extension ExtPose

Enable local file links

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Make it possible to open by click a link to a local file that is disabled by Chrome.

Image from store Enable local file links
Description from store In Google Chrome, links to local files are disabled, unlike IE. This extension allows you to open a link to a local file by clicking it. [Setting] Starting with Chrome 118 in October 2023, you will need to enable the "Allow access to file URLs" setting from the extension settings page. chrome://extensions/?id=nikfmfgobenbhmocjaaboihbeocackld [Security] A malicious page can not open a local file without permission, because this extension reacts only to the click operation by the user. [Others] Personal information is not collected / used. Source code is released to GitHub. https://github.com/tksugimoto/chrome-extension_open-local-file-link

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-05) Thomas Friedrich: I added the link ms-excel:ofv|u|file:///T:/IT/test.xlsx to a wiki page. It doesn't do anything when clicked. Copying it into the address bar throws a warning and then opens Excel with the file.
  • (2023-08-23) Robin Beier: Works as expected! Thank you.
  • (2023-08-15) Man Huen Ng: Excellent addon, perfectly works, solve the problem I spent 10 hours searching for a solution😭
  • (2023-08-05) Rogerio M. Souza: Excellent ! Great job @tksugiMoto
  • (2023-07-12) Zer0 Studioz: Doesn't seem to do anything. I hightly doubt it's the devs fault, I think Google is just being a**holes, but still disappointing
  • (2022-11-06) Nic Hamilton: broken
  • (2022-10-18) Mark Warburton: Good idea, but doesn't work on Chrome Version 106.0.5249.119
  • (2022-08-15) robl l: Works on all Clients (140) in our domain network
  • (2022-07-12) Jason Atwood: Didn't work on Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (arm64). I tried several different sites/locations/string formats.
  • (2022-02-18) Sachhyam Hada: Works very well, I've been looking for something like this for years and here it is!
  • (2022-01-14) HOTO: doesn't work
  • (2021-09-04) Helvetica Free: It is still trying to save a text file in a local folder. It should be pretty obvious that if you are opening a local folder, you already have it, so why the need to save it again ? It would be helpful to be able to tell the extension what to do with what kind of files, e.g. jpg... open in browser, txt... open in browser. mp3... run using ... program etc.
  • (2021-06-10) Donnie Hall: It does what it says on the tin.
  • (2021-05-18) Sergey Semenov: doesn't work :(
  • (2021-03-18) Francisco Javier Gonzalez Cassio: Very useful in my work place, simple.
  • (2021-03-17) Гол Сергей: Не работает. Doesn't work
  • (2021-01-27) Sam Rudloff: Works well, I looked at the source and its all good and safe as of 1/27/2021
  • (2021-01-15) Anh Trinh: wonderful!
  • (2020-12-08) Ant Cap: Fixed our issue with Sharepoint opening file links.
  • (2020-11-18) Hitri Krtek: Works as described. Good.
  • (2020-11-04) B. A.: Instead of opening the document from the file location it now downloads the file to the Download folder.
  • (2020-10-28) Frédéric Gaonac'h: Works perfectly on my PCs. Thanks.
  • (2020-08-26) Андрей Попандопуло: Doesn't work
  • (2020-08-24) Dominic Hock: Doesnt work.
  • (2020-06-26) Blue Dominator: For some reason, both in Chrome and MS Edge it used to open File Explorer. Now it opens a new browser tab with a list of files. How can I change it back to open File Explorer when clicking the link?
  • (2020-04-14) αβ δτ: It's bad app and i can't open my local file, can't open app setting,can't enjoy my life, it show blank icon and it's very rubbish.
  • (2020-02-12) Ricardo Rosenegger: Just works - thank u very much
  • (2019-12-05) Andrea S: Perfect! Work it ! with smb link
  • (2019-11-27) vesper group: Not working.
  • (2019-11-14) Pavel Ermakov: Whenever I try to open a local url I get the following message in the console: "Not allowed to load local resource: <URL>". Has google shut this method down?
  • (2019-08-01) Quentin AUGE: Fait son taff, parfait !
  • (2019-07-23) 76morpheus: Cette extension ne fonctionne pas sur mon PC. je suis sur le réseau d'entreprise et mon site intranet ne permet pas avec Chrome d'ouvrir un fichier se trouvant sur le disque réseau. contrairement avec IE.
