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A highly customized dark theme for Devtools.
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Description from store
This is a theme for the Developer Tools [CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + I].
Installation Instructions
- Add this theme
- Goto chrome://flags/#enable-devtools-experiments and Enable Developer Tools experiments. Select [Relaunch Now] at the bottom of the page.
- Open developer tools settings, set Theme mode to 'Dark'
- Select Experiments tab, and check 'Allow custom UI themes'
- Reload devtools.
## 3.0.6
* Fix expanded arrow rendering
Full changelog history on:
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-04) Rasel Sheikh: I love it. I have used another DevTool but I think this is more useful for me.
- (2021-03-25) Krzysztof (krzhu): Must have! Brilliant! My eyes don't bleed anymore :)
- (2020-04-03) Yuri Andreev: Thank you very much
- (2020-01-25) liskbsl asasasawe: css rules during adding are invisible(black text on black background) i can't work like that
- (2019-06-20) Sean Callahan: SICK
- (2019-06-20) xu许畅: 很炫酷,很有科技感,希望不会对调试造成影响,不会因此有过高的内存占用。
- (2019-05-13) Happy: nice! very cool
- (2019-05-10) Rodrigo Dias: This is great! Thank you!
- (2019-04-26) 田村亮弥: ダークだが暗すぎず、おしゃれで開発が楽しくなりました!
- (2019-04-07) Brad Mitchell: this is awesomesauce.
- (2018-12-09) Khandakar al kayes: thanks. love to use it
- (2018-12-05) 구름아홉: Thanks!!!
- (2018-10-23) РОССИЯ РОДИНА (антифашист): Super good
- (2018-10-04) asafel: Love it!
- (2018-07-27) Better than the default dark theme, for sure. With the default theme, my old eyes could barely distinguish between selected text and non-selected text while editing as HTML. This theme offers better contrast in that scenario, at least. Thank you!
- (2018-07-15) Flippy Rodriguez: Perfect for coding in the dark!
- (2018-07-11) Олег «Rokinso» Сорокин: Отлично! Теперь глаза не болят в темноте.
- (2018-07-10) Eduardo Alvarado: 10/10
- (2018-06-02) Sina Aghajani: Only if it would darken the device section too...
- (2018-06-01) Alex Chipev: The html attributes and class names in the Elements tab become invisible when remove the selection highlighting. The text becomes dark as the skin background.
- (2018-04-20) Servando Flores Chacon: the theme makes the console very slow when working in debug mode
- (2018-03-27) Natallia Chobat: Стили не видны при выделении на вкладке elements
- (2018-03-01) Mauricio Rafael: hahahaha!!
- (2018-01-27) Dan Seroney: I love it
- (2017-12-28) Rohit Kumar: i cannot find developer tools setting on my google chrome my google chrome version is ; Version 63.0.3239.84 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2017-12-15) Mathias: Nice theme, but it seems you forgot to change the font color within the menu that allows to change mobile device resolution, it's all black on black, so I can't read which device is what... :/
- (2017-11-14) Simon Cook: Great, much better on my eyes than the white background
- (2017-10-27) Steve Gross: So dope. You are saving the eyes of developers all over the world - you should be mad proud of your damnself. Bravo!
- (2017-10-23) Pavel D: Not all colors changed. Not like on preview.