Description from extension meta
Date Calculator.
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Description from store
Do you get stuck in finding the number of days between the two given dates?
Do you frequently add or subtract days to a specific date and get confused in finding the resultant date?
This is a perfect quick extension on your fingertip to solve the above two problems. You can get the total count of days between the given two dates in three clicks. You can easily add or subtract days to/from date given with a result date in quick 3 steps. Let me know, what more features you would like me to add to this extension.
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-09) Mohammad AlNahdi: It is exactly what I need
- (2021-05-31) Frances Cherman: Exactly what I was looking for! Please add an option to format the date as MM-DD-YYYY.
- (2019-11-18) Jacob Johnson: Does what it's intended to do which I appreciate. Please add an option to change the date format to mo/day/year. Also it would be nice if the extension remembered the end date instead of resetting each time the extension drop-down is closed.
- (2018-10-02) Gul Murjani: Clean and simple. I use it primarily for the Add/Sub days function. So I hope that in the next update, it remembers the last selection (Get days count or Add/Sub days). And it also will remember if "Include end date in calculation" was checked or not.
- (2018-01-10) Carlos Tabachnik Z.: Work OK .... But , If you calculate without filling the "From" date or the "To" space, will result on an error , and its hard to escape from the redo error...To escape the redo error you need to press the escape button in your computer.
- (2017-10-20) George Cooke: Awesome! - I am always googling for stupid date calculation or duration between dates etc, I wish they would just add it to google calculator... Thanks for this!!