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Small improvements for Remember The Milk interface
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Small improvements for Remember The Milk interface (original greasemonkey script "A Bit Better RTM" -
- v2 manifest file format
- fixed broken Shift+j/k shortcuts
- attempt to workaround Chrome issue
- bug fixes
- Added drag-n-drop delay to prevent unwanted drags when clicking on a list
- Use correct 'Add list' icon for https connection
- fixed weird loading behaviour
- fixed bug when the extension won't load in the latest Chrome builds
- fixed bug when 'hasNotes' and 'noteContains' search was throwing exception
- fixed bug when layout was broken in Chrome dev build
- fixed bug when a window wasn't properly focused after moving task to another list (Ctrl + m)
- display list tabs to the left
- drag-and-drop list re-ordering
- drag-and-drop move tasks between lists
- display tasks count
- resizable task list
- hide useless lists (available through Settings -> Lists)
- unique URL for lists and tasks
- configurations section is on the Remember the Milk Settings
page, under the A Bit Better RTM tab
- "Shift + j / k" - switch between lists (Shift + o - open selected list)
- "Ctrl + g" - Go to list. Displays a popup for selecting a list to go to.
- "Ctrl + m" - Move to list. Displays a popup for selecting a list to move tasks to.
- "q" - quick add list
- "/" - focus search box
Latest reviews
- (2015-08-08) Bryan “Ironman” Stark: Original ideas for the script were great(from 2009-2013), but the site has changed so much that it is now defunct: the shortcut keys are invalid, the move to list function is invalid, there is no configuration section tab in settings. The only function that still works is to replace the horizontal tabs on the default RTM GUI and replace it with a vertical list on the left side of the page, which doesn't really format well with the rest of the way RTM is currently formatted. I really wish the developer still took interest in the Ext.
- (2015-06-06) Karin Höthker: Thank you! The vertical menu is awesome.
- (2015-01-07) John S.: The screen layout still has some issues (sometimes everything looks fine, other times you have to re-load the tab to get it all to play nice). I know nothing about how to fix this, but you'd think someone could come up with an improvement to make this even a little bit better... It looks like nothing has been changed since 2013 - has the developer lost interest? Could someone else step up and take this on? Again, I know absolutely nothing about how to fix the issue with the "details box." Any ideas?
- (2014-09-22) This extension is critical for GTD followers that want to use one list per project.
- (2014-08-06) Gabriel Pérez-77: Excelente. Añade un toque de perfección a RTM el cual ya es un servicio genial. Gracias
- (2014-03-19) Julie Ricketts: A tremendous improvement -- it's so much more useful to have your lists displayed top to bottom. I find the default tabs across the top to be very hard to work with. As I've seen others mention, there is an issue that prevents the column of lists showing along the left side of the screen when RTM is first loaded. If I do a screen refresh, my A Bit Better RTM format is restored, but I would think this isn't how it's intended to work.
- (2014-03-03) Baris T.: Awesome!
- (2014-01-23) Robert Fitzmaurice: Really getting to work well with RTM and this extension makes it much better than the tabbed 'vanilla' version. Please, does anyone know how I can configure so that when I drag the lists to display in a particular order, for that not to reset to an alphabetical order on my next visit?
- (2014-01-13) When it works it's great, but lately the box on the right side gets pushed to the bottom of the page making it virtually useless.
- (2013-12-29) Scott Schlesier: Awesome Sauce!!! A few little tweaks that take RTM from good to great. My personal favourites are the ability to hide some lists, and keyboard shortcuts to move tasks to a new list.
- (2013-12-13) een hele vooruitgang ten opzichte van de standaar userinterface. De snelkoppelingen werken geweldig!
- (2013-11-10) Bryan Wall: This extension improves the user interface of RTM significantly for me. It moved the tabs to the side, instead of being staggered on top. This is especially helpful when you have lots of lists. One odd behavior, however, is that it only works if you load or refresh the page with it visible. If you refresh it and switch to another tab before it's visible, or load saved tabs, it scrambles the page.
- (2013-09-04) Steve Klinke: Love it! Unique URLS! Just wish I could find an extension that will quickly link Gmail threads to a task.
- (2013-08-27) David Sitsky: This is a great extension to RTM. One thing I would love to see when showing the results list from a smart search is to include the list name the task is a member of, after the tags. This is done with the iOS version, and would be the icing on the cake.
- (2013-08-10) Taras D: Awesome little tweaks - thanks a lot!
- (2013-08-09) Amy B: I really like this app. I wasn't even going to use RTM anymore b/c it wouldn't let me make my own custom lists. This app saved it. Thanks!
- (2013-07-23) Very nice and free.
- (2013-07-17) Francisco Mat: way better than original
- (2013-07-08) Sarah Bierenbaum: I love this extension, but the left drop-down stopped working a few days ago. No amount of refreshing will make it come back. I even tried deleting the extension and re-adding it. I can't find any way to report a bug, so I'm writing this here. Please fix!!
- (2013-06-10) Ryan Hammer: Can we get rid of the Cow please?
- (2013-06-09) Anton Reva: Some errors: - left pannel dont show - the right pannel dropped down, but not the right.
- (2013-05-24) JimsC: excellent, makes RTM even easier to use, particularly the lists on the left
- (2013-05-07) Davy Ho: Great JS for RTM! but some times the right pannel dropped down, but not the right. Anyway, it's a new experience for RTM.
- (2013-04-19) Jim Baker: I really like how the tabs run down the left side of the screen, works better with my brain
- (2013-03-31) Aaron Piccirilli: Been using this for years, either via this extension, the Firefox extension, or the Greasemonkey style back in the day. Couldn't imagine RTM without it, and I only have a couple dozen lists. That said, it consistently doesn't load without multiple refreshes. This used to be bad, got better for a year or so, and has gotten bad in the past couple of months again.