  • (2019-05-22) Geoff Y: Great plugin, thanks so much. Would be perfect if it supported more symbols. I noticed that it won't support browsing folder locations if the folder name includes "#".
  • (2019-05-09) Aaron Kuehner: Was nice for a couple weeks. Now it seems to not work. Maybe Chrome changed something on last update? The setting to choose specific sites doesn't allow simple aliases for intranet sites. For example I want to tell it "http://helpdesk", but it claims that's not a valid web address.
  • (2019-03-07) Working well! Thanks a lot!!!
  • (2018-09-21) Владимир Иванов: не работает
  • (2018-06-25) Martin Prinzler: Lost the old "LocalLinks" extension. But seems to work exactly the same: Very good :)
  • (2018-06-20) Achim Braemer: Great, just works!
  • (2018-06-20) Koji Shiraishi: グループウェアにExcelへのファイルリンクがたくさんある会社ではとても重宝します。 ファイルリンクはChromeでクリックしても、なにも反応しなかったのでずっとこまっていました。
  • (2018-05-08) Don Knisley: While it does open file links it downloads the file first and then opens it from the Downloads directory. I'm looking for something the opens directly from the file server share.
  • (2018-01-26) Paul Marr Hilliard: It works with Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132. Opens the link in a new tab which is fine.
  • (2017-12-21) Papy frog: Indispensable pour un intranet !
  • (2017-12-12) Oleg Glushkov: Прекрасно работает. Решил свою проблемы с доступом к файлам на локальных сетевых ресурсах вместо IE.
  • (2017-10-03) Wim Borghs: Well, it works... But I would like to be able to configure on which websites opening links to local files is allowed. (For Microsoft web browsers you need to add those websites to the trusted websites zone. For Firefox you need to add those websites to a capability.policy.localfilelinks.checkloaduri.sites preference)
  • (2017-08-08) Valentin L: Cette application est très utile pour un intranet.
  • (2017-07-17) Жизнь в глубинке России: РАБОТАЕТ

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-15, v:0.9.4) Spencer Hauck: Need Edge ExtensionSettings Registry Edit
    Allow company to create Edge GPO to enable file URLs so the user doesn't have to do anything.
  • (2023-10-31, v:0.9.3) Janez Stok: Enable "Allow access to file URLs" via GPO (Group policy) with chrome beta is working for me
    My working group policy setting with chrome beta 119.0.6045.59 under Google Chrome/Extensions/Extension management settings (this is group policy path, when you have Google Chrome policy extensions installed: https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/187202?hl=en)is {"nikfmfgobenbhmocjaaboihbeocackld":{"file_url_navigation_allowed":true}} for this paticular extension, btw you cant do this: { "*": { "file_url_navigation_allowed": true } } This sadly do not work, because you must use extension name and not apply to all extensions, I don't know why but it doesn't. Regars.
  • (2023-10-16, v:0.9.1) Zinn Zapu: Enable "Allow access to file URLs" via GPO
    Hello, since today every User has to activate this manualy. Is there an option to configure "allow access to file URLs" for all users via GPO?
  • (2023-10-16, v:0.9.1) t hsp: グループポリシーの設定方法について
    MicrosoftEdgeのグルーポリシーにて、 「ファイルの URL へのアクセスを許可する」を有効にする方法はございますでしょうか。
  • (2023-10-13, v:0.9.0) Theresa Tucker: turn on allow access to file URLs
    Is there a way to configure "allow access to file URLs" for all users via GPO or powershell?
  • (2023-10-12, v:0.9.0) T Lachau: links stopped working today 10/12/23 :(
    worked perfectly previously. did chrome update cause this change?
  • (2023-10-12, v:0.9.0) SDC Information Technology: Unable to Click Links
    Unable to click on hyperlinks for local files as of today (2023-10-12).
  • (2023-10-12, v:0.8.0) Jimmy Wang: Not working when the hyper link is programmed by <a>
    A few days ago, this extension was working by <a>. Recently, it's not.
