Description from extension meta
Gmail-to-Trello integration. Create new Trello cards from Google mail threads with backlinks.
Image from store
Description from store
A free tool that provides an extra 'Add card' button on Gmail UI to add current reading email to a Trello card
** Development and Support Board here for feature/bug submitting and voting:
** This extension is now open source at: -- code contributions welcome!
It's my pleasure to have contribution from, who's actively developing the extension since the v2.2.2 release
** Main features **
- Detect email opening mode, also the most visible email in current thread
- Add a button "Add new card" into Gmail's toolbar
- Extract email's title, body, timestamp, also reduce text's complexity
- User can choose which list, board or organization will contain the new card
- User can assign him/herself to the new card
- Current email can be easily looked up later via a direct link, or searching (useful for group collaboration)
- Can set labels
- Can set due date
- Can include attachment links
- Authorized via Trello account
Some other useful features:
- Support both simple and split layout ("Preview Panel" in lab/Outlook-like)
- Remember current list, board, org. selection after new card is created
- User can pick up another emails in thread while popup is opening, or reopen popup again to detect & extract email's content again
- Popup is resizable, draggable
- Display Trello's labels similar, so they are easier to be selected
- Deeper highlighting for Labels and Assign, use gradient to indicate selected
- Remove trash can from GtT pull down
- Move popup location of GtT pull down to under icon
- Use new version of Trello Client.js
- Make sure UI, Sign-out works (enough) when Trello Authenticate fails.
- Iterate differently
- Use data-thread-id if present
- Get Legacy Gmail Thread ID for backlink on new Gmail
- Find new Gmail views
- Make getManifest version check more robust error-handling-wise
- Fix calculation for pop-up when button position has changed
- New HD toolbar icon & sketch version
- Attachment image previews are now scale-to-fit
- Attachment file and image sections are hidden when there is no attachment
- [dev] Change form markups from dl/dt/dd to regular divs
- Fix bug on the new Gmail that cause toolbar buttons failed to work properly
- Remove overlapping intervals, thanks to Travis Hardman.
- Up debug log
- Silence logging of button positioner [still need to fix]
- Gmails coming up blank content in GtT - Change .adP:first to use more deterministic tag
- Check for ASL or ASF div for Refresh icon.
- Only call detach if more than one button/popup
- Use '0' for unknown version in version check
- More debugging logs for adding button / popup
- Only show version update if previous version > 0
- Remove toolBarHolder
- Debug Multiple Inboxes - more to do
- Circular log wasn't - hogged memory
- inline image now should upload to Trello correctly
- Restrict log from 1000 to 100 lines.
- Call browsingData from background to clear extension data.
- Show message to reload when version changes.
- Fix $button[0] -> $button.first().
- Fix missing views/options.html.
- detectToolbar return true if detected.
- .detach button and popup and then only append one.
- Make sign out an explicit button on the page.
- Fix resize via jQuery UI, needed clearfix at popup level for jQuery UI added elements
- Call pre-init after button disappear
- Semi-final jQuery UI resizing (not quite right for normal state, works okay for list state)
- Show version number in options panel (prep for noticing version change and prompting to reload)
- Remove G-Ni from GtT icon
- Add timer to check every 2 seconds for GtT button showing
- Use gh='mtb' to find toolbar
- Add G-Ni to GtT icon
- Remove :first from G-atb
- Additional debugging code in toolbar and labels code
- Report of GtT button not appearing when Streak and RightInbox, some tweaks to button positioning code to hopefully circumvent problem.
- Add info message to options screen
- Initial cut at button for chrome.browsingData.remove
- Update manifest with 64 and 128 icons
- Icon not showing up in toolbar due to other extension icons in toolbar
- Update gtt_log to have timestamp
- Move email search hyperlinks to top of content
- Parse "29. Mai 2017 um 15:18" correctly
- (Until I have a better idea, have to decode the dateTime by hand and do some month comparisons)
- And then after doing that ton of work and realizing this will be horrific to maintain, I ripped it all out
- Check for 401 more leniently, add target to error
- Lists without organizations were being filtered out! Fixed.
