extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Hides elements that contain keywords set by user

Image from store ElementHider
Description from store **Jun18, 2023 update includes "Performance mode" which is enabled by default and should speed up the hiding of the elements. This extension is meant to be an easy and efficient way to hide web elements and ads based on the text they contain. It hides for example twitter posts, news articles, facebook posts, twitch comments etc. if they contain a keyword set by you. You can also blur them out instead of hiding them completely. Blurred elements can be revealed with mouse hover. Donate button is given on the popup and on clicking it redirects to paypal.com *KEYWORD OPTIONS* By default keywords are case-sensitive but you can also set them case-insensitive and decide if the word should appear exactly as you've written it (e.g. CAT but not eduCATion). Examples of the keyword options can be found on the popup screen of the extension. *TESTING MODE* The extension has a testing mode which highlights the elements with green borders instead of hiding them. Testing mode makes it easy to see what is going to be hidden with the current keywords. *ELEMENT HIDING PRECISION OPTIONS* Precision of hiding can be adjusted from the options. It will affect how many parent elements will be hidden (for example if only the title of the article or complete article should be hidden). *SITE SETTINGS* Keywords can be set as site specific by adding ">>> url.com" after the keyword ("keyword >>> youtube.com") and in the options you can set the global site settings if you want to enable or disable ElemenHider on specific sites completely. *NOTES* Although, this extension has been found to be working with a very high success rate, it is not fully guaranteed that it will hide every single element on every website with a keyword on it. This is mainly because every site is built differently and have different structure which makes it hard to identify all of them 100% correctly. Feel free to leave feedback if you encounter any problems with the extension. Also available for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/elementhider-vh/ Github: https://github.com/hievalt/ElementHider Extension uses jQuery: https://jquery.com/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-30) James Wheatley: It was really good, but now it seems as though the exclusion list doesn't work fully so it runs on ALL sites rather than just the sites I specify.
  • (2023-07-02) 0261_Phùng Tuấn Hải: it completely blocked "suggested for you" on facebook, very useful
  • (2023-06-25) Nick Maag: Removes articles and headlines that make my head spin. Actually maxed out to the limit.
  • (2023-05-25) Tommaso Girotto: simple and effective
  • (2023-02-08) 高台: I encountered a problem. It shows ‘Maximum character amount exceeded! Keywords cannot be saved while character limit is not met. (7614 / 7602)’
  • (2023-01-18) Tro:lmaso: Great for blocking spoilers on YouTube! Thanks!
  • (2023-01-02) Nikolai Kotsev: Making my online newspaper much more pleasant to read
  • (2022-12-18) Jonah: Very powerful addon, just what I was looking for
  • (2022-10-05) Laurence gr: It works but it should be better if it has an exclusion list.
  • (2022-08-29) t e: I've been really put much faith in this extension until today but stopped working on Chrome with the latest update applied. Apparently there are no extensions like this out there which allows us to hide any element on any site by just simply setting keywords in advance. It worked perfectly in most cases, helped me a ton, and special thanks go to the developer. I hope for updates to this extension in the future.
  • (2022-08-12) User_E8ipxVdAGL: SIMPLE BEST
  • (2022-08-11) Namish Baranwal: THANKS A LOT
  • (2022-08-03) Noor Aldeen: Thank you for this wonderful extension. He's the best in his property. And thank you again for the updates you are working on at this time
  • (2022-07-27) Zhiyang Li: The best extension to keep you away from annoying keywords, and you can not even feel it exists. Thank you so much, I wish I could donate to help the developer!
  • (2022-07-25) James Rush: This doesnt work anymore. Latest update July 25 broke it.
  • (2022-05-09) Marc Poppe: I love you. I'm finally relieved of all the sports news on my favorite news website. Thanks you so much! One thing I'd love was to be able to have different filters per site but that's just a small request, I'm very happy!
  • (2022-04-08) Trân Hồ (Mr Nick): It's very good for filter comment by keyword on Facebook. Thanks
  • (2022-03-15) Eoin: have no idea how to use it. How exactly do i hide elements? all it seems to do is highlight a green box around the images
  • (2022-02-09) m plz: Really useful, don't hesitate....add it to your chrome
  • (2021-11-24) Robert Orzanna: Allows me to hide some annoying elements on Gmail that uBlock cannot pick properly!
