extension ExtPose

Scrum for Trello

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Description from extension meta

Adds Scrum story points to your Trello

Image from store Scrum for Trello
Description from store Scrum for Trello adds functionality to the awesome trello.com for use in Scrum projects. ** Update December 12th, 2023 ** Scrum for Trello is working again. Thank you to https://github.com/Swandog for creating the fixes. ** Update October 15th, 2023** Trello is rolling out changes. We are working on a fix to support this. In the mean time there is a workaround: If you go to https://trello.com/labs you can disable the option “Board experience enhancements”. That will revert Trello to the old state and the extension works again while we work on a fix. ** Update Jun 24, 2022 ** - Update to manifest v3 - cards that are off-screen are now counted again ** Update Jun 27, 2018 ** - Trello compatibility fix ** Update Jun 29, 2017 ** - Works with latest Chrome ** Update Apr 11, 2016 ** - Another Trello compatibility fix ** Update Apr 8, 2016 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello version ** Update Sep 4, 2015 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello version ** Update Sep 2, 2015 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello version ** Update Feb 26, 2015 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello version ** Update Mar 29, 2014 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello version ** Update Jan 14, 2014 ** - List totals show again in the new Trello.com ** Update Dec 23, 2013 ** - Upon frequent request: Settings screen to add your custom storypoints range. - compatibility new version of Trello.com ** Update Nov 6, 2013 ** - fixed issues on Windows 7 + 8 - added integration with Burndown for Trello. Thanks to @seancolombo ** Update July 31, 2013 ** - new load model in Trello. Extension is working again! ** Update June 17, 2013 ** - many fixes. Thanks for the pull requests! ** Update Apr 10, 2013 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello release ** Update Dec 20, 2012 ** - Fixed count when filter is applied and fixed total count ** Update Sep 8, 2012 ** - Fixed compatibility with latest Trello release. Scrum for Trello is working again! ** Update Sep 4, 2012 ** - Added a nice feature contributed by Cedric Gatay: One thing we use often is surrounding points of done tasks with [] to prevent them for being counted by the plugin in the list total. This contain the ability to display such tasks with a decent style (half-transparency) on cards and a differentiated total shown on lists. Trello is the perfect online equivalent of the whiteboard with sticky notes aka the Scrum board. We love this app and started using it immediately after launch. One element we use a lot in our projects are the storypoints. Scrum for Trello gives you the ability to make use of story points within Trello. Setup Scrum for Trello is a Chrome extension and you can install it via the Chrome Webstore. How does it work? In the card titles you can add the storypoints between parentheses. The assigned points will be picked up by Scrum for Trello and displayed in the upper right corner of the card. For each list the total amount of story points will be calculated and shown in the title of the list. Every second the story points will be detected and calculated. So changing a number or moving a card will be reflected almost immediately. Updates Great improvements made by @nicpottier and @paullofte: * The point value is moved to be a badge on the card. * Added support for Zero Point Cards (0), Unknown Point Cards (?), Decimal Value Cards (.5) * In addition I added the functionality to have the list total reflect the current filtered set of cards. More great improvements * @bastiaanterhorst created a storypoint icon to fit in nicely with the Trello style * bugfixes by @mgan59 * A very cool storypoint picker made by @nicpottier was integrated and adapted. Click on the title in the card view and a little menu shows you available points to quickly select. Of course you can add your own points between parentheses still. Credits Scrum for Trello was developed by Marcel Duin (http://webglmarcel.q42.net/) and Jasper Kaizer (https://twitter.com/jkaizer) during our pet projects time at Q42 (http://q42.com). They team up with Sean Colombo (https://twitter.com/seancolombo). You can download the source code at http://github.com/Q42/TrelloScrum. Or even better, improve it and do a pull request! Privacy Scrum for Trello runs locally only and stores nothing on any server! See: http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/23462/what-kind-of-data-does-trelloscrum-keep

