extension ExtPose

Date Today for Google Chrome

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Description from extension meta

The best clock to see in one glance the current day and time. With an option to see the digital clock in the browser toolbar.

Image from store Date Today for Google Chrome
Description from store እንደተደራጁ ይቆዩ እና በመሳሪያ አሞሌዎ ውስጥ የአናሎግ ሰዓትን ለማሳየት ፍጹም የአሳሽ ቅጥያ በሆነ ቀን ዛሬ ጊዜዎን በጭራሽ አያጡ። በአንድ ብልጭታ፣ ያለልፋት የአሁኑን ቀን እና ሰዓት ይድረሱ፣ ይህም መርሐግብርዎን ያለችግር እንዲያቀናብሩ ያግዝዎታል። ቀን ዛሬ በሰዓታት እና ደቂቃዎች ውስጥ የአሁኑን ጊዜ ለማወቅ የተነደፈ ቀላል ክብደት ያለው እና ጠቃሚ ተጨማሪ ነው። አሁን ካለው የሳምንቱ ቀን፣ የቀን ቁጥር እና የአሁኑ ወር ጋር። 'ዛሬ ስንት ቀን ነው' ወይም 'ዛሬ ስንት ሰዓት ነው' ብለህ ራስህን ትጠይቃለህ? በአዝራሩ ላይ አንድ ጊዜ ጠቅ በማድረግ ይህንን መረጃ ያገኛሉ እና በብቅ ባዩ መስኮቱ ውስጥ እንደገና ጠቅ ካደረጉት። የአሁኑን የጊዜ ማህተም በቅንጥብ ሰሌዳዎ ውስጥ ይገለብጣሉ። ስለዚህ፣ በመስመር ላይ ጎግል ዶክ፣ የማይክሮሶፍት ዎርድ ሰነድ ወይም በአዲሱ የጂሜይል ኢሜይል መልእክትዎ ላይ መለጠፍ ይችላሉ። የአሳሽ ቅጥያ ባህሪያት፡- ◆ ብቅ ባይ ፓነል፡- ለፈጣን ማጣቀሻ የአሁኑን ቀን እና ሰዓት በሚመች ብቅ ባይ መስኮት ይመልከቱ። ◆ የሰዓት ቅርጸት፡- ከምርጫዎ ጋር የሚስማማ የ12-ሰዓት ወይም የ24-ሰዓት የሰዓት ስርዓት ይምረጡ። ◆ የአሳሽ አዝራር አማራጮች፡- ለተጨማሪ ተለዋዋጭነት የአናሎግ ወይም የዲጂታል ሰዓትን በአሳሹ ቁልፍ ለማሳየት ይምረጡ። ◆ የቀን ጭብጥን አብጅ፡ የእርስዎን ዘይቤ ለማዛመድ የሰዓቱን እና የደቂቃውን እጆች ቀለም ለግል ያብጁ። ◆ የምሽት ሁነታ ገጽታን አብጅ በጨለማ ሰዓቶች ውስጥ ለእይታ ምቹ የሰዓት ማሳያ የምሽት ሁነታን ያንቁ። ◆ የቀለም ግላዊ ማድረግ፡ የእርስዎን ልዩ ጣዕም ለማንፀባረቅ ቁጥሩን እና የጽሑፍ ቀለሙን በማበጀት ያንተ ያድርጉት። ◆ የቅርጸ-ቁምፊ ቤተሰብ ማበጀት፡- የቅርጸ-ቁምፊ ቤተሰብን እንደ Arial፣ Impact፣ Sans-serif፣ Times New Roman እና Verdana ባሉ አማራጮች ያስተካክሉ። ◆ የሥዕል-ውስጥ-ሥዕል