Useful for Fire Departments that have IAR screens. This script will automatically login the user that is set in the options.
This extension was initially developed for a fire department that I was a member of. It is helpful to Fire Departments that have IAmResponding monitors throughout the building. This will keep the user, that is specified in the options, logged into IAR.
Update 1.2.12: Updated the manifest to v3 to support upcoming changes to Google Extensions. Thanks to Bruce Dale from Town of Owego Fire District in Upsate NY for the suggestion to get the extension to pass Google's rigorous review process.
Update 1.2.11: Adam Brigman fixed login screen issue. Thank you Adam!
Update 1.2.10: Fixed issue with IAR adding a Cookie Acceptance Policy to their page. Thanks to Wildcat Township Volunteer Fire - Rescue & EMS for the information!
Update 1.2.9: Fixed issue with IAR changing their login page URL. Thanks to Troy O'Neil @ Duncannon Fire Company for the information!
Update 1.2.5: Fixed an issue with that was causing IAR Injection to not fire if the user was accessing with a URL other than the fixed URL's. Thanks to Joe @ Albion Fire Department (NY) for the info!
Update 1.2.4: There was an issue with windows not recognizing the URL's due to case sensitivity. This is now fixed and working on Windows, Mac, Linux & Chromium. Thanks to Marshall for the catch!
Update 1.2.3: This update was simply to remove the CSS styling for the Incident Dashboard since IAR made changes to that dashboard. The CSS was no longer working. It has been removed and may come back in a future version with options for controlling it.
Latest reviews
- (2022-09-24) Jason Kates: If you use IAMResponding with your department, it is a great plugin. It works with any platform that can run Chrome! The developer seems to be responsive to fixing issues when IAMResponding changes
- (2020-11-12) Jason Kingsnorth: Perfect! Makes life so much easier.
- (2019-12-04) GEMS Browser: Great extension! Are you planning on enabling support for the new home screens?
- (2019-05-27) Bill Waller: This extension made for an easy setup with Chromium on a Raspberry Pi setup that I did for my department. Thank you!
4.75 (4 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-03 / 1.2.12
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