Easily share webpages with your Ryver app!
The Ryver Chrome Extension allows you to convert web site URLs or Gmail messages into a Topic inside of your Ryver account! Post to either a Team or a User.
Posting a Gmail message will include the full HTML email formatting and any attachments! You can then have a comment discussion in Ryver about the email, rather than getting into "Reply All hell".
NOTE: To share a Gmail message to Ryver, you must first click on an email message or thread from inside of Gmail. You cannot create a Post from the Inbox view.
Latest reviews
- (2017-11-05) Shay Dabush: For me it doesn't work most times: "Ryver couldn't start on this page. Reload the page and try again." You refresh or reload a few times and than it's working... Also posting to team/user is nice, but it should me more flexible like - adding tasks (like the Trello ext), choosing if the post goes not only to user or group but also to chat (sharing) or post...
- (2016-06-10) Matt Guzman: When it works, it's awesome. More often than not, I am required to restart Chrome to get it to function once. Then it freezes up again.
- (2015-08-22) Jeff Saville: Really just an incredible tool. We run our entire incubator on the Ryver platform. Great customer support and they really care about their user.
4.375 (8 votes)
Last update / version
2018-11-01 / 2.0.6
Listing languages