- Change Features/Bugs to 'Help'
- Created 'Report' feature, which will put latest error and last 1000 log items into card to post to GtT Trello board
- 400 invalid id on attachment upload: Use pos === 'at' to indicate path to attach
- Track mouseUp and mouseDown in same external-to-window container
- Make positioning logic more robust for Upload to combat Trello POST pos 404 error
- Click outside window closes window
- Focus outside window closes window
- Error in attachments processing fixed to produce correct filename
- Install keyboard trap to Show Popup, Remove keyboard trap on Hide Popup
- Clean up consts for keyboard trap
- First cut at image with larger tooltip on hover
- Load jQuery UI CSS before our CSS so we can override it
- Add named function gtt_keydown to prevent duplicate listeners
- Bump version to work around Google problem
- Remove Gmail load wait timer now that GtT button is more robust on no-data
- Move keyboard trap to bindEvents
- Dirty centering when no data so popup will move as appropriate
- Fix error with "bottom" should be "below"
- Refactor upload code to pull it all into model work, add model.Uploader class
- Move attach code back into our code since Trello doesn't want it
- Fix error where attachment URL was click link instead of updated card
- Fixed long untruncated image/attachment string
- First cut at having GtT button always show, even when there is no data to populate - this may reduce the "where's my button?" support issues
- Have images bottom grow when you grab the window grow handle in the lower right corner
- Fix bug in creating new card
- Simplify UI for adding to a card vs. adding new card below
- Add to an existing card!
- Had to change UI a little to account for card selection and "where" to put the card
- Make minimum width bigger for popup
- Create shortcut dropdown for due date
- Create option entry to add more to shortcut dropdown
- Persist previous due date and time
- Attachments and Images now are transferred completely to Trello instead of lodging as links back to Gmail
- Give back to Trello API community how to upload binary data
- Support keyboard shortcuts: Alt/Opt+Shift+G is the default to show the popup (once in Gmail and the button is visible)
- While the Popup is showing, hitting ESCAPE or CTRL/CMD+. will dismiss the popup.
- CTRL/CMD+ENTER will Add to Trello.
- Change stray bullets to asterisks but not stray hyphens
- Fix member assignment buttons to persist across board changes
- Shift-click "Labels:" or "Members:" to clear
- Fix typos GMail -> Gmail
- Layout changes to accomodate smaller screens
- Can now assign other users
- Your id should always be first in Assign list
- Remove "Assign to me" button
- Move signout and error to chrome extension loaded html files
- Make label and member msg boxes same height as label and member chicklets so things don't "jump" up and down when picking new boards
- Fix pInterest loads with white overlay on top of first 20 pinned items -- was conflicting with jQuery UI CSS
- Moved jQuery-ui-css loading to top of popup
- Changed chrome extension matches[] from "all urls" to only
- Fix problem of email with no body
- Try to fix parseData to always return a valid data block (even if empty data)
- Update board changed to clear out list/labels when settings boardId is different than boardId
- Gray box around imgs in image list to show "spacer" images
- Use window.location.pathname to provide "/mail/u/0/" or "/mail/u/1/" etc. for different gmail accounts
- Add support to attach images from Gmail
- Fix typo with missing brace for uriForDisplay
- To handle jQuery UI looking to Gmail for UI icons, must replace url("images... with url("chrome-extension://__MSG_@@extension_id__/images...
Version 2.4.27
- Support img vs text buttons
Version 2.4.26
- Make sure correct ThreadID is used for message
- Better processing of hand-provided bullets to markdown
Version 2.4.25
- Generate thread id for direct link to email
- Take another pass at storing board, list, label and resetting when changed
Version 2.4.24
- Use Gmail's down-facing widget instead of plus sign
- Make window resizable and scrollable
Version 2.4.23
- Separate date and time inputs for due date
- Smaller UI for Add Card button
- Change nomenclature to "Add to Trello" to prep for adding to individual card
Version 2.4.22
- Fix "Name" <name> email pattern in Markdownify and anchorMarkdown
Version 2.4.21
- Make sure to clear out list and labels when no labels
- Restrict labels space to two rows with scroll bar if longer
Version 2.4.19
- Add back steps to clear cache for Trello sign-out
Version 2.4.18
- Add height and width to image tag so it doesn't "jump"
- Adjust centering logic for popup to be more human-friendly (still should move to lower-third resize logic)
Version 2.4.17
- Call Trello.deauthorize on Sign Out request
- Clean up logic of Sign Out to request Reload afterward
- Clean up error display to find error data in response packet
- Clean up 3+ CRLFs in Markdownify
Version 2.4.15
- Make replacements holistic
- Clean up markdownify to add numeric lists and allow <span>-like items inside of <div>-like items.