  • (2023-07-10, v:0.8.0) Ethan William Jerrum: Manifest V3 Compatibility
    Good morning, I am contacting you from Airbus Defence and Space in regards to the upcoming Manifest V3 Extensions migration due to occur early 2024. Please can you confirm that your extension is Manifest V3 Compliant and get back to me as soon as possible? Kind Regards, Ethan Jerrum
  • (2023-06-29, v:0.8.0) 高橋俊史: フォルダ参照時に、先頭に”~$”の付いたファイルを一覧に表示しないようにできますか?
    社内向けイントラネットサイトで、ローカルファイルリンクを有効化して共有フォルダを参照可能にした場合、href=file://フォルダパス の様にフォルダパスを記述すると、ブラウザ上にエクスプローラと同様のファイル一覧が表示されます。 (それらは、一時ファイルやキャッシュファイルだと思わrます。) ところが、その一覧にエクスプローラでは表示されない、ファイル名の先頭に"~$"が付いたファイルが表示されてしまいますが、当該ファイルをクリックしても内容を参照することができません。先頭に”~$”が付いたファイルを一覧に表示しないようにする方法があれば、ご教示ください。
  • (2023-02-20, v:0.8.0) goran ljubic: creating folder, moving file from folder to another folder
    this extension has not option for cretaing folder, moving, copying file from one location to another? can you help me how using those options?
  • (2022-11-22, v:0.8.0) Connor P2: Has this extension been migrated to Manifest V3?
    Has this extension been migrated to Manifest V3? Will the extension be in support throughout next year.
  • (2022-11-15, v:0.8.0) Connor P2: Manifest V2 or V3
    Hi, I was wondering if you can tell me if this extension has been migrated to Manifest V3? Thanks, Connor
  • (2022-07-07, v:0.7.0) Steve Wolff: Does this work on a Mac
    I installed the extension but I am still blocked from opening a local file. I have the following link on a Google Sites website that I am viewing with preview: file:///Users/stevenwolff/Documents/Articles/Culture/Buckingham.HBR.Designing%20Work%20That%20People%20Love.pdf If I paste this link into my browser, it does bring up the file. It just does not work when I click on it even though the extension is installed.
  • (2022-06-03, v:0.7.0) Andy Cummings: Lock down to a domain
    Is it possible to "lock down" the extension so that it will only work for local files in a specific domain? And if so can this be done via GP or would it have to be configured in the exe prior to install. Thank-you
  • (2022-03-28, v:0.7.0) tamaranoko_catari: Is there a way to get this as an .exe file?
    We are looking to deploy this to multiple pcs at a time. Is there a way to stream this process or do we need to go into the google store everytime.
  • (2022-03-10, v:0.7.0) Benjamin Decker: Not working for links nested in other frames
    Hi, we have some iframes in which we wanna open links to local files. The click event is not triggered here and the file won't open. Can you do something about this issue?
  • (2022-02-22, v:0.7.0) Huda: file format support
    which file types are supported by this plugin?
  • (2022-01-21, v:0.7.0) patrick o: Enable Local File Links does not seem to work Windows Server 2019 DataCenter
    Hi, This product seems to work great on Windows 10, but seems to be completely ignored on our Windows Server 2019 DataCenter Browsers. I looks to install fine, and be enabled, but does not function. I have tried with a vanilla VM with no special GPO's applied, and it is the same. Any suggestions, or has anybody else seen this? Many thanks
  • (2021-12-28, v:0.7.0) Torbjorn Ljung: Chrome using the api window.open does not work
    Hi ! I'm using the JS API window.open(url, windowName, [windowFeatures]); I've used it for years in Internet Explorer. Now Microsoft Edge does not support it, nor does Chrome, I can run it in Edge using IE-Explorer mode for 30 days. I really would like to be able to run it in Chrome and skip Microsoft browsers. My request looks as this: newpath=z:\\books\documentary\(doc)1972 summary(1985) window.open(newpath, 'explorer'); (drive z is within my local intranet.) But when I try do access it from Chrome, nothing happens at all. Do you know why ?
  • (2021-09-02, v:0.7.0) Gary Berger: Security Issues?