  • (2021-11-17) David Barnes: Works just as described! Thank you! Would the programmer consider adding a password feature for editing the keyword list?
  • (2021-10-24) Casual: This could be better if it had not shown the text for the first few frames.
  • (2021-10-14) Verne T.: Very useful for hiding content based on keywords and for being able to specify if the keywords should be case-sensitive and the entire entry or part of an entry, but limited to a max number of keywords despite not advertising that limitation, just like the extension Black List Pro in that sense. Still very handy, but I wish it had more utility. I'd even take a paid version if that's what it took to get unlimited keyword filtering! (I will note: this extension does stack with Black List Pro, so you can install both of these and have about double the keyword filtering power than just one or the other. I want to keep searching and see if there are any extensions that legitimately allow you to filter out unlimited keywords, but for now stacking these two is workable.)
  • (2021-10-09) billy Mr: Google 搜索下只能屏蔽标题,不能屏蔽缩略内容,这还比不上 Greask 脚本。
  • (2021-08-23) Zachary Zhang: Very Good
  • (2021-07-21) WM AB: Not working anymore. Needs a huge update.
  • (2021-03-21) Mateusz Mielczarek: What a relief!
  • (2021-01-25) TuSkoFskY: Works for me! Nicely hides unwanted people from fb-messenger's list!
  • (2021-01-19) yarin Z: 太爱了,神器
  • (2020-12-20) Brendan Silva: Very useful. But, please include an option to disable the hiding animation! The element slides down until it disappears. Can this extension simply hide it without this animation?
  • (2020-12-04) Casey li: 太牛了,!!!!
  • (2020-09-20) Martin Mucha: very nice! If it work faster and with option to disable animation not to even see for a moment elements to be blocked, it would be the best!
  • (2020-09-09) marisa lovise: I am addicted to watching tarot reading on YouTube, I hidden some basic keywords (eg. tarot, Tarot, TAROT, sagittarius, Sagittarius, SAGITTARIUS, etc) and I works great!!!! I wish something similar that works with YouTube Android app!
  • (2020-07-27) Corey Ashford: This is a great adjunct to an ad blocker, because many sites now detect the use of an ad blocker and require that you disable it. This mechanism makes the site "think" you have loaded the page fully, but hides the elements' visibility so that you don't have to look at them at all.
  • (2020-03-22) D B: A great extension for the 21st century, when you need to filter the news yourself. I use it in Feedly. Unfortunately, in the Brave browser (Version 1.4.96 Chromium: 80.0.3987.132) only worked for a while (maybe it will be fix it). It works fine in Chrome (Version 80.0.3987.132), but when I have the option of automatically markting read news, the extension marks not yet read. Anyway App recommendable.
  • (2020-01-20) Dovner Cheap88: Great!Good!well!支持
  • (2019-05-02) Gersivan Oliveira: Excelente pra se prevenir contra spoilers de filmes e séries.
  • (2019-01-06) Max P: on news.google.com sometimes fails to filter by keywords
  • (2018-04-10) heek: Works on youtube. Awesome. But one thing that I hope this extension refines: it would be good if hiding elements on pages is less noticeable. When unwanted elements exist on a page, a hiding motion noticeably takes place. Hopefully I'd like it to make all target elements invisible before the page is loaded.
  • (2018-01-27) 中山英: 文字列だけでなく、文字列の含まれる要素を丸ごと隠してくれます。 見たくない単語などを見なくて済み、防御力が非常に高いです。 但し、キーワードリストを開くとサスペンスな文字が並んでいてヒエーッとなります汗汗 googleやbing、yahooの検索結果からtwitter、知恵袋、2ちゃんねる、の投稿まで、ほとんどあらゆるサイトで効果を発揮してくれます。 ■Options■ ・隠す代わりに要素をぼかす ・URLに次の文字列を含むWebサイトでは無効にする(複数指定可) ・URLに次の文字列を含むWebサイトでのみ有効にする(複数指定可)
  • (2017-12-12) Melissa Angelique Ross: THE BEST!
  • (2017-08-28) Great simple tool. Very helpful if you are annoyed by an element on a page you visit often.
  • (2017-07-17) Matt Taylor: Finally, an extension that can be used permanently hide elements on a page. Use {.id} or {#class} to select the elements you want to remove.


4,000 history
4.4789 (71 votes)
Last update / version
2023-08-28 / 0.2.53
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