- Remove href="javascript:void(0)" as a likely cause of Content Security Policy warning
Version 2.4.14
- Change const hash to var hash, causing chrome storage error.
- Truncate description enough to make room for link at end
Version 2.4.12
- Match regex for Markdownify on non-word boundary, do additional pass and make placeholders then replace those so markdown anchors don't get out of hand
Version 2.4.11
- Change top/bottom popup to up-line and down-line arrow icons
- Change default for attachments to unchecked - this time for real
- Fix bug where popup width wasn't being saved and restored correctly
- Fix avatar initials to be first name + last name initials, or first 2 chars of username, if no avatar URL/pic
Version 2.4.8
- Have reproducable case for settings not being saved; fixed with using chrome sync settings and getting timing right
- Added popup to indicate whether to add card to top or bottom (default) of list
Version 2.4.7
- Try another approach for titlebar of popup to not get duplicate options by setting explicit properties
Version 2.4.6
- Use paragraph marker for markdown 'li' conversion
- Respect () [] for anchor markdown bookends
- Clear out html before appending items, should fix duplicate html elements problem
Version 2.4.5
- Add APIFailure display when initial trello grabs fail out
Version 2.4.4
- Check for avatar URL returned before checking length
Version 2.4.3
- When text is selected, bring that over instead of entire message
Version 2.4.2
- Added Markdown button to turn off for main description text
- Added Attachments
- Changed Lists UI to Drop-down, kept styled UI for Labels
- Made labels multi-selectable
Version 2.2.2
- Adding Labels
- Movable modal UI centered under Add card, Avatars working
- Cleaned up UI
- Lots of bug fixes
- Some additional markdown formatting in description for from: email.
Version 2.1.5
- Add Google Analytics
- Fix some XSS bugs. Reduce URL permission. Thanks to Vijay for your Pull Request
- Don't show up closed boards.
- Fix "Add to card" button UI
- Fix broken layout caused by min-width
- Increase z-index
- Add "Options" page
- Fix no-wrap error in new card's link displays after creation
- Remove Organization filter
- Add email address to specify where the card came from
Version 2.1.3
- Is now support an option to assign yourself on creating card
Version 2.1.2
- Is now support Split layout (Preview Panel)
Version 2.1
- Big changes: refactoring, bugs fixes, UI/UX improvements
- Instantly update popup's content when user's clicking to another email thread
- Resizable popup
- Better text conversion
- Fix bug: Localization time parsing
Version 2.0.6
- Add "Search email" ability, which means more accessible from other people
- Auto detect (and highlight) the email thread that is most closed to current viewport. Scrolling can make change to current selection
Version 2.0.5
- Fix bug: Boards are not in any organizations doesn't show up.
Version 2.0.4
- Fix bug duplicated buttons
- Fix bug in layout
- Fix bug: can't change subject or description
Version 2.0.1
- Fix missing icons
- Backlink appearance improving
Version 2.0
- Improve UX
- Remember previous selections
- Add a "close" popup button
- Add Organization list
- Don't display closed boards
- Insert a backlink to Gmail's thread in new card (optional)
- Display a link to new created card
- Refactoring
15/08/2013 - Version 1.1.1
- Fix bug: missing button after install
- Fix bug: missing icon in "Add to Trello" button
- Keep line-breaks in email's content
- Auto remove email's signature
Latest reviews
- (2020-04-06) Zia Khan: I tried to use it and for some reason when i click on the button to add to trello it comes up with a splash screen to give permissions and then disappear. it doesn't allow me enough time to give it permissions
- (2020-04-05) Yannick Vandenberghe: doesn't work (anymore)
- (2019-10-15) Nicolas Enrique Villa: excelente! es lo que buscaba
- (2019-07-12) David Dieguez: Works perfectly although it needs some cosmetic tuning
- (2019-06-28) Hugo Cerqueira: Fantastic work with this extension, it has a lot of options and one of the first ones that allow to add the attachments. Great Work.
