Hide all posts by gsw_hoops on the politics forum of WarriorsWorld.net. Hides responses, too, b/c any response to him is a waste.
Improve the quality of your life and save time by hiding all posts written by gsw_hoops on the WarrirosWorld.net Politics forum. This extension will also remove any responses to him because any time spent replying to him is a waste of time as well. Just imagine how much better your life would be if he wasn't part of it.
NEW v1.2 - Updated for the new Warriors World site style. IMPORTANT: you will need to reset and settings from the old version (such as hiding a single user).
To update your settings:
1. Go to your extensions in Chrome (from the settings menu, or just put chrome://chrome/extensions/ in the url bar).
2. Scroll to the "Hide gsw_hoops" extension and click "options".
3. Type in the username.
4. Go to the forums. If you already have warriorsworld.net open in your browser you will have to refresh the page.
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Last update / version
2015-11-20 / 1.20
Listing languages