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-03) Dmitry Salnikov: It was one of the best and most useful extensions ever for many many years, personally for me. Thanks for keeping updating it! Please improve the UI and add more flexibility and features.
  • (2023-12-04) Skot Nelson: Let's be honest, Atlassian should just rip off your functionality and build it natively into Trello, because is sucks that this is browser specific. I t(-.-t) hate Chrome, and basically only use it for Salesforce development.
  • (2023-11-19) Kenta Takahashi: This extension does not work now. Trello updates their board page, and "Board experience enhancements" option is removed in Trello Labs.
  • (2023-11-06) Maria-Pei Roig Marcè: La extensión está fallando a menudo y desde hace días no nos muestra el número de horas disponibles por lista.
  • (2023-09-22) Whitney Silva: It was working until 2 days ago and suddenly broke. It's not counting my hours anymore, I already try uninstalling it from Chrome, relaunching Chrome and restarting my computer and nothing works. Funny thing is, it works on incognito window. Don't know what else to do.
  • (2023-06-25) Ratanachai S.: I like this simple extension, but I can no longer find a link to Settings page where I can predefine points
  • (2022-06-15) Priscilla Ralston: Infelizmente la extensión falla a menudo. Desde hace días no nos muestra el numero de horas disponibles por lista...
  • (2022-06-10) Red Square: Worked really well in the past but now doesn't work reliably anymore - counts only fraction of cards. It has problems to make sum when the ammount of cards in the list exceeds a few. I can provide screenshot and further details if needed for patch.
  • (2022-06-06) Cyan: Scrum for Trello isn't counting the points properly in the columns anymore. Don't know why. Getting some errors in console that may be related: "Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: 'allow-storage-access-by-user-activation' is an invalid sandbox flag." "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()" "instrument.ts:129 Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'somecrazylongkey_enigneritn3irtn3' exceeded the quota."
  • (2022-05-03) Antoine Bouchard: Really overdue for an update. Good extension but Trello evolves and the extension doesn't
  • (2021-03-30) Ali Gilani: This extension is useful for trello.
  • (2020-12-15) Ivan Zh: It doesn't work - no any connections with Trello. My cards are empty.
  • (2019-10-25) Christian Rietbergen: Frequent bugs, very slow, clunky, altogether pretty terrible. Sometimes I get duplicate story points (and estimates) which stack, sometimes the buttons don't show up at all, and altogether it just slogs down your Trello board for both you and your teammates. I would recommend it on premise alone but the implementation is disappointingly unstable.
  • (2019-08-31) Eugene Dzhumak: This is a paid extension. First it asks you to give it access to all your boards and all data, and then you'll realise that it's a paid extension with 14 days trial. Ridiculous!
  • (2019-08-02) Bryan Funk: Doesn't work.
  • (2019-06-03) Rick van 't Ooster: Usefull for point assigning but the burndown chart is not working.......
  • (2019-05-22) PBS El Paso: It'll be great, however, the extension goes away once in a while. Therefore we have to continue to re-install. Please fix. Smiley face emoji.
  • (2018-11-07) I missed costum configuration: tag format (use {} instead of [] for compatibility with other extensions), show only estimated or consumed row, hide totals, and display badge also in Calendar view (Trello native power-up). -- Trobo a faltar configuració personalitzada: formatar etiqueta (utilitzar {} enlloc de [] per compatibilitat amb altres extensions), mostrar només la línia de estimació o temps consumit, amagar els totals, i mostrar el distintiu també a la vista de calendari (extensió nativa de Trello)
  • (2018-10-27) luis lizarraga: es simple en trello coloca en el titulo de la tarea al inicio (1) donde el 1 es la hora que piensa tarda la tarea si al final tardastes 4 horas en realizarla lo debes colocar en corchetes [4] ejemplo (1) Tarea Trello [4] con ello ya gracias a esta extension puedes crear los burndownfortrello.com y medir tiempos esta Excelente
  • (2018-09-11) Joseph Chouinard: I like it, but it's not much use unless I can actually get charts out of it. A burndown chart is completely meaningless as far as visualizing what's going in a sprint is concerned. Would be much nicer if a burnUp chart didn't cost money. Also, I'd really like to not have to leave Trello just to view the charts. Quite a shame cause this could be a really powerful extension
  • (2018-08-19) صابر طباطبائی یزدی: the best tools we ever seen in google chrome
  • (2018-08-01) Fait énormément ralentir Trello, le déplacement de cartes, l'accès aux membres, aux labels... Trello gagne 1000% en fluidité une fois cette extension désinstallée
  • (2018-04-17) Руслан Сахипов: First I decide to open access to all my data for you. And only after that you say that I need to pay for a tool. Nice order, thank you.
  • (2018-03-09) Fiona Kelly: Love this. Nice and easy and a great way to keep track
  • (2018-01-25) Jukka-Pekka Keisala: Great extension.
  • (2018-01-16) Paul Scrivens-Smith: Has the potential to be a very useful extension but the performance issues make it unusable.
  • (2017-11-01) Scot Lê: good
  • (2017-09-14) Hilman Afif: B ajah
  • (2017-09-11) Maria Fernandes: Muito bom!!!
  • (2017-08-15) Sinan Teske: Does not work well in collaboration. The optional definition of story points is not shared over multiple users, so it is not stored in the board. Furthermore estimated story points set by another user are not recognised in my view on the board. The labels are missing. I don't know if this is because of the definition of optional story points instead of the default values. Although we have defined exactly the same list of optional story points. Please bug fix this. (using Scrum for Trello v1.100)
  • (2017-06-29) Eder Inocêncio Côrtes: Congratulations, team Q42 for the support in the scrum for trello extension and for helping us to be more productive.
  • (2017-05-24) Todd Lower: Like the plugin, however it badly needs to be optimized. If I uninstall it, Trello runs like butter, even with a high amount of cards on a board. With it installed, Trello is super slow. Scrolling, moving cards, opening cards, and even looking at card attachment previews is an unbearable chore. Uninstalling until some optimization fixes are added.
  • (2017-05-19) Great feature set that helps my team stay time conscious and review efficiency. Sadly it slows down the browser to a point that its almost unusable. Needs to be optimized.
  • (2017-05-09) Mervin Govender: I think this is great add on. I just don't understand how does one getting to the setting to amend predefined story points.
  • (2017-05-07) Benjamin MARCHAND: Ralentissements insupportables dans Trello
  • (2017-04-12) JM G: Used to work, now pushes Trello to use 100% constantly. Broken
  • (2017-04-04) Thaila Toni: Muito bom!

