、"系"(陸續增加中)
  • (2023-11-27) Frank Kuo: 視窗忽大忽小,scroll bar非固定顯示,畫面控制待加強 過半年仍未改善
  • (2023-11-14) Sorawit Chumsri: ใช้ใน ChromeOS ใช้แรกๆ ก็ดี ตอนนี้ เซฟภาพจากไลน์ไม่ได้ ต้องใช้ทำงานด้วย รบกวนแก้ไขด้วยนะครับ
  • (2023-11-10) 逸凡黃: 希望能有黑夜模式
  • (2023-11-09) マリントル(まりん): なんかここ最近急に重くなり開けなくなりました キャッシュクリアはたまにしてるんで容量は関係ないと思うんですが読み込みが長くサクっと開けないので拡張機能ではなくPC版使おうと思います
  • (2023-11-06) Rob: Fix the resolution issue where the window keeps resizing with scrollbars both appearing horisontally and verticaclly.
  • (2023-10-30) 穀霖室內設計有限公司: GOOD
  • (2023-10-30) ชัญญานุช วงษ์ษา: แก้ไข line chrome ด้วยค่ะ เปิดแชทแล้วหน้าเลื่อนไปเลื่อนมาตลอด ใช้งานยากมาก อัพเดตเวอร์ชั่นสักทีเถอะ
  • (2023-10-20) Teerarat Tasawasd: หากใครเข้าหน้า Login ไม่ได้ เป็นอาการหมุนตลอดเวลา ให้แก้ไขโดยการ reset setting แล้ว restore setting ใหม่ครับ หากยังไม่ได้อีก ให้ clear cookie ด้วย
  • (2023-10-17) Pedro Oliveira: I have not had the same issues I am seeing in the comments but for sure it could improve drastically. To start, it should be able to use Chrome persistent storage to hold cookies that would allow us to keep login throughout multiple sessions. At least mine, is asking me for a password every time - good thing I use a password manager so I don't have to remember it. Next, PLEASE add a Dark Mode/Theme to this. It's 2023 - it should be standard to have Light and Dark themes on any website/application by now. Finally - and this one is across your entire ecosystem - PLEASE, allow your goddamn apps to keep the login on multiple devices. I have a work and a personal computer. I always have to re-login back again if I did so on a different computer. Again, it's 2023!!! This is not a security issue! Thank you.
  • (2023-10-16) Monkey Wang: 突然的無論如何點擊,或是移除重新新增,都無法開啟,無動於衷…
  • (2023-10-11) Chris: 視窗很笨,如果用縮小的視窗,會一直跑掉,變成要自己拉上下左右...之前都不會這樣子,怎麼越改越爛?
  • (2023-10-11) アツシ(魚排): Dark Modeが欲しい
  • (2023-10-08) TnmGoldShop Udonthani: ใช้ open chat ไม่ได้ครับ
  • (2023-10-05) Yuki OGATA: LINEの皆様、いつもありがとうございます。 MacOS10.15のChromeに機能拡張LINEをいれましたが、文字化けがひどくて困っています。 (LINE機能拡張バージョン3.1.2) 機能拡張Charsetで UnicodeUTF-8 にしてもダメです。 ぜひ対応をお願いいたします。
  • (2023-10-02) AKIRA OOSHIMA: オープンチャットの機能が無いのが残念です。  ぜひ、オープンチャットの機能を入れてください。
  • (2023-09-29) Jared Criswell: Horrible app. Nothing works. No support on their website.
  • (2023-09-27) Florian: [update] still broken in 3.1.2 (despite Line asking to retry… I really hope we get a fix, for now this extension is completely broken on Linux at least) Been using this for years, but unfortunately the extension stopped working about 3 weeks ago now. I went to town and tried debugging the javascript, found the offending line (accessing chrome.tabs properties seems undefined in this extension context), filed a ticket on support system … 3 times … as they were asking repeating information … end of the day, still waiting now … Writing this review in hope something is done.
  • (2023-09-22) apisit seniorsoft: Resolution bug. ต้องใช้งานด้วยการเลื่อน scrollbar ทุกครั้ง. ต้องรีสตาร์ทแอพใหม่ไม่สะดวกเลย
  • (2023-09-21) Ricky Mok: Used to work in Chrome on Ubuntu, but not now. Stopped working after updated. It just has a spanning circle after it starts.
  • (2023-09-21) Joy: 聊天室的檔案或照片,下載後的檔案格式都無法開啟... 還沒更新前的版本都可以正常打開
  • (2023-09-09) 王冠權: 請問備忘錄跑去哪裡了? V3.0.2
  • (2023-09-06) Rudolf Usselmann: Stopped working some 3 weeks ago. Can not login on the Chrome Extension. Just a spinning wheel forever. Time to switch to Telegram ... Telegram works on Linux desktop, Mobile and Windows.
  • (2023-09-05) Chris Hiroaki: After updated, the UI always get weired, need to reboot the app everytime it goes wrong. Fix the bug please.
  • (2023-09-04) Zeptimus heap: What a love update great on Ubuntu
  • (2023-09-04) Rawipa Srivilai: ลอคอินเข้าไม่ได้
  • (2023-09-03) Krzysztof Skrzypski: dumbest extension ever, keep asking me for log in every few days, fire your cto and hire someone smarter. I can't remember my password and I won't try change it, not risking being blocked, I remember it was almost mission impossible to make this app working on a new phone
  • (2023-09-02) ชัญญานุช วงษ์ษา: Terrible. Quick fix. Can't open chat. The page keeps scrolling.
  • (2023-09-02) จรรยพร บุญขํา: ล็อคอินไม่ได้
  • (2023-08-21) P92: ส่งรูปไม่ได้
  • (2023-08-17) Jessica Tang: 請新增社群功能,看不到社群的訊息很不方便。以及把系統簡體字改成繁體字,不然看起來有點像詐騙網站。
  • (2023-08-15) 小孟劉: 這次改版真的很爛,照片不能縮放,訊息欄時不時的造成比例異常,根本看不到訊息要一直拉bar才能看,超級不方便,不好用
  • (2023-08-15) Howard Chien: 最近更新之後一直無法登入,或是卡在載入頁面,明明手機端已經有跳出登入成功的通知但電腦就是登不進去
  • (2023-08-13) kanokporn chot: new custumer
  • (2023-08-13) Daniel Davis: stopped working ... cannot login now .... only loading animation
  • (2023-08-07) WJ: 三星平板不能傳圖片、檔案,也不能截圖
  • (2023-08-04) 新竹縣拍賣人員職業工會: 畫面忽大忽小 登入後有些訊息都會不見
  • (2023-08-04) IC Xie: 更新3.0後,訊息更新超慢,超級卡頓,而且訊息無法同步,要一直案F5更新 這兩天訊息又開始卡頓,一直出現連線不穩定,真不知道是否還會再修復,很難用
  • (2023-08-03) erin chin: 根本打不開
  • (2023-08-01) yuching chang: 好不容易恢復一陣子 現在又開始收不到訊息了................
  • (2023-07-29) 凃凱: 明明都已讀了還是顯示有未讀訊息,為了去除未讀訊息的顯示,不斷重覆的去讀取,但下次又顯示有未讀訊息根本無法去除!
  • (2023-07-27) JH: 超級慢 超級lag 超級頓


4,000,000 history
3.5428 (7,644 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-10 / 3.6.1
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