Looking to buy or rent a home? Homr helps you find, organize and decide. Can be a personal advisor for Zillow and other mediums.
Are you looking to buy or rent a home? Homr helps you find, organize and decide. It works on MLS and other sites. Some sites it works on are:
🚀 Zillow Zillow.com
🚀 Realtor Realtor.com
🚀 Trulia Trulia.com
🚀 Foreclosure foreclosure.com
🚀 Apartments Apartments.com
🚀 Most home/apartment/condos search sites.
If you are looking for a home to buy or rent, a realtor, or just someone looking, you can use Homr to organize the listing.
PS: Homr was previously called Zillow Home Advisor.
Latest reviews
- (2015-11-03) Gretchen Pemberton: I like the extra help.
Latest issues
- (2020-07-30, v:0.6) Maria L L: no open
no lo puedo abrir - (2017-08-02, v:0.6) Jane Doe: zillow personal advisor
How can I uninstall this app? - (2017-05-26, v:0.6) MegaMobile Man: Well how does it work
Does not appear to be launchable keeps reading added to chrome however icon is grayed out and unable to click anything. Is this normal or just clumsy beta -mmm - (2016-03-03, v:0.6) O C: How do I use this?
I just keep getting loading advice when I open up a listing. Is there anything I need to do to get this to work? - (2015-04-30, v:0.6) Adam Levine: Needs more spiders
Needs more spiders