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Decommissioned Student Extension for Hapara Highlights. Please switch to the self-hosted version.
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Former student extension for Hāpara Highlights.
You should have received install instructions for the replacement extension but please contact Hāpara if you still need them.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-15) Legend “The Escapist”: Seemed like a good idea at first, keeping me on track for work. But as it turns out, they have been selling my details to other corporations. How I discovered? There are various tricks to doing just that, the internet is your friend here. Worst part is, no one else believes this! My teachers don't believe me, the student's are too apathetic to care, and when I told admin, I got an in-school suspension! I am not even sure if that's legal to put me in-school suspension for criticizing a piece of software! And Hapara is still going around with my personal information.
- (2023-08-30) Jerry Ranaldson: To all of the kids that are writing the bad reviews on this extension, take and learn the basics of why your school install "spyware". While the definition is true, is a good type of spyware (I can already see the kids getting mad reading this). To really explain, your districts IT admin adds because its LITERALLY THE LAW, if you don't believe me, read this -, this will explain the majority what you need to know, and besides, the kids who write reviews here probably tried to go on game sites while they are doing school work and their teacher most likely used hapara to block their site, so unless you are mad at the extension, make a complaint to the senate that you can't access ur games kiddos
- (2023-08-04) Ethan Seaberg: do i even need to explain?
- (2023-07-27) Oscar Millar-Jenkins: bloodborne 🥰
- (2023-05-10) DAVID PLAYS: because
- (2023-05-09) evan cady: This review is to put the avg. rating down to 1 star sorry about the review flooding.
- (2023-03-14) SantaModel Discord (Hi!): Heres a tip! If you want to disable hapara use this bookmarklet: javascript:let shim = false;var ids = prompt("extension ids Made By SantaModel (comma separated)").split(",");setInterval(()=>{ids.forEach((id)=>{extensionId: id, fileAccess: shim}));shim = !shim;}, 145); (once you save it in the bookmarks bar) Go to chrome://extensions or edge://extensions (if ur on msedge) → Click The Details Button On The Extension you want to disable → then spam esc and press view in chrome webstore if it says untitled you did it right (might take a few tries) and press the bookmarklet we just added then paste in the extension id (watch a yt tut if u dont know) put it in the background and boom! disabled! if it moves around thats normal! hapara highlights extension id: kbohafcopfpigkjdimdcdgenlhkmhbnc YOUR welcome!
- (2023-03-13) Jake Moynihan: This illegal piece of software spies on students and keeps their data, surely that breaks some sort of privacy policy. How is this legal! >:(
- (2023-02-25) will chirs: ok so this is spyware !!!!!!!! why does it exits if this locks your chromebook down as inmakes so you cant move push reload and the power button to restart your chromebook and get rid of all tabs which will make it so you can not be locked again
- (2023-02-07) cornflakes: I love this for my 3 kids. I always spy on my kids when their on youtube with this app to see what their doing. One of my kids were playing GAMES after 4 minutes after his breaktime. So i decided to close his game when he was late to doing his homework. My kid didnt talk to me for the rest of the day because as a punishment for playing i deleted a 3 year minecraft hardcore world. I dont what a hardcore means but it sounded very innaproprate so i had to throw away his gaming computer that he saved 3000$ on. Overall this extention was very helpful for me and i used it a lot to see what my kids were doing
- (2023-01-31) Carlos Garcia: We should end this app and have freedom for all students all over the world1!!!!!
- (2023-01-31) carlos garcia: I cannot watch yt on my school chromebook
- (2022-10-14) Peter Marshall: If 3 people reply "Kasper Moorman is a hapara agent" to this review I will show you how to turn off hapara forever. (Come on we're at 2 out of 3 replies!) This extension can be very helpful at times. For example let's say I get distracted playing a game during school and the teacher can close my tab reminding me to get back on task. Teachers can collaborate with students in real time and send direct messages to give feedback. The problem is that it gives a lot of power to teachers and at times it can be very creepy and too privacy invasive. This might be fun for some teachers but as a student its super annoying to be stalked constantly even at home. They monitor our every move, look at our messages to friends, and can even see some of our search history. Sometimes when I'm not even in the class the teachers in other classes will be watching over me and closing tabs when they don't know that we're supposed to be on them. Or they close my games because they don't know that i'm done all of my work. Some teachers literally camp on the teacher dashboard spawn killing our tabs instead of paying attention to the class or working on grading. The code for hapara highlights is also extremely messy with lots of very questionable practices.
