extension ExtPose

Proxy Helper

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Set proxy for Google Chrome browser

Image from store Proxy Helper
Description from store By default, Chrome use the system proxy setting, but sometime we want to set proxy ONLY for chrome, not the whole system. This extension use Chrome native API to set proxy, support socks5, socks4, http, HTTPS protocols and pac script, Fast And Simple. Features: + support socks4, socks5, http, https, quic proxy settings + support pac script + support bypass list + support customer rules + support authentication + support extension settings synchronize

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-19) Bui Nguyen Khoi: ngon
  • (2023-08-08) Олег Бездомный: Добавьте чёрный список сайтов, которые должны работать через прокси
  • (2023-06-02) 云腾龙众: 完美
  • (2023-04-09) lee fc: socks5://
  • (2023-03-16) Ak Rahad: EASY TO USE
  • (2023-02-24) Josh Onkoba: A mighty powerful and impressive chrome extension
  • (2023-01-29) Martin Andersen: - Binds Alt+O by default to enter its own options page, preventing typing certain important keys in Chrome. No option to disable. - Config (proxy.pac) disappared after rebooting (not persistent) - When modifying the proxy.pac script, one has to cancel the first upload (setting it to empty) before the modified file is registered in the text box. In other words; there are a few aspects which need improvement (also the SOCKS5 auth, but it has been mentioned in other reviews)
  • (2023-01-11) Mr Mehran Farzan: it worked well but it seems after last chrome update (v108.0.5359.125) it's mixed up,when we left click on extension bar , there are lot of options and none of them work
  • (2022-10-13) huan peng: 之前用falcon proxy,被chrome下架了,找了一阵,终于找到个差不多功能的,挺好用的。
  • (2022-09-06) bun nyd: fast speed proxy
  • (2022-01-17) Ariel Klevinen: Just I searched. Allow easily set proxy with bypass.
  • (2022-01-05) Nat Pavasant: Works well but please stop opening CHANGELOG! It's so annoying.
  • (2021-12-26) Souilah -: ne fonctionne pas, test sur plusieurs PC, toujours mon ip d'origine rien ne change
  • (2021-06-29) Milan Bilalov: Doesn't work now
  • (2021-03-31) Sylvester Hesp: Doesn't seem to work at all.
  • (2021-03-22) Roma: Socks5 Authentication not work
  • (2021-02-09) Sheridan (SantagenS): (Имена в белом списке не будут использовать прокси) (Чёрный список для выборочного добавления сайтов использующих прокси удалён) ржу нимагу - удалить из прокси возможность проксировать выбранные сайты но добавив список сайтов которые НЕ НУЖНО проксировать это мне надо весь интернет добавить в список что-бы была возможность использовать прокси на выбранных сайтах? ͡๏̯͡๏ АХ-ХА-ХА-ХА-ХА
  • (2021-02-03) Sergey Zhemoitel: Последнее обновление убило возможность добавлять исключения Режим только белого списка. Причем в белый список добавить ничего невозможно Зачем-то разработчик убил нормально работающий плагин
  • (2021-01-20) Рекрезеарх: работает через раз,один день норм открывает потом может несколько дней вообще не работать преходится переустанавливать постоянно
  • (2020-12-24) Тёма Клименко: Спасибо за ПРОКCИ давно искал , а раннее все время пользовался другим Браузером FIREFOX своя настройка без IE свойство!!! и теперь удобно IE стоит левые настройки ПРОКСИ который не дает доступ к интернету ПК вся фоновая система обновление ЗАБЛОКИРОВАНА а Браузеры CG и FF поставил все прямую соединение без прокси и системный!!! Осталось Оперу копать без системного IE . а в Оффисе стоит Прокси интернет - и получается что писал выше все наоборот IE прокси отключено , а в браузере включено все работает !!!! защита от дурака ))))) ну поняли о чем я )))) