extension ExtPose

Regex Search

CRX id


Description from extension meta

This is a chrome extension that allows you to search the text of a page using regular expressions. Please note that because of the…

Image from store Regex Search
Description from store This is a chrome extension that allows you to search the text of a page using regular expressions. Please note that because of the way web pages are written, it is very difficult to make this extension work on 100% of pages. If you have any problems, please report them on the Github issues page: https://github.com/gsingh93/regex-search/issues. Please DO NOT try to test this extension on any URL beginning with chrome.google.com/webstore. It will NOT work. See this question for details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11613371/chrome-extension-content-script-on-https-chrome-google-com-webstore

Latest reviews

  • (2021-01-14) Srim Po: hello this is awesome extension
  • (2021-01-14) david david: testopinia
  • (2020-01-13) Ramiro Charriol: Get's the job done
  • (2019-01-26) Teran Briggs: Used this for about 5 minutes and got frustrated with it. The search functionality was not working for quite some time. It is case sensitive by default (unless you hunt for the setting) and the words are only highlighted on the page with the same color you use when selecting text. The screen does not jump to the next results so you have to scroll down the page yourself. Very annoying, download one of the other regex extensions.
  • (2017-10-01) Bruno Adele: [French] L'auteur n'a pas honte de dire de ne pas tenir compte des anciens commentaire. Il ne veut même pas assumer que son application est complètement inefficace !! Je conseille fortement l'application concurrente "Chrome Regex Search". [English] The author is not ashamed to say that he ignores the old commentaries. He does not even want to assume that its application is completely ineffective !! I strongly advise the another application "Chrome Regex Search"
  • (2017-09-03) Brandon Richardson: I believe this extension is no longer being supported, which is evident in its usability. I've noticed several issues, including word boundary issues, an awful UI, and the extension's markup injected into the web page remaining after the extension closes. If you're trying to match a pattern against an inline piece of text spread over multiple elements, forget about it. This extension should either be updated or removed from the store altogether.
  • (2017-07-06) Rashi Abramson: Can we have multiline support added?
  • (2017-06-13) Jadenity (Androit): Works great, use it every day!!
  • (2017-05-29) Mohammad G.M: Great works but Unfortunately, not replace.
  • (2017-04-23) Igor Cryptor: Does its job. It would be great to highlight lines where regex matched on the scrollbar as simple search by Ctrl+F does. Especially great that this extension is open source.
  • (2017-03-20) Dave Land: This review is from 2017-03-20, so that the author doesn't mislead you about how old the reviews are. This extension doesn't scroll found items into view, it just highlights them. Then it's up to you to scroll around and find them. Not worth installing, hardly worth reviewing, except to save others the time to remove it.
  • (2017-03-16) fanis deligiannis: Very good, haven't seen any major bugs other than the fact that the option website (for case sensitivity default) does not seem to work. Other than that, a little suggestion i'd like to give is making a shortcut for opening the search window, such as CTRL+SHIFT+F or even an adjustable one
  • (2017-01-25) It doesn't work.
  • (2016-11-12) Matias Garcia Gudin: No funciona. it doesn't work.
  • (2016-10-02) Juan José: Simple but works well. It would be great if it could also find in all tabs at once. It would be better if it had the option to disable case sensitiviness easily. And be able to still use chrome shortcuts with the box opened (such as ctrl+tab). And I have an idea for this extension or a new one: While searching remove all lines except the lines that contain the desired words.
  • (2016-09-30) Swaroop P: Doesn't work at all. Can't search anything forget about RegEx.
  • (2016-09-29) Ji Zhang: Worked after restart chrome Took one star off because it didn't work before I restarted chrome. Almost deleted the extension. It should give some sort of warning.
  • (2016-09-28) Ilfrin: Très utile et simple d'utilisation. (Pensez a redémarrer chrome avant de l'utiliser sinon il ne fonctionnera pas)
  • (2016-08-08) Fabian Enrique Gutierrez: it doesn't work
  • (2016-08-04) Michael Lawler: So great! Love it! FYI, as stated, you need to restart chrome before it will work!!! open tab chrome://restart and profit! Only request would be to have the scrollbar also highlight/represent matches.
  • (2016-07-21) Tanner Means: Works great
  • (2016-07-10) Valentin Tihomirov: That is pretty, asynchronous and fast search which makes it useful for the large texts. However, aside from not marking the outline on the scroll bar, it marks the matches in the text by corrupting your HTML. This makes the items that I am looking for non-clickable. What is worse, the markup fails to be revoked when the search bar is closed. The only way you have to clean up the garbage is to type some text into the regex window. I however expanded the extension with Close button https://github.com/gsingh93/regex-search/issues/34#issuecomment-231579966 which both revokes the markup and closes the popup.
  • (2016-07-03) Jeff Appis: Doesn't work
  • (2016-06-09) Jin M: Doesn't work. Doesn't search anything, not even regular text.
  • (2016-05-16) Burak Ogan Mancarci: Need to have an instruction to restart the browser since many people seems to think that it's not working.
  • (2016-05-11) Chlupatá Žárovka: Superb. Same (pre)quick filter would be appreciated.
  • (2016-05-11) Seck Wei Lim: NOTE: NEED TO RESTART CHROME BEFORE IT WORKS. It works good so far.
  • (2016-05-10) Pavel Lishin: No clear indication that no results were found, or that it's currently searching/is done searching - makes it very annoying on long pages.

