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Discover what runs a website. Frameworks, Analytics Tools, Wordpress Plugins, Fonts - you name it.
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Description from store
WhatRuns extension is one click away for you to find technologies used on any website you visit. From Developer Tools and Ad Networks to Wordpress Plugins and Themes, we detect even the new and upcoming tools and services.
Not just that - you can follow websites so that you get notified when they use new technologies or remove existing ones.
How do you know what runs a website?
Every technology leaves a pattern on the websites it is being used. WhatRuns' algorithm recognizes these patterns to detect the tech stack of a particular website.
What all things you identify on a website?
WhatRuns detects almost everything that runs a website - frameworks, web technologies, CMSs (and its plugins), themes and fonts to name a few categories.
How is WhatRuns different from extensions like Wappalyzer, BuiltWith, Datanyze and Ghostery?
While all of these are good old products, WhatRuns is less heavy on your browser, has a better detection accuracy and recognise even the latest technologies and plugins compared to our counterparts. We also uncover fonts, Wordpress plugins and themes used on websites, which nobody else does at the moment.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-06) רון שטראוס: Works really well. Doesn't always catch *all* libraries and frameworks, but you can combine it with other tools. Always interesting to learn a bit about the tools building the web through the 'learn more' link.
- (2023-11-03) Bilel Kerfas: some time it does not recognize well
- (2023-08-14) Tina Källklint: Doesn´t show right...
- (2023-08-13) Kunal Dhongade: Helpful all the time! but some time it does not recognize well
- (2023-06-21) Bad. Very Bad. Very Very Bad. Very Very Very Bad.
- (2023-06-09) Michael Ott: Wildly inaccurate a lot of the time, rendering it completely useless. It even reports many technologies on my own website that are in fact not used by it.
- (2023-04-14) Sun Li: Excellent user interface. Thanks!
- (2023-03-14) Sławomir Boczek: Verursacht diverse Probleme mit Webseiten, dass die Seiten nicht mehr laden, weil die JavaScripts blockiert werden (meine Vermutung). Unter anderem (Profil bearbeiten läuft nicht), und WordPress Plugin Ultimate FAQ ( läuft nicht. Deswegen nur 3 Sterne.
- (2023-03-08) p c: It used to work but it's not working anymore. Fix or remove this.
- (2023-03-07) Marko Dandić: This was a great extension, but it hasn't been working properly for a long time.
- (2023-03-02) János Antal: It was working, but it is not working anymore. The main service provider web site is down.
- (2023-02-03) Francisco Garcia: Not working well
- (2023-02-02) Mike G: Tried it on many websites. It didn't work on any of them. Switched to Wappalyzer.
- (2023-01-12) Jordi Piqueras Cuenca: The extension is working good, however produce a lot of failures when I use websites and have this extension installed. I don't know the reason... Does it happen to you? I am a bit worried about how this extension is working in the back-end...
- (2022-11-25) Peter X: does nothing..
- (2022-11-09) Adam Feldman: Poor results, and doesn't work well.
- (2022-10-24) Waheed Ali: It's too slow, there are lots of bad reviews. seems developers don't have time to fix it.
- (2022-10-16) Jan Zatloukal: Doesn't work, just showing spinning wheel...
- (2022-09-27) 123 123: took me awhile to find out which extension caused this error in my console Error handling response: TypeError: self.processResponse is not a function at chrome-extension://cmkdbmfndkfgebldhnkbfhlneefdaaip/js/notification.js:154:10 finally found it. will remove review once u fix this. It spams this error by virtue of being enabled and not even being used.
- (2022-08-24) Filip Stenbacka: The extension stops working if you set its access to "on click" only... Great. And even when I gave permanent access it had trouble analyzing some websites.
- (2022-08-24) Андрей Яковщенко: Не работает.
- (2022-08-15) John Pelot: Giving 3 (halfway) because it only seems to be able to produce results about half the time.
- (2022-08-04) Santhan: doesn't work
- (2022-07-28) Jazz Rhodes: Doesn't work 50% of the time. Wappalyzer is better...