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-28, v:1.105) Erika Stevens: October Workaround no longer working
    Trello appears to have made some additional changes and the workaround provided in mid-October is no longer working.
  • (2023-11-25, v:1.105) Andriy Bogomazov: Time is not rendered on the card
    It shows numbers in brackets as opposed to nice icons
  • (2023-11-20, v:1.105) Sune Schmidt-Hylleborg: What have Trello changed??
    Hi. We have losed the oppertunity to bypass the "New experience" from boards in Trello. This means that we can no longer see the point sums that Your lovely plugin has contributed with for so long. My question is if we should wait a solution from You, Trello or start looking for a more permanent workaround?
  • (2023-11-14, v:1.105) Vernon Reed: workaround disabled
    Trello removed the option given in the workaround. Is there any hope to get this wonderful resource back on my boards?
  • (2023-11-13, v:1.105) Tomas Jankuj: Workaround depreciated
    The workaround with disabling Board experience enhancements is not working anymore. The Board experience enhancements toggle switch is not visible in the labs anymore.
  • (2023-10-26, v:1.105) Marco Antonio Pérez: No longer working
    It doesn't work since a few days ago. Different computers, diferent browsers. I have tried, Chrome, Brave, and Firefox
  • (2023-10-24, v:1.105) Greg San Miguel: Scrum for trello
    The values for scrum for trello (in brackets) are no long working in my trello. I've rebooted and taken all the advice offered online. I suspect this has occurred because Atlassian has changed settings for Trello. Will this be fixed, and when?
  • (2023-10-20, v:1.105) Greg San Miguel: Scrum for trello
    Hi, the values for scrum for trello (in brackets) are no long working in my trello. I've rebooted and taken advice here. Does anyone know why and what to do?
  • (2023-10-19, v:1.105) Andressa Nowasyk | Productivity Intelligence: It's no longer working :(
    This extension is so important to me, it would be awesome if you guys fix it! Thank you very much for all the work!
  • (2023-10-13, v:1.105) Tyler Caudle: Points not calculating at top of Trello columns
    The point totals that used to appear on each column of a Trello board are no longer appearing after the latest Trello update.
  • (2023-10-09, v:1.105) Jenna Hood: No longer totals points on the list
    My cards have the story points on them but the lists are no longer calculating totals as of last week.
  • (2023-04-18, v:1.105) Ms. AprilE: Scrum for Trello does not totally add the scores anymore
    Did you guys update and did not include to sum all of the score in the list? Was available before though...
  • (2022-07-07, v:1.105) Anaïs Poulet: 2 values in the burndown chart
    Hello, The burndown has a display bug. At the beginning of a new sprint, the first day keeps the last number of estimated and the new one. So there is a vertical line in the chart for the very first day. Is this a bug or it can be fixed through the settings ? Regards, Anaïs
  • (2022-06-21, v:1.104) David Ruiz Pérez: When a Trello list has more than 8 cards, the extension stops counting so totals in the list header are not working as expected.
    Please help, after creating several cards in a Trello list, the extension stops counting, so totals in the list header are not working as expected.
  • (2022-06-13, v:1.104) Ben McFetridge: Temporary manual fix for the totals not counting all cards
    If you zoom your browser out to the maximum amount (Ctrl + scroll wheel OR Ctrl and -) then refresh the window then the totals work again (for all cards that are on screen when you're at the maximum zoom). The issue appears to be that it's not totalling cards that are offscreen. This happens in both columns that are off to the side or cards down a column hidden in scroll. Assuming it's likely a performance update by Trello that cards don't render fully if not visible, so the plugin doesn't have the information it needs.
  • (2022-06-07, v:1.104) Lucas Carmona: Seems that the Extension is broken since this week
    Hi, its seems that something have change probably in Google Chrome, and the extension start to fail with the summarization of the cards on different Trello Lists. Are you planning an upgrade? Thanks in advance! Regards,
  • (2022-06-07, v:1.104) David Johnsson: Fixing the numbers not adding up
    Hi! I just had the same problem as many of you and for me it helped to go into settings for the plugin, activating the developer mode (top right hand corner) and then clicking Update.
