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Description from extension meta

Browse the Internets around your projects

Image from store Contextinator
Description from store Contextinator lets you divide your web browsing sessions into projects and manage all of their related information. A project is a collection of browser tabs opened in the same window, series of filters in existing applications (Gmail, Evernote, Dropbox, etc.), bookmarks, people and tasks. With Contextinator, you can: - Access and manage all the information related to a project from a single page - Save and restore browser tabs for each project - Work on multiple projects simultaneously and easily switch between them - Get a big picture of your projects to better plan your work - Avoid distractions in your email inbox, only look at unread email for a project What is a Project? A project is what you make it. It can be a holiday you're planning to Puerto Rico, a course you're taking in School, your PhD thesis, a hobby project or web browsing you do for fun. Each project may have several kinds of information associated with it: Window - Each project has a single window Tabs - Any tabs you open in the project window belong to that project. These tabs are saved, so the next time you open a project, they will be restored. You can close a project at any time, without worrying about losing tabs. Apps - For each project, you can define filters for existing applications like Gmail, Evernote, etc. For example, you can say that a Gmail Label belongs to a project. When you visit Gmail in a project, you will be automatically redirected to that label. Bookmarks - You can create bookmarks specific to a project. People - You can add people to a project by entering their email addresses. When you visit a project's homepage, we will show unread Gmail messages from those users. Tasks - Contextinator comes with a task manager. You can add tasks to a project, which are easily accessible when you are web browsing. To learn more about how to use Contextinator, please visit: http://contextinator.cs.vt.edu/