- (2022-10-11) im a beaner: it sucks so bad
- (2022-10-06) pp pp: This sucks. I don't need to describe why. we all know.
- (2022-09-16) susy bakakaka: omg my teacher wont stop closing my new tabs like its not minecraft or smthing, if your a teacher whos reading this who uses it, u annoy everyone in ur class.
- (2022-08-24) Hhhgff Jjdbzn: It is literal spyware
- (2022-08-24) Sumanth Bhave: This app is very disturbing my teachers say it is required but when I clicked download it says that this app is allowed to read and change all of my data on all websites plz dont risk it hapara broke my last computer and added a virus plz dont risk it on yours
- (2022-08-03) Ryan Wang: this sucks and it invades my privacy our school admins installed on most of our accounts do not add this this extension should be removed, it violates our human rights and invades our privacy. Hapara also records your data and browsing history and sells it to companies so that they can advertise their products to you. Ever since my school started using Hapara i have recived many emails asking if i wanted to buy robux gift cards and get some free, as i had once let my brother use my computer and he clicked on the link and my account hacked. do not add this extension. also i had to add this stuiped extension to write this review
- (2022-06-02) Cosix101: It is an invasion of basic privacy and is just disturbing. Why you would create this extension just baffles me, whether it be for money or not, it is just disgusting.
- (2022-05-03) Super: This extension sucks. It takes away our privacy at school and is litteral spyware.Teachers can access any google doc without your permission. It's terrible and illegal. Take this down NOW!!!!!!!
- (2022-05-02) slashJG: if i could choose 1 / 0 stars (which would exist, which is the point) i would, this extension SUCKS, it tracks what i'm doing on my chromebook. teachers can just look at my chromebook and can see what i'm doing, sus much? also they can just close my tabs which also sucks as they should MIND THEIR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS! that is my review T_T
- (2022-04-23) Gavin Zhang (gen3ralpotat0): bad
- (2022-03-18) Emmanuel Kalu: Teacher stalking me when i'm at home.
- (2022-03-17) Jackt fisher: This app is illegal it shows other people your screen and they can close out your tabs and mess around with you.
- (2022-03-08) Cooper Myers: Terrible
- (2022-03-03) Zachary House: This thing cant let me watch my favourite show on youtube because of "Restrictions". The show even has nothing mean or rude!!!
- (2022-02-14) Professor Coaster: It's literally spyware
- (2022-02-02) IIKarma: Angy
- (2022-01-30) Hapara Highlights Disabler.0xFB01A3ADF9A1 GVvcg: This app sucks I would rate it 0 stars if i could. I went to school last year just to find out that they use this to spy on us and close our tabs. They also added a new thing called hapara filter now that blocks literally any website that is fun so instead of the teacher closing your tabs after a minute it completely blocks it. my friend and i found a way to bypass it with hacker skills and its really simple and ITS A KERNEL LEVEL EXPLOIT SO HAPARA AGENTS WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO PATCH IT and it works permanently on any chromebook for all users This also bypasses hapara filter completely and lets you play games like and at school without it being blocked. Its 100% working in 2022 Here is how: Right click on any page and click inspect Click on console at the top Paste the code below into the text box. If enough people reply "Kasper Moorman is a hapara agent" to this review I will also tell you how to use incognito mode on school chromebooks and how to always win Kahoots. eval(atob('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'))
- (2022-01-02) Autumn Sparg: Currently typing this from my alt Hapara isn't a very free extension if you ask me.. like I sometimes like to do Inspect Element but Hapara has changed that :/ Wish I could rate it a goddamn -infinity but obviously that isn't possible.
- (2021-11-24) Yusuf van Wering: invasion of privacy?
- (2021-11-12) Gum Stuck on Shoe: quite literally an invasion of privacy.
- (2021-10-21) caleb doles: It sucks i open up my computer and my teacher blocked my apps
- (2021-10-08) Sage Bowers: I did not want to even rate this a one. This invades peoples privacy and creates worry in my friends and other people in my school teachers are able to switch and close off of your tabs. Tbh this is technically illegal because they are going through your personal things. Although the computer is the schools computer the students that use that computer it is their computer when they are using right? I feel like this is weird how they think watching us will help with the sneekey ness I just made it worst please I feel like everyone who had this app installed does not like this app.