  • (2022-06-07, v:1.104) Tanya Kayim: Scrum for Trello plugin Issues
    Good morning, We currently use Scrum for Trello and are having issues with the count on our Trello boards. It appears the formula (for example [0.5] etc.) is not calculating to give us the correct total. Are you aware of this issue and is there anything that can be done to fix it? We have tried logging out and logging back in and cleared our Cache and Cookies, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Any help you could provide would be amazing.
  • (2022-06-06, v:1.104) Becky Gluck: Points not appearing correctly in Trello
    Some of the points put on cards are not appearing as they should with correct formatting. Additionally, the points are not adding up correctly in the columns.
  • (2022-04-27, v:1.104) Can we access the values in the estimations and actuals as a custom field?
    Can we access the values in the estimations and actuals as a custom field?
  • (2021-11-18, v:1.104) Claire Enriquez: Points not adding up
    Does this extension need to be updated? I've been using this for more than 2 years now and I must admit that it's very useful back then and I really love it for that reason. However this past few weeks the total points isn't adding up correctly. Not sure what's wrong and what I needed to do to see the real time update. Tried clearing cache, logging out and logging back in, CTRL F5, removing and adding back in this extension but none of this works. Was using chrome with this version Version 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2021-11-04, v:1.104) Juan Ignacio del Castillo Waters: Something broke with Scrum for Trello
    Hi Team, it seems from today some cards get correctly the parenthesis notation for card point, i.e. (3) but for others it is not being detected. Do you know if it is because a new Trello version or similar? Regards.
  • (2021-10-06, v:1.104) Tim Raveling: "Error parsing memcached response"
    Hey guys -- so my burndown chart is working correctly, but there is about a paragraph of text at the top that is just "Error parsing memcached response" repeated over and over.
  • (2019-08-29, v:1.104) Myo K: Doesn't work at all -at trello.com on Google Chrome Version 76.0.3809.132
    Google Chrome is up to date Version 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • (2019-07-02, v:1.104) Ronald Bruintjes: Show point totals in Calendar view
    Hi, I just switched to the Calendar view in Trello, and missed the Scrum point totals on top of the columns. Especially on the week view this would be a great addition! Thanks for a great tool.
  • (2019-06-04, v:1.100) Diego Rueda: Burn chart link blocks Trello
    When you click the burn chart link the chart view does not display completely and Trello gets blocked. you have to refresh to be able to continue using Trello
  • (2019-04-27, v:1.100) Laura Ball: Scrum for trello not showing in trello
    Hi, I use Trello at work and have recently installed the Scrum for Trello plugin on Chrome. But it has made no difference to my Trello boards - the estimated and actual points don't appear on my cards and there is nothing I can select to either attach points to the card or make the option to select points appear. Do you have a fix, workaround or other suggestion? Thanks, Laura
  • (2018-10-18, v:1.100) Card sorting is possible on the basis of estimations ?
    Do we have any option to sort card with respect to estimations points within list
  • (2018-08-01, v:1.100) Calculate estimate based on sub-projects estimates
    Hi! I wanted to check if there is a support for calculating card estimate based on sub-projects estimates. We have a card for the sprint and other cards added to it as "scheduled projects". I wonder if there is a way to calculate sprint estimate based on the embedded projects of the current card.
  • (2018-02-15, v:1.100) Marco Aurelio Salles de Camargo: tutorial
    É possível vocês disponibilizarem um tutorial?
  • (2018-02-04, v:1.100) High CPU usage
    My trello tab uses 100% CPU when this extension is loaded. Disabling this extension fixes the issue.
  • (2017-12-26, v:1.100) beiwei wudu: 是否还能使用呢??
    你好!是否现在已经不能使用了??谢谢! can't work!
  • (2017-12-05, v:1.100) Joelmir Canazaro: Cards Complete and Points Complete
    Os cards estão sendo contados errados assim como os pontos estimados. São 9 cards e 303 pontos iniciais. Preciso que contabilize corretamente. Como edito essa opção?


100,000 history
4.1491 (342 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-13 / 1.106
Listing languages