Latest reviews

  • (2016-04-27) Francisco Alejandro Diaz Damian: Organiza las urls por proyectos.. Muy util.
  • (2016-02-08) Dolina Zamkova: Вже в котре несподівано зникають всі існуючі проекти, що цікаво — після того, як деякі були прив’язані до Google Drive (вони чомусь не прив’залися, а теж зникли). Останнє оновлення — 9.10.2013, сьогодні 8.02.2016. Сире розширення, ще й майже два з половиною року без оновлень. Звісно, їх годі й чекати — видаляю. Шкода, бо задум потужний.
  • (2014-09-16) Dorian: This is pretty much alpha quality. It has some good ideas, but lots of bugs and not very functional. Considering it has not been updated for more than a year I think it's best to look at other solutions and leave this be. Or maybe fork it on GitHub
  • (2014-04-18) Victor Admin: THIS IS AMAZING. My productivity online will never be the same again
  • (2014-04-09) Zach Primrose: Great job! Looking forward to it's continued development!
  • (2014-03-31) I really like the idea of this extension, but what I don't like is losing all of my projects. Why would Contextinator actively empty a bookmarks folder? Really too bad.
  • (2014-02-12) John Day: Worked perfectly until I lost all of my projects. Pretty useless if I can't count on it.
  • (2014-01-10) Janne Savikko: Great plugin when working. Beware that Contextinator loses projects occasionally, so some day you might not be able to restore your old projects (i.e. saved windows and tabs). After losing projects, plugin leaves empty folder named "Contextinator" to "Other Bookmarks" folder. Does not replace bookmarks.
  • (2013-08-27) Daniel Houriez: Nice extension, here's what I'd love to see in future releases: - In popup window, show list of tabs for each project name with their favicon - When creating a new project, get to choose what should be the new home tab, e.g., normal, url, or empty - Show 'New project' buttons in popup window even if already within a project - Option to re-order projects in the list - Option to remove project from within popup window Other than that there a few things other users have mentioned like option to rename projects, sync between machines
  • (2013-06-19) Lara Lawson: It worked well for one project...then it just deleted the entire project after some inactivity. It has NOT worked for any current projects. This could be great, but major changes are obviously needed.
  • (2013-06-13) Εμμανουήλ Χρύσης: I cannot rename projects. - I cannot switch from another project to another - I cannot close a project or delete...
  • (2013-06-06) Quest Vankirk: No longer opens up any of my projects, this is less useful than not having anything. At least with Chrome I could have restored my lost tabs after a restart. Thanks for nothing.
  • (2013-06-06) Elana Winkler: I like what is does, but it doesn't do enough. I can not see projects from my home computer that I've created on my work computer. Also, I am bummed that I can not share projects. I'd like to be able to send my husband all the tabs or bookmarks I have open for vacation . . . I've tried integrating it with Trello, but it doesn't really integrate. Revised from 3 stars to one, 6/6/2013: Contextinator lost one of my projects! I logged on this morning and found my "Everyday" project tabs replaced with tabs from another project. Rebooting does not help. :(
  • (2013-06-04) Love it ;)
  • (2013-05-26) Great start, but too alpha. Needs a few refinements: 1. Restore tabs in their correct state (eg. pinned) 2. Allow renaming of projects. 3. Don't force-restore the project homepage. 4. The 'contextinator' bar is annoying and doesn't really work. 5. Project windows don't maintain state. After a while contextinator doesn't recognize an open project anymore, rendering itself useless.
  • (2013-05-15) Juanma Almodóvar: Amazing!
  • (2013-05-02) Benjamin (Bleep): Hey, might just be me being silly but for some reason in gmail whenever I use the apostrophe key ' - it brings up an overview view of all my projects. Which is a really neat feature but I use apostrophes quite often in emails and now I'm forced to copy and paste one! FEATURE REQUEST - Ability to rename project titles after you've created them :) Love it so far and already have a dozen projects up. Syncing isn't a big deal for me as I mainly use my desktop for research anyway. Thanks for all your hard work!
  • (2013-05-01) Max Buser: This is an excellent idea that just needs a little polish. Easily adds another star for sync between machines. Also, some of the features are not obvious (or they are broken, but I think I'm just missing how to use them)
  • (2013-05-01) Konrad W: Finally a tab manager that works exactly the way I attempt to use Chrome! Best of all, I don't have to manually manage bookmark folders or make sure I close the right window last to "save my tabs from last time". I have this installed on ChromiumPortable within Dropbox, so I don't have to worry about syncing between machines. A couple suggestions: 1. Ability to mark a Startup project (loads when you first run Chrome) 2. Remember which tabs are pinned 3. Ability to add custom Apps (a link to our internal ticketing system for example)
  • (2013-04-30) I wanted to give this 5 stars purely for being an amazing idea. I usually have several windows at a time fulllll of tabs, so this is a god send. However, I also want to give it 1 star, because of this one bug: if I open an image in a new tab, I get a weird, pixelated version of the image followed by images of the tabs I have open in other projects...that is the best way i can describe that, and it is downright awful. So I will settle for 3 stars, report the bug, and uninstall immediately.
  • (2013-04-30) Will Chase: REQUEST: Is there a way to have projects sync'd over Google Chrome? My work computer projects do not show up on my home computer. Using this to plan my vacation and I'm impressed. So far brilliantly laid out. Kind of hard to get the hang of at first. I wish things were draggable and droppable; Wish tasks could be edited after creating. Looking forward to future versions!
  • (2013-04-30) GREAT Power user tool.
  • (2013-04-30) Kartik Luke Singh: An excellent app. Haven't used it more than five minutes. And I can see it being a great help. Especially with my bookmarking addiction.
  • (2013-04-29) Matt Williams: I really like this so far. Like other reviewers, I would like there to the the opportunity to sync between machines, but otherwise it's great! Also an export might be nice ;-)
  • (2013-04-29) Peter Mugisha Wiese: Great idea, but totally unusable if you have a european keybord. Try to press the letters ö (DE) or æ (DA) and all your work will be blocked by some overlay window. --> uninstall
  • (2013-04-29) Chris Haupt: I think this plug-in can be very helpful - in the future. It's still a little buggy. A sync via google drive would be very neat. So that Desktop machine and notebook/tablet and so on could use the same projects. But already great work and I think it really makes your work easier. Good Job so far - keep going!!


473 history
3.4615 (39 votes)
Last update / version
2013-10-10 / 0.4
Listing languages