- (2022-07-16) Ivelin Banchev: Doesn't do a thing. Switching back to Wappalyzer.
- (2022-07-14) Raimundo Run2biz: Is not working :/
- (2022-07-13) Rus Price: This used to work perfect, but it no longer works. Previously-ran Whatruns show up, but it doesn't work for sites that haven't had WhatRuns ran on.
- (2022-06-28) Александр: Показывает неверную информацию или устаревшую. Даже обычные HTML холсты определяет как Wordpress. Что? ахах Мусор.
- (2022-06-24) MD HUMAYUN RASHID: It doesnt work. I check this website ( ) in wappalyzer extension ,, isitwp. The result are same but whatsrun shown different. It's shown wrong I hope it will fix soon.
- (2022-06-12) Ron Richardson: Doesn't work on my wordpress sites... it's starts to open but never provides input.
- (2022-05-29) Mike O'Kelly: It provides inaccurate information. There are several websites that I know are built with SquareSpace; however, WhatRuns is showing they are WordPress sites.
- (2022-03-22) Emiel Boyat: It was an awesome tool, but it seems down for quite some time now: "Please check back later. Server update".
- (2022-03-21) Станислав Буценко: Расширение не работает, отображает сообщение "server upgrade"..
- (2022-03-18) Sam Purkis: Tried it on a website that I knew was run by Wix, and it was always on a spinner loading symbol.
- (2022-03-15) Jure Aleksić: Constantly under server maintence..
- (2022-03-06) Tú: Useless!
- (2022-02-24) Dennis Suitters: This extension does NOT detect most websites correctly, reporting my own as having Bootstrap, Google Tag Manager, and even jQuery, which it has none of these. So despite the claims on their website, it can't detect the latest tech stack.
- (2022-02-07) Palaniappan M: There seems to be some problem after 01-Jan-2022. The extension is not working anymore. Uninstalling it now.
- (2022-01-22) Quosain Hasan: I think it's not working anymore, I just downloaded it and tried, but it's keep loading nothing is showing up....
- (2022-01-13) summer2019: Не определил популярную CMS - XenForo Можно сразу сделать вывод, насколько это "профессиональное" расширение
- (2022-01-04) Tadas Talaikis: Error handling response: TypeError: self.processResponse is not a function at chrome-extension://cmkdbmfndkfgebldhnkbfhlneefdaaip/js/notification.js:154:10
- (2022-01-03) Jamie Lincoln: Used to be great but no longer works.
- (2021-11-09) Angel Vazquez: Dejó de funcionar / Stopped working
- (2021-10-13) Manuel Burghammer: Keine der Angaben stimmt. PHP 5.3 anstatt 7.4, CMS Typo3 anstatt WinterCMS, JqueryUI wird gar nicht benutzt aber angezeigt. Dann noch Webserver falsch, Plesk falsch, kein Bootstrap .... Kurz gesagt, alles falsch, daher unbrauchbar. Die Erweiterung war echt mal super, das ist leider vorbei
- (2021-09-13) Wee Zheng: not works anymore, removed it and use back Wappalyzer; Wappalyzer works fine for me.
- (2021-08-24) Daniel: I guess it doesn´t work any more at all. I tried it with 2 different websites, one that was relaunched in March 2020 from another CMS to wordpress and one that has been set up entirely new in summer of 2020. With the first website it shows NOW the data from before relaunch and with the newly setup website it doesn´t show anything else than the spinner. With other sites that already have been longer online it shows also some data, I guess it is also old cached data. What runs what runs?-> Old data. I just wonder if this is so, why they still keep it online. I cannot see any good and legit reason. My recommendation: delete the extension immediately.
- (2021-08-24) David Baker: It used to work all the time, but now it is just showing the spinner and not coming up with anything for many websites. It is hit or miss.
- (2021-08-17) Ana Garita: Por qué a veces funciona y a veces no? cuando funciona es genial la información que da, pero no entender por qué no funciona a veces le quita funcionalidad
- (2021-08-10) Dominik Vodárek: Stopped working
- (2021-07-24) Trishank: not working now