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StudySmarter learning extension
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Description from store
With the StudySmarter extension, you can directly upload documents from Moodle to StudySmarter ( Also, it provides the possibility to track one's website usage and to block websites in order to optimize the studying process.
The following are the current features of the StudySmarter plugin:
Statistics: The statistics feature (if activated) gives the users feedback on how much time they spend on which pages and how this relates to their learning time on StudySmarter.
Website blocking: The users can specify a list of websites that are blocked in order to not prevent them from learning.
Document upload: On sites like Moodle, users can upload documents directly to their StudySmarter account with just one click, saving valuable time.
Latest reviews
- (2018-06-18) Simon Hohentanner: Thanks, finally a way to stop the procrastination.
- (2018-06-18) René Lalla: Nice! Finally I'm able to directly send my lectures slides to StudySmarter instead of saving them before to my local machine. :)
5.0 (3 votes)
Last update / version
2018-08-27 / 0.1.4
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