    All, what are the security issues and concerns related to using this extension and are there ways to mitigate them? I know that enabling the use of File URLs is a risk to security and privacy. However I do see that you can whitelist/configure the sites for which this is used. Also, I see that you must click the link, that it cannot be opened programmatically, and I see that you cannot click on and run an EXE file. Are there other issues I should consider with this? Isn't it theoretically possible that someone could overwrite a file that is reference in a file URL with malware that would be triggered/fired when clicked? (I'm thinking scripts, Word documents with Macros, etc). Thanks for any responses.
  • (2021-07-16, v:0.7.0) Marco Freytag: Integration GPO policy with Edge Chromium
    I am trying to deploy / have the extension installed via the GPO in Edge (Chromium) in the company. I set the whole thing in the user configuration in the MS Edge extensions (control which extensions are installed automatically). I pass the ID from the Chrome Store but it does not work. If I now use another extension, it works. Is there a solution here?
  • (2021-06-17, v:0.7.0) Andreas Vogt: Deploy via GPO?
    Is it possible to deploy this extension by Windows GPO?
  • (2021-05-27, v:0.7.0) Sian Kedma: L'extension propose d'enregistrer au lieu d'ouvrir
    Bonjour, Quand je clique sur mon lien qui pointe vers un fichier local, ça me propose de l' "enregistrer sous" au lieu de l'ouvrir directement. Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ? Merci
  • (2021-05-27, v:0.7.0) SXS 14: Recent Problems with file:// Links
    Good Day I am not able to open file:// Links from sharepoint, no matter if they are PDFs or just links to folders.... When I click such link, nothing happens. When I copy the link address and paste it into a new tab, the PDF opens fine. When I delete the Google folder unter "%appdata% and restart chrome, it works. But when I logoff and logon again, it doesn't work anymore.
  • (2021-03-09, v:0.7.0) Greg Mangino: Can we manage the sites to connect the extension administratively
    We would like to manage the sites this extension centrally. Define a specific legacy site (internal). Lock down all others. Is this possible?
  • (2021-02-16, v:0.7.0) lucien Van Chaze: extension installed in Google Chrome, but opens a copy of the file (number in Name file)
    Hi, I installed the extension in google Chrome to open local files on my server ( Exceldoc). When I click on the link, it opens a copy(with a nummer in the name.of the file..), instead of the original (fi Agenda(4).xlsx . Thanks in advance, Luc Van Chaze
  • (2021-02-15, v:0.7.0) Jessica Rea: greyed out extension
    hi, my local file link won't open and the extension is greyed out in the list.
  • (2021-01-19, v:0.7.0) Troy Stauffer: MS Edge
    I am trying to use this in MS Edge Version 87.0.664.75 (Official build) (64-bit) but it doesn't seem to work. The icon remains greyed out. Is there something i have to do?
  • (2021-01-18, v:0.7.0) Iliyan Matanski: Wrong detection
    Hello, after the latest update the extension recognizes links of type "o:2;xyz..." as files, while they are links to a database. Can you sugest what would be the reason or how to disable the extension for some site via GPO? Thank you!
  • (2021-01-14, v:0.7.0) Chesterfield Website: Doesn't seem to work with images
    Works great with files but not with images. Is there a reason why it wouldn't work with images ?
  • (2020-11-26, v:0.6.1) Carlos Naranjo: How to bookmark local files in chromebook
    Sorry about the obvious questions but how do you create a bookmark from local files in chrome? I didn't see the option Thanks
  • (2020-10-07, v:0.6.1) rapacov: It worked earlier but now it doesn´t
    Hi, I used this extension and worked well (in first half of this year). Now I use Chrome version 86.0.4240.75 and extension doesn´t work. Is it compatible with new version of Chrome? Thanks for your work.
  • (2020-09-22, v:0.6.1) m mja: How can I add websites to enable local file links by policy (GPO)?
    How can I add websites to enable local file links by policy (GPO)? I add the following string in the GPO: "nikfmfgobenbhmocjaaboihbeocackld":{"installation_mode":"force_installed","update_url":"https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx"}} How do I add websites in that string? Regards Michael
  • (2020-08-27, v:0.6.1) Tim Black: Some files give ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
    I am browsing a tree of directories and files, and when I click on some files, I get: Your file was not found It may have been moved or deleted. ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND All of these very same files are accessible normally via Windows Explorer. Any ideas what's going on?
