Description from extension meta
Allow the browser to play HLS video urls (m3u8) 'natively'
Image from store
Description from store
This extension is a wrapper around the awesome hlsjs library:
Clicking on the extension icon will let you play any m3u8 embedded as a video html element in the current page.
New: type m3u8, then tab, then your m3u8 URL to play the URL in the extension.
Enable/Disable the url catcher by clicking on the icon.
Enable hls.js debug mode in the extension settings.
Switch between hls.js 0.14.x, 1.0.x and 1.1.x in the settings.
Now supports subtitles!
Switch between zoom and native video size in the options.
Display timed metadata in the console
Default player is now hls.js/1.1.5.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-06) Alain ortega: Le doy 5 estrellas, super bueno, me sirve..Salu2s
- (2023-08-28) Eddie Yong Meng Fai: Works Great!
- (2023-08-22) Papa Kanoc: és itt sincs kép...
- (2022-12-22) Global Brand: WORKING GOOD
- (2022-07-13) Rajkumar A.A: Works like a charm.
- (2022-06-27) 마늘김: 아니 실행을 어케한느지 알려주든가 ㅅ ㅂ 련들아
- (2022-06-06) Nabadeep Borgohain: very nice
- (2022-03-06) 아이고맙소사: 트위치 다시보기 잘 뚫어짐
- (2022-02-12) Prosto Chel: Больше не пашет
- (2021-11-26) Nikolay Oleynikov: Позволил смотреть онлайн трансляцию заседаний на сайте Тюменской областной Думы "без костылей". До этого не работало ни в одном браузере на компьютере.
- (2021-06-30) gfg dgdfg: We need function to change resolution 4:3 to 16:9..
- (2021-04-22) Avi Nash: The best so far
- (2021-01-02) Will Lesage: aucune utilité.
- (2020-11-16) Rubio R: Good but need playback speed controll(1.25, 1.5)
- (2020-09-16) Twinferno: Inutilisable...
- (2020-08-05) Pastel_Minty: Great f0r streamlng the f0rnlte radl0 statl0ns when n0t ln game 0r n0t ln a car
- (2020-03-30) xiao anbo: 不能用,差评,don't use
- (2020-03-01) Daniel Pratlong: Inutilisable avec certains flux (image à moitié rognée, mal décodée).
- (2020-02-28) bog king: chrome上很好用,Firefox上不能用,不知道是不是hls依然是0.8版本的原因。
- (2019-11-16) Roman Drobyshev: Уже не позволяет смотреть платные записи с твича :(
- (2019-10-19) Fabio: é semplice e perfetta, aggiungerei il supporto a chromecast utilizzando questa customizzazione
- (2019-09-27) work for: 为什么部分m3u8还是不能播放?
- (2019-09-21) Chris wytten: The best so far
- (2019-09-15) NA: Doesnt work, Chrome downloads the m3u8.
- (2019-09-01) O11: es legal?
- (2019-07-11) Chairat Jampangoen: I love it Make my life easier.
- (2019-07-08) Awadh Ahmad: Best add ever
- (2019-05-07) 请你务必牢记(请你务必牢记): I hope to increase the download function.
- (2019-04-09) J K: We need the function to change the ui(remove black gradient background at bottom) and control the play speed
- (2019-03-30) I don't know how secure it is, but it works! It allows me to play some of my local TV channels without going to their laggy websites and without watching ads other than the ads that are broadcast directly.
- (2019-02-27) Thank you! I Love it.
- (2019-02-24) Five stars... however there is a bug with some extensions: CrxMouse, Alexa or Pop up blocker... You can't play m3u8, just download them... so you need to disable/uninstall them
- (2019-02-19) Peter Wharton: Worked great at first. And then it didn't. It would only play the audio, the video was black. Same URL worked fine in Edge without the plugin so wasn't a source issue.
- (2019-01-28) Didigo Moreira: Excelente!
- (2018-12-09) Consciência Livre: Excelente.
- (2018-12-08) 张凯: 没有效果
- (2018-09-23) 周明: very useful extension.
- (2018-09-07) good plugin to watch HLS
- (2018-08-20) Robert James: What happened to the volume control? The UI changed and you can only mute the sound or play it at max volume now. That's no good.
- (2018-07-20) Mark van der Waarde: Works like a charm! Any chance for a (chrome)cast option? Perhaps by integrating video.js-chromecast (
- (2018-06-23) X HUB: NICE ONE
- (2018-06-18) gamal montaser: good
- (2018-06-16) Dmitry D.: Позволяет смотреть платные записи с твича
- (2018-06-15) Max Ferreira: instalei, mas travou, nao abre mais os canais
- (2018-06-08) Febri Yanto: good