- (2019-06-21) Kim Hjortholm: Great plugin and timesaver. The ability to instantly create new card in Trello optimizes several workflow. Only miss the ability to ignore archived boards as the list of boards to send card to can become really long for us which uses Trello a lot.
- (2018-11-27) K.B. Tidwell: Well, I'm not saying anything new but this is one awesome extension. Sitting back, I've just realized how reliant I am on web clippers (OneNote, Add Cards to Trello), and I'm happy to add this one to my toolbox. I've been using Trello on and off for years, but recently I got DEEP into automated to-do lists and archival systems (to underpin my novel writing efforts), and this is a great leap forward for me. I'll also compliment the developer based on his responses to reviews that I've been reading. Proper respect for your methodology and attitude! Everyone...have a very peaceful...and season.
- (2018-08-19) José Luiz: Ótima idéia !
- (2018-08-05) Perry Myers: Excellent extension and the developer is excellent as well. Really helps turn your GMail into a Kanban workflow effectively.
- (2018-06-24) Barry Sachais: Excellent extension for personal use or professional use.
- (2018-06-13) RAMAMURTHY PATHURI: Great Extension. One small, update required. Email Date to be taken as DUE DATE, by default. And if required, user can change the same
- (2018-04-26) Just Sturgis: Love(d) the extension until today (26APR2018) when I moved to the new Gmail and Gmail-to-Trello stopped working. Unfortunate, but at least the official Trello addon works, though not as robustly as Gmail-to-Trello. Wonder if this will be fixed?
- (2018-02-16) Perisa Raznatovic: Best extension ever. I have Privacy Badger (from EFF) and it created problems by blocking the Trello API. I changed the setting and now the extension works again.
- (2018-01-08) Lizette Penalber: Does not work consistently. I have Multiple Inboxes for Gmail, which may be the cause. It's great when it does work.
- (2017-09-09) Jorge Fraile: Es muy práctico.
- (2017-07-12) Jimena Gonzalez: I cant seem to make it work with Inbox of gmail.
- (2017-06-19) Evandro Alfieri: Nice on! is there a chance to get the same service on my phone? Sending mails directly into boards is very very helpfull Thanks
- (2017-06-15) Ramakrishna Kolapati: Woooow... It's saved my lot of time.
- (2017-03-20) Vlad Sabadash: It is unique and usefull but, please: 1) add real attachments (now it just attach links to gmail, may be it is my problem only?) 2) make it work in vertical split mode
- (2017-03-04) Elias Rizopoulos: Should also add feature to search gmail with unique id number (with gmail search Rfc822msgid:) so that card can refer to specific email. When searching by Subject or Time, multiple emails come up.
- (2017-03-03) Gemma Tendero: Me encanta! Fácil de usar y ayuda un montón a planificar las tareas!
- (2017-02-12) Alex Turetsky: It broke for a few days, but now it's fixed and now it's better than ever. Thanks!
- (2017-02-09) Silva: I like this extension, but I can't take any embedded image in my email to Trello. that's too bad.
- (2017-02-06) Louis Cottle: Exactly what I needed! Wishlist: 1)Assign tasks to other team members. 2)Tablet app.. (that's a big request.)
- (2017-02-03) Carter Nagel: Was good before but now with the new Jan 27 release of v.3.whatever. Very pleased. Takes Trello-gmail to a whole new level. Works very well.
- (2017-01-26) Fabian König: If it could work together with the "preview window" lab extension by Peter B. & Michael K. for Gmail, it would be perfect. Problem here: the URL in the browser bar remains the same when selecting a message, and apparently that's where GMail to Trello gets the back-link URL from. Hence back-links simply pop you back to the inbox rather than the actual mail. Would be more than happy to see this improved. Thanks!!
- (2016-12-28) Vidhu Shekhar: Excellent app.. One fault though, the button disappears when I use Vertical Split view of my inbox. In no Split and Horizontal split it works excellent... Can the developer pls help on this.
4.557 (316 votes)
Last update / version
2019-06-16 /
Listing languages