  • (2020-08-10, v:0.6.1) Dan Geil: Used to work great
    Working on setting up a new computer and installed this add-on which was working perfectly before. Now rather than opening File Explorer when I click a file link, it seems to try to open the file within Chrome instead which is not useful.
  • (2020-07-02, v:0.6.1) Blue Dominator: Doesn't Open Explorer Window, it opens a browser window with a list of all files in the folder.
    For some reason, both in Chrome and MS Edge it used to open File Explorer. Now it opens a new browser tab with a list of files. How can I change it back to open File Explorer when clicking the link?
  • (2020-06-10, v:0.6.1) Арт Дол: When installing on RDP server Windows Server 2012R2
    Error When installing on an operating system Windows Server 2012R2: Unable to install package:"COULD_NOT_GET_TEMP_DIRECTORY"
  • (2020-06-02, v:0.6.1) Henrik Jacobsen: Syntax for adding more sites
    Is it possible to add more sites to "runtime_allowed_hosts? If yes, what is the syntax? is it "horse.com;emu.com;bird.eu" or "horse.com,emu.com,bird.eu" or something entirely different? And this is a whitelist, meaning that any site that is not explicitly put here will not be able to use the extension,correct?
  • (2020-05-23, v:0.6.1) ARTHUR KLENDA: Enable local file links Offered by: Takashi Sugimoto (tksugimoto) 45 Productivity  600,000+ user
    added this to my dads windows 10 Chrome than you for any or all the suport giving it a try to see if it helps. Thank you DPK
  • (2020-05-19, v:0.6.1) Jason Borelli: Not working - Chrome Mac
    I have a folder with an index.html file that uses xml to pull up images, etc that are organized within that folder. I get a http resource error when I open the index.html file. I can get this to work in Safari by using dev tools. Point being I don't think your extension works anymore.
  • (2020-04-29, v:0.6.1) Patricia Pezick: cannot take off of computer
    How do I remove it? The remove button does not work!
  • (2020-04-23, v:0.6.1) Jon: Security Settings
    [Security] A malicious page can not open a local file without permission, because this extension reacts only to the click operation by the user. But when i look at Details, there is not set to "on click" it is set to "all Websites". This is right? And, when i want this extension just for one Website. I can set it manuell (so it work just on https://test.html), but I want to set this for 500 Users. Do you now how I could do this? I dont found anything about this, no GPO, no Regkey, no file setting, no config-file
  • (2020-03-30, v:0.6.1) Jonas Pavletic: Opening a folder link directly in Explorer?
    I used another plugin earlier (which is sadly no longer working). A feature that I used a lot was the possibility to open links in File Explorer instead of in Chrome which makes it easy to link to a local file and then open the actual file instead of downloading a copy in the browser. Is that something that could be added to "Enable local file links"?
  • (2020-03-20, v:0.6.1) Christian John: afp support
    It seems like the afp protocol is not supported, or is this an issue with my machine?
  • (2020-03-05, v:0.6.1) Kevin Still: Launch an EXE?
    It it possible to launch a program with this addin? I am trying to make a page with shortcuts to applications?
  • (2020-02-25, v:0.6.1) D.S.P. Webb: Working on PC, doesn't appear to work on macs
    for example this link works using the extension in chrome on a pc: <a href="file://///vm-file06/All%20Share/Reports/New%20Members" target="_blank" rel="noopener">New Member Reports</a> But it does not work on a mac. The user's mac is 10.15.2. They just get a page not found error. Any ideas
  • (2020-02-13, v:0.6.1) Nathan Allan: CSV Downloading as XLS
    When I click a link to a csv file on the local drive, the extension will download it as an xls file instead which puts all the data from 1 row and multiple columns into 1 single cell.
  • (2020-02-12, v:0.6.1) Alex N: Installation Error 0.6.1
    It seems that this version can open only the first link, the second and others are ignored. Or the extension is shut off after the first launch. I've tested on Vivaldi 2.10 and 2.11 fresh install, Win 7 x64. The behavior is the same. What is curios that "open local file links" extension face the same issue.


3,000,000 history
3.8947 (76 votes)
Last update / version
2023-12-03 / 0.9.5
Listing languages
en fr ja