Latest issues

  • (2022-05-16, v:1.8) Felipe G. Nievinski: pre-filled form fields
    please consider supporting searching in pre-filled form fields
  • (2021-01-14, v:1.8) david david: topic
    contactme im paying 1$
  • (2018-10-26, v:1.8) 廖英如: shortcut
    Sorry, but I miss the startup page, so I can't remind myself of the short cut key to open this app. Wonder if anyone can tell me?
  • (2017-12-14, v:1.8) Geofrey Sanders: Search for quotes?
    I've got a page here that is giving me trouble with quotes: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dependency_management.html (and others on the same doc site but let's start small) Text in the sample-code blocks won't match if it contains a single- or double-quote, even with wildcards. Is this an unavoidable consequence of that particular page's structure, or perhaps an opportunity for improvement of the search plugin?
  • (2017-09-12, v:1.8) IC: Doesn't work at all
    Platform: Linux (ubuntu 16.04) Chrome: Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit) Its not working at all. I tried to write one letter and press next and nothing happened
  • (2017-09-12, v:1.8) IC: Shortcut
    Is there a shortcut to open search menu?
  • (2017-08-22, v:1.8) shiney chery: different word in different color
    If possible, I want the words (2 or more) searched showing in different color, rather all in the same color (e.g., yellow).
  • (2017-01-12, v:1.8) Jean-Marie Larchevêque: Metacharacters
    Although there's no indication in the overview what regexp syntax is supported, I would have expected that, since the extension is written in javascript, it will support javascript metacharacters like \b (word beginning or end) or \W (nonword character). It turns out it doesn't. The only metacharacter I've found working is \s for space.
  • (2016-12-17, v:1.8) Juan José: doesn't work on some web sites.
    Try to find something here https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/
  • (2016-11-03, v:1.8) Jon Seidel: No results on large file
    On larger files, this never gives a result. I am trying to scan an html file that is 1.8Meg - not really a "large" file. However, when I run a simple RegEx such as `\d*.0` there is no response -- not even the little results message in the upper left corder of the page showing the hit count. I have tested this RegEx on a smaller file and it works just fine.
  • (2016-08-07, v:1.8) Ulf Stottmeister: Regex on Youtube.com
    It finds the search term on different places on the page an marks them yellow. The element in focus is orange. But the scroll focus is totally off. When I go through one result to the next, the focus changes from element to element, indicated by the orange background color. However, the scroll focus seems to be far off; way below the focused object. I have to scroll up to find it. Another issue is, that there are ghost objects. When I go through the set of results, it takes one hit on enter again, before it starts to mark the first element on the page again. It either marks a meta-word which is not visible in the viewport of the browser, or it is intended behaviour because I'm rolling over to the first element. In that I'd expect to have an always visible status bar somewhere, as long as I have the Regex input bar open.
  • (2016-08-02, v:1.8) Michael Lawler: Doesn't scroll...
    Only shows the results in the corner, and highlights them in the body, but can't scroll from 1 through 1000...number changes, but page stays static. Ubuntu 16.04 Latest Chrome


6,000 history
3.0562 (178 votes)
Last update / version
2019-03-04 / 1.8
Listing languages
