extension ExtPose

Child Tab Next

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Force new/duplicated tabs (but not those opened via links) to open next to their opener, not at the very end.

Image from store Child Tab Next
Description from store A Google Chrome extension to force new/duplicated tabs (but not those opened from links) to open to the right of the current tab. Inspired by "Tab to the Next" ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-to-the-next/mpahcojfojbnloiafagggcdimaklphij/ ) Icons by New Mooon ( http://code.google.com/u/newmooon/ ) --- #### Changelog * 1.0 (9/15/13) * Initial release. * 2.0 (2/18/17) * Rewrote from scratch, should now be more reliable. Also added support for duplicating tabs. * 2.1 (3/29/21) * Fix extension not working for new tabs (by checking tab.pendingUrl) * 3.0 (2/13/24) * Update to support manifest v3 --- Please note that this was made for personal use, so replies and fixes may be significantly delayed.

Latest reviews

  • (2021-07-03) Yaozu Li: Thank you for developing this extension on chrome. I recently swtiched from Firefox to Chrome since my firefox was bugging, and I realized that chrome does not have the convient way of "ctrl+left click on + sign" to open a new tab next to my current tab. Now I found this extension on StackExchange and it does the job! Hopefully the extension is secured and you won't rob my information haha, but other than that thank you.
  • (2020-02-11) Tim Hi: stopped working
  • (2019-12-19) Jason Merrill: I've appreciated this extension, but it stopped working recently.
  • (2018-10-12) Tony Snark: I liked that it was lighter on memory than "Tab to the Next" (the extension it is inspired by), but it doesn't make tabs opened from bookmarks open to the right like Tab to the Next did. Would be nice to have that option. I like the consistency of all my new tabs always opening to the right of the current one. If anyone else is in the same situation as me, there is another extension called "Tab Position Options" that does this. It's also got a lot of other options you can tinker with if you want more granular control. It's only a tad higher on memory usage than this extension.
  • (2018-09-20) Tim Cheng: I want to use this but it says the extension can read your browser history, why would it need to do that?!
  • (2016-12-30) Dimitar Pankov: Works perfectly and does exactly what it's designed to do. I've been looking so long for such solution and none of the alternatives like TabsPlus and Tabs Position Options could do it. Thanks!
  • (2016-05-20) Jonathan March: Interferes with shift+click in a range of more useful / important contexts (such as extending a selection). So not worth it.
  • (2016-04-24) Dwayne Kuan: No longer works
  • (2015-10-26) Will Lucic: Thank you! I've been trying to get this functionality for a while now and this does exactly what I want.

Latest issues

  • (2023-02-08, v:2.1) Gang Zhai: It doesn't work in Edge.
    2.1 works well in Chrome, but fails in Edge. Any suggestion? Edge keeps the compatibility for all other extensions.
  • (2021-10-18, v:2.1) Danny Pernik: Different behavior for keyboard shortcut vs + button
    Hi, thank you for this extension! I love the behavior when I use the keyboard shortcut to add a new tab, but when I press the + button to add a tab, I expect it to create a new tab last (next to the +). This is most intuitive to me, and I can't find an extension that enables it. Thank you for your consideration!
  • (2020-09-08, v:2.0) Tom Paine: Not working
    Chrome version 85.0.4183.83
  • (2020-03-20, v:2.0) Clayton Atchison: Any update?
    Any update?
  • (2020-01-20, v:2.0) Dwayne Kuan: ctrl-t no longer working
    ctrl-t no longer working
  • (2020-01-08, v:2.0) Clayton Atchison: Can You please fix this?
    The extension is broken. I'll send you some $$ to fix.
  • (2019-12-26, v:2.0) Clayton Atchison: Not working
    Hi, the app stopped working a couple of weeks ago. I LOVE this extension. Life isn't the same without it. :( Please fix when you have the time.
  • (2019-12-23, v:2.0) Steve Leahy: Stopped working after Chrome Update
    On Chrome Version 79.0.3945.88. This app worked prior to the last update, but not a CRTL+T puts the tab at the very end of the browser tab list instead of to the right. The right-click context menu button still works correctly.
  • (2019-12-12, v:2.0) Elisei Kulikovsky: Stopped working
    Ctrl+T tabs open at the very end. 79.0.3945.79
  • (2018-03-01, v:2.0) cant't work now.
    Excuse me, could you know this app can't work now,thanks!
  • (2016-04-07, v:1.0) Gang Zhai: No longer works!
    from 49.0.2623.110
  • (2016-04-03, v:1.0) Dwayne Kuan: this no longer works with 49.0.2623.110
    no longer working
  • (2016-02-11, v:1.0) Not working when operating from keyboard
    Minimal steps to reproduce the issue: - cmd+l to activate address bar - Hold cmd and press enter to "duplicate" the tab - Tab opens to wrong place
  • (2016-02-04, v:1.0) Egorka V: Stopped to work
    Confirmed that extension stopped to work some time ago. Hope for a fix
  • (2016-02-02, v:1.0) does not work any more
    I did not changed anything major in chrome extensions, child tab next is still enabled, but not functioning. All I can mention that yesterday I allowed a system security patch to be deployed to my mac: Security update 2016-001, Version 10.10.5


665 history
4.2381 (21 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-14 / 3.0
Listing languages
