Description from extension meta
Filtro web y control parental. Bloqueador de páginas porno, maliciosas y para adultos.
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Description from store
Un control parental, bloqueador de sitios pornográficos y maliciosos, filtro web, fácil de usar y fiable, para bloquear sitios web según su categoría. Dispone de todas las características que pueden encontrar otras aplicaciones similares de pago, de forma gratuita.
Dado que la pornografía está al alcance de cualquiera y cada página web constituye un riesgo potencial para su seguridad , ésta es la forma más fácil y segura de proteger a sus hijos y a su familia.
Este bloqueador es una solución integral, ya que dispone de versiones para los principales navegadores web (Chrome, Firefox y Microsoft Edge).
No es necesario registrarse ni darse de alta. "Safe Web" respeta su privacidad y no almacena ninguna información en la nube.
[+] Características generales:
- Solución integral para todos los navegadores web (Chrome, Firefox & Microsoft Edge).
- Configuración rápida basada en la edad del usuario.
- Funcionalidad modo oculto.
- Página de configuración protegida por contraseña.
- Fecha y hora de la última activación de la extensión, para que pueda comprobar si alguien la ha eliminado y vuelto a instalar.
- Página de historial de navegación.
- 34 categorías de sitios web que pueden filtrarse (incluyendo porno, adultos, maliciosos, juegos de azar, redes sociales y otros).
- Lista blanca y lista negra de sitios web.
- Posibilidad de denegar el acceso a todos los sitios web, excepto los que no estén explícitamente en la lista blanca.
- Fuerza la funcionalidad de motores de búsqueda específicos (google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo), en modo familiar seguro. Todos los demás motores de búsqueda son sustituidos por google.
- Opción de forzar la funcionalidad de, en modo restringido.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-30) MUIDEEN JIMOH: This safe web extension is the perfect tool for developers looking to improve their productivity and workflow. It offers a range of features that make it easy to code faster and more efficiently, including autocomplete, snippets, and more. It's also highly customizable, so you can tailor it to your specific needs. With this extension, you'll be able to focus on necessary things to do.
- (2023-09-28) Aderibigbe Abdul somod Adebayo: feature request: -please let us add also our own list websites to block
- (2023-09-28) Jubril: yo!!! wow have been looking for this kind of extension .. i relay love
- (2023-09-26) Jubril: Here's my take on that: Works well: applies rules to incognito browsing, and has a password protection feature that prevents users from disabling the app without the password. However, there's a downside: Microsoft's new approach to EDGE family safety has limited the effectiveness of the software. This is unfortunate, as the product has many great features that could be useful to families. Does that sound better? I tried to restructure the information into a more coherent paragraph and added a bit of context to make it easier to understand.
- (2023-05-28) Chen: Very nice
- (2023-05-21) Soumya kumar: Perfect for blocking porn stuff
- (2023-03-19) ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΜΑΝΩΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: I loved it. It is a great and very easy to use filter. Much better then any other blocker I' ve used till now.
- (2023-02-19) Zyad Ramadan: Amazing Extension
- (2022-12-04) Coen Lameris: Extremely effective extension. Keep up the good work
- (2021-05-19) Trace Akers: Great for enforcing whatever I please on chrome
- (2021-04-05) Magda Krawiec: kasia misztal
- (2020-12-07) Flint Stone: a "dangerous site" should be blocked before it even has a chance of loading and its contents seen by the user
- (2020-10-26) Om Sable: I loved it. It is a great and safe filter. But I have just one issue that it should ask password before it anyone can remove it or else it's of no use as anyone can simply remove it do whatever he or she wants and install it back as if nothing happened so this should be looked upon.
- (2020-03-29) Taiara Peter: You cannot edit the blocked content, you cannot add a website in the list of sites that you consider apporpriated to your kid. You cannot allow youtube and cannot pause the extension. In the Chrome's extensions management section, there is no way to include a website in a "permit" list
- (2020-03-12) Matt Durcan: Works well: applies rules to incognito browsing too, protects itself against removal with password. Sadly Microsoft (as usual) have somewhat undermined a great product with their new approach to EDGE family safety. You'd have a REAL winner if you included protection for EDGE too
- (2019-12-19) JHONATAN MANUEL ANCAJIMA VALDEZ: buen control, te deja tener mejor opciones
- (2019-09-08) flapman: Finally a working web filter without bugs and a really easy to use interface. Nice job.
- (2019-07-28) Anes Hamdani: really usefull if you want your kids to have safe internet surfing
- (2019-03-24) very good 4
- (2018-12-14) Eleftheria Kap: Great web filter! Very effective!Was searching for hours and I finally found the perfect web filter for the protection of my child! Great job!Well done!
- (2018-12-13) George Z.: Finally, a working web filter. Does what it promise. Very simple GUI. It also filters search engines results. If you set password protection on, then it protects also the chrome extension page, so my children cannot remove the extension.