Description from extension meta
Customize tab opening position and closing behavior.
Image from store
Description from store
This is a mostly direct copy of the original Tab Position Customizer that disappeared from the Chrome App store.
The source code for this extension can be found here:
Latest reviews
- (2021-06-20) Андрей Абрамов: Отлично, что разработчик поддерживает расширение и исправляет, если перестает работать.
- (2021-06-20) 纪舒: It doesn't work with chrome91, now
- (2021-06-17) tatsu momo: 急に 機能しなくなった ここのレビューを見て SimpleTabOrderに乗り換えた
- (2021-06-01) Кирилл Рыбаков: Расширение некорректно стало работать с Google Chrome версии 91
- (2021-05-28) Picatule: It doesn't work now
- (2021-05-27) Oleg U: Does not work more after upgrading to Chrome 91 version.
- (2021-04-24) Dee: I think would have been very nice in it's day but not updated for over half a decade so doesn't seem to work anymore for me. Surprisingly difficult to find any newer alternative that works
- (2021-03-05) Newtomic: It kinda works, but it broke the tab order when restoring sessions from "Tab Session Manager".
- (2018-08-21) namasikanam TA: I met a bug that the new tab opens at the second right of the current tab when I choose "Right of current tab".
- (2018-07-16) HI FPV: This is the alternative to Tub Nullpo ext
- (2018-05-11) Fedor Vinogradov: Хоть расширение и старое, но делает именно то, что нужно.
- (2017-10-31) first name last name: Have used this extension for years. Makes multi tab browsing so much easier by opening tabs where you want them -in my case on the right and behind- without losing focus. No problems to report.
- (2017-06-14) JaymeR: I haven't had any problems and it does what I wanted which is to open all new tabs to the right of them all the time.
- (2017-03-02) T M: Requires too many permissions for what it needs to do. Permissions needed: storage, tabs, webNavigation, webRequest, & webRequestBlocking Compare this to another extension (SimpleTabOrder) that does the exact same thing & only requires ONE permission: tabs.
- (2017-02-16) Lloyd Dunamis: 'Does what it says, though needs something to suppress its "next-to-tab" tabbing movement when successive new tabs are done from one tab as long as user stays in one tab, just like the default Chrome behavior.
- (2017-02-06) shangdie jian: 非常实用的功能
- (2017-01-19) Ni Srand: 功能非常实用!
- (2016-09-08) Jonathan Crane: exactly what I need!!!
- (2016-07-29) paperkittycat: 前台/后台打开不可用,其他好 SimpleTabOrder这个更好,可以前/后台打开新标签
- (2016-05-26) норм имя: Сделайте пожалуйста чтоб открывалось по ЛКМ. Колесиком обломно =(
- (2016-03-21) Tony White: very very good
- (2016-03-18) 鞠宇宁: very good!
- (2016-03-15) Yusiang Leong: So very useful when binge-reading stuff on reddit
- (2016-01-05) Иван Пимченко: Отличная штука - есть всё, что надо и ничего лишнего.
- (2015-12-20) KilliK 69: quintessential extension
- (2015-04-02) Derpy Hooves: 很好,从火狐转到chrome终于找到一个熟悉的功能了
- (2015-02-23) Z Z: google toolbox不行了,Tab Position Customizer也没了,还好有Tab Position Customizer 2。
- (2015-02-04) Супер. Все вкладки открываются также как в старой Опере. Все параметры можно настроить как вам захочется.
- (2014-11-18) Angel Sonevski: Thanks a lot, I can't use Chrome without this extension.
- (2014-11-18) Mingshang Zhu: Extremely useful! Thanks very much!!