ሁነታ: በ Picture-in-Picture ሁነታ የተሻሻለ ታይነትን ተለማመዱ፣ የቀኑን ቀን ፓነል በሚመች ተንሳፋፊ ብቅ ባይ መስኮት በማሳየት። የአሰሳ ተሞክሮዎን ሳያስተጓጉሉ ስለ ቀኑ እና ሰዓቱ ይወቁ። ◆ ባጅ ማበጀት፡ - የአሁኑ ቀን ባጅ፡- የአሁኑን ቀን ባጅ በማካተት ልምድዎን ያሳድጉ፣ የአሁኑን ቀን በግልፅ እና አጭር ቅርጸት በማሳየት። - የአሁኑ ጊዜ ባጅ; ለዚህ አስፈላጊ መረጃ ፈጣን መዳረሻ በመስጠት የወቅቱን ጊዜ በልዩ ባጅ ይከታተሉ። - የቀን ቁጥር እና ወር ባጅ፡- የቀን ቁጥሩን የሚያሳይ ብጁ ባጅ አሳይ፣ ያለምንም እንከን ከወሩ ጋር የተዋሃደ። በድር አሳሽዎ አቀማመጥ ላይ በመመስረት ከላይ ወይም ከታች ለማስቀመጥ ይምረጡ። - የሳምንቱ ቀን ባጅ፡- ተለዋዋጭ የሳምንቱ ቀን ባጅ በማካተት የመሳሪያ አሞሌዎን ከፍ ያድርጉት። ሁልጊዜ ከፕሮግራምዎ ጋር መመሳሰልዎን በማረጋገጥ ስለአሁኑ ቀን ያለ ምንም ጥረት ያሳውቁ። - ሊበጅ የሚችል ባጅ ቀለም; ተወዳጅ ቀለሞችዎን በመምረጥ ባጆችዎን ለግል ያብጁ። የእይታ ማራኪ እና የተቀናጀ የአሰሳ ተሞክሮን በማረጋገጥ ከእርስዎ ዘይቤ እና ምርጫዎች ጋር የሚስማሙ ቀለሞችን ይምረጡ። ◆ ጠቃሚ ምክር፡ አሁን ያለውን ቀን እና ሰዓት (ሰዓታት፡ ደቂቃ፡ ሰከንድ) በቀጥታ በመሳሪያ አሞሌው ውስጥ በቀላሉ ይቆጣጠሩ። ◆ የአውድ ምናሌ፡- አሁን ያለውን የጊዜ ማህተም በጽሑፍ ሳጥኖች፣ የጽሑፍ መስኮች እና በአድራሻ አሞሌው ላይ ለመለጠፍ የምናሌውን ተግባር በቀኝ ጠቅ ያድርጉ። ◆ ለጨለማ ሁነታ ድጋፍ የፕሮጀክት መረጃ፡- https://www.stefanvd.net/project/date-today/browser-extension/ የሚፈለጉ ፈቃዶች፡- ◆ "contextMenus"፡ የአሁኑን የጊዜ ማህተም ለመለጠፍ የድር አሳሽ አውድ ሜኑ ይጨምሩ። ◆ "አክቲቭ ታብ"፡ ይህ አሁን በተከፈተው ትር ላይ የአውድ ሜኑ ተግባርን ለማስፈጸም ነው። ◆ "ማንቂያዎች"፡ ይህ ከበስተጀርባ የሰዓት ሰአቱን ለማስኬድ ነው። ◆ "ማከማቻ"፡ ቅንጅቶችን በአገር ውስጥ ያስቀምጡ እና ከድር አሳሽ መለያዎ ጋር ያመሳስሉ። <<< አማራጭ ባህሪ >>> ሌሊት ላይ አይኖችዎን ለመጠበቅ እና በቪዲዮ ማጫወቻው ላይ እንዲያተኩሩ የአማራጭ ባህሪን ይክፈቱ፣ ለምሳሌ YouTube™፣ የዩቲዩብን እና ከዚያ በላይ የላይትን ማሰሻ ቅጥያ በመጫን። https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/turn-off-the-lights/bfbmjmiodbnnpllbbbfblcplfjjepjdn