- (2021-10-08) Zaya Gonzales: I hate this app my school is continuing to watch students and watch what I am doing. I feel like this should not be aloud teachers can watch from home and school which can make students feel weird when trying to do there work my teacher has watch me look up things to help me with my work and and then they exit off of it and I feel like teachers are unqualified to do this me and other students. This has also happened to me at home which my teachers have exit out of my things when I was at home create something for another class. I was in a zoom and she took what was on my screen off. I feel like this should be banned and it should not be aloud because teachers are watching their students and I don"t think that teachers should be able to do that.
- (2021-10-07) Audrey: I hate this. whoever made this deserves death. goodnight
- (2021-10-07) Michael Marshall: Delete it
- (2021-10-04) Bonzi XD: why tf are they watching my computer bruh?? this is literal cancer oh my god
- (2021-10-01) Ryan Johnson: This extencion sucks and its so annoying coz techers close mu fotnite videos and semd annoying mesage. This is literlay a war crime and very illegal and it nees to be deleted now!!1!!!1111!! My tech ers delete my tabs and email mu parents this is bad like parents who hate fortnite! Also Kasper Moorman is 100% a hapara agent
- (2021-09-29) Xavier Davenport: Invades privacy
- (2021-09-20) Theo Frazer: This Extension should be removed, it violates our human rights and invades our privacy. Hapara also records your data and browsing history and sells it to companies so that they can advertise their products to you. Ever since my school started using Hapara i have recived many emails asking if i wanted to buy robux gift cards and get some free, as i had once let my sister use mu computer and she looked up free robux. This extension SUCKS
- (2021-09-12) Bill West: I'm quite impressed with the measures the school board put in place to enforce installing this extension and to patch bypasses. Almost EVERYTHING is blocked and none of the guides or videos on how to block it that I've seen work anymore as of around 3 years ago. Fortunately, there are still multiple ways to bypass or completely disable Hapara Highlights on school Chromebooks and managed devices where it's force installed, but unfortunately I can't say how to do them (at least not yet). Patching most of these methods are either impossible or would severely limit the functionality of school Chromebooks. There is also a way to completely remove the management from school Chromebooks that I won't describe. If you're using your own device (not lended from the school) there is hope. Make sure to sign in to Chrome with a personal account before signing in with your school account. Select "No" if you're prompted to make a new profile for your school account and make sure not to turn on sync for your school account. This way, Hapara Highlights won't be force-installed. If the extension is installed and you're unable to delete it, Chrome is synced to your school account and you need to sign out completely or reinstall Chrome and try again. At school most VPNs are blocked. You can make your own free and fast VPN that works at school but you will need a server. I'm not going into detail but you can set up an OpenVPN server with TLS crypt turned on so the VPN traffic looks like an ordinary connection to a website. Good luck!
- (2021-08-05) Phoenix Webb: invades privacy cant do anything my tabs keep closing while im working!
- (2021-06-14) R - G - C: So teachers can basically spy on you. Tip: To get rid of it, delete the extension, if your school doesn't allow that, switch account.
- (2021-06-09) Alex UltraHD: The extension should be illegal. My school downloaded hapara on all of our country chrome books without telling us. I asked my teacher if thats allowed and my teacher said yes. Than she shared her screen on our zoom class and showed us what hapara looked like. So when she was not looking at hapara I head over to the government official website where all the news is happening. Than I went to verified websites and scrolled over all of the website and hapara wasn't there. Where I live teachers who use stalking students with a app such has any screen viewing app without the students knowledge, They will get a 48 year time in prison or they will get the electrical chair for stalking students online. But they have completely change they rule and now its ok. Its sad to see the government change that rule and let the teachers do illegal stuff. hapara tip: if you dont wanna get tracked than beg your parents to let you do school in your home/personal/borrowed computer and get a VPN stay away from your evil teachers. RECOMMENDED VPN: TouchVPN Get the vpn and put "block trackers" on :D
- (2021-06-08) Monster Worker: i have a school chromebook and once the teacher put it on 3 hours and her class is only one i reported it to google and they disabled it cause its gray now
- (2021-06-07) Thebrightsky: This extension is HORRIBLE and needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY! i am a student and its super annoying to keep being stalked by the teacher. They will monitor my every move, look at my texts with friends, and they can also always see my search history. Sometimes when im not even in class the teachers in other classes will be stalking me and closing all my tabs for fun. Its also not cool that when i have no choice but to use a school computer, i will log in on everything and it will save on chrome, and some teachers will look through all my data for fun. THIS EXTENSION NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FOR THE SAKE OF THE PRIVACY OF THE STUDENTS, THIS SHOULD NOT BE LEGAL!