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-09) Studenten2go Umzugshilfe (Vermittlung): einfach und top! Danke 👍
  • (2023-11-16) Gary Coumont: I use this clock extension when I want to verify a screenshot time and date. Very useful tool.
  • (2023-11-07) Alex Boysen: Excellent. It could use a shortcut key for viewing the date.
  • (2023-07-23) Luis Valencia: buena
  • (2023-01-31) Jim: Excellenteh!
  • (2022-10-06) أَحْمَد: Very useful and well designed
  • (2022-04-22) Bertus van Heusden: Installed DT beside the Clock for Google Chrome (CG) app because no extension seems to support double or triple clocks for chatting with faraway friends (US/NL/RU). Please add! Diffs: * DT has different colors for minute and hour hands, handy around 9:46 and 2:13. * CG has time-offset. Nice, but lots of confusion around DST as countries differ in start date. Time zones with auto adjusting would be better. (Programmer alert: find a free lib!) * CG has calendar, alarms and reminders. Not tried. * DT will copy date and time for pasting time stamps elsewhere. Great! One issue: in my language (Dutch) the months and weekdays are not capitalized (Sunday = zondag, April = april), so it always requires manual correction. Could this be fixed? * CG uses Courier font for digital clock, a bad choice for readability. DT offers font choice, thanks!.
  • (2022-03-29) Idreno Utimperghe: Ottimo.
  • (2022-03-26) John Underwood: This was not designed for Google Chrome , it was designed for Firefox. Which is where it placed it , on my Firefox browser that I replaced with Chrome a little while ago. The Chrome browser is set up as default , so why does it stick it in my Firefox Browser? Its right in the chrome web store. Sorry Google , I am not impressed , you are not in control of your own store? Does not inspire confidence in your products , or how you look out for your customers. I usually have several browsers , it is bad enough I have to have multiple browsers because nobody puts enough effort into a browser that can do it all. For us non-techs , our browser is the frontline of defense. Now we have to worry it will be the trojan horse that brings about the next data dump.?
  • (2021-11-03) Allan Biong: the 'Rating Request' pop-up is annoying; doesn't let me skip
  • (2021-06-11) jim higens: When hovering over the extension the date read out keeps flashing.
  • (2021-06-02) yeliaB dlareG: Perfect for what it does. I prefer American date format but I can adapt. If local temperature was added, it would please me. That would make it beyond perfect.
  • (2020-12-05) Steve B: Just what I wanted, works perfect!!
  • (2020-08-31) Julian Stanley: In the options for this app, there is a box you can check to show the date (e.g. "31 Aug") in the top right corner of Chrome. That is exactly what I was looking for, so this is great!
  • (2020-04-10) John Blackledge: Nice but a waste of time (pun intended). It does not display as shown. You have to click to get that view. I'd want an option to have it on permanently.
  • (2020-03-03) verdura: una de las mejores instalaciones 5 estrellas!!!
  • (2020-03-03) Dani Mîrza: this extension heps me very much. I like it, and you will like it!
  • (2019-12-17) إضافة جميلة
  • (2019-10-28) Dnz: Would like the option to keep digital in full display mode w/choice of sizes for the display.
  • (2019-10-24) Ken Green: Extension works well. But support is a bit of a mystery. I am instructed to visit the developer's website for support. There you can type a question and a list of support articles will show up, but if those don't answer your question, you are out of luck. There isn't a 'Contact Me' at the bottom, and no support email address I could find. Otherwise a good extension. In case the dev reads this, my question was about formatting the date to be copied into the clipboard. I'd like to format the date copied to the clipboard myself. Or have more options. I need YYYY-MM-DD for example.
  • (2019-10-15) sd di: works slowly , delay to open extension window.
  • (2019-10-09) Jean-Claude Allain: It will be fine this extension can remember text like my signature/name tu write it after the date Say; "Any text 9 October 2019 20:00 MyName" Regards
  • (2019-09-16) Gijs van Dinther: Doet precies wat het moet doen. Does exactly what it is supposed to do. Excellent extension.
  • (2019-07-01) Navin Gurnani: The clock gets stuck to the same time. Does not refresh.
  • (2019-03-13) Ali Pouradam: Really great! The option to copy Date is also nice, thank you guys!
  • (2019-02-18) Diego De Leon: excelente, desde hace años la tengo y es muy buena opcion
  • (2019-01-31) not working
  • (2018-12-08) Bluedolphin Crow: I love this extension. It's easy to use and works very well.
  • (2018-11-04) Sgt: I like this extension, however, I think it would be even better if you could show on the badge, the day of the month with the day name under it. It is strange because the only way to see the day name is with the analog clock in the background.
  • (2018-10-05) David Hanson: been using this app for years. good stuff :)
  • (2018-09-12) John L. Reed: Thanks
  • (2018-07-16) Max: There is no way to request support on the delopeers website. App opens a nag screen on a new tab advertising other apps each time chrome is loaded. Also the options menu for 'Date Today' is quite buggy. Uninstalling.
  • (2018-06-26) Terry Witter Herr Witt: very simple ... it just works ... Good Job ...
  • (2018-06-24) Findlaigh Shawe: I like everything about this - especially the easy configurability. Thank you !
  • (2018-05-30) Sean Ryan: I like the easy customisation options. I've set it to show current day/month in the toolbar icon - for me it's helpful to have that visible all the time. When I hover over the icon, then the full date/time shows in a small pop-up. Clicking on the icon brings up a large pop-up of date/time. If I click on that pop-up, it copies the current date/time to Clipboard - very handy.
  • (2018-03-31) Richard Hackett: I would rate this extension five stars if only it gave me the option of displaying smaller time units; I am an online wargamer, and for me it's important for launching coordinated attacks. So for me, seconds are a must, tenth of a second would be nice, hundredth of a second would be perfect.
  • (2018-03-05) dee: Recently purchased chromebook os, and came across this useful app. I had a question regarding an option for time format,I emailed the developer and was surprised at such a quick response. Just wonderful, thank you for this app
  • (2018-01-27) John Eichelberg: Does just what I want, five stars!
  • (2018-01-10) Reuben Shannon: it do not let us to delete the extension
  • (2018-01-07) MAReK HESSEL: Love it but I sometimes forget I have it. If there's a way to keep it"on" all the time, I have not found it; if there is not, I wish it were an available option!!
  • (2017-12-15) John Cameron: nice
  • (2017-12-13) Uri Shenderovich: This is a quite good extension, unfortunately sometimes it's just stop working
  • (2017-11-19) Maria Mason: Just what I wanted and have wanted for quite awhile! I love the size - It's big enough even for my horrible eyesight to see it easily but, doesn't take up a bunch of room. Great job~ Thanks- Donated


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4.3897 (272 votes)
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2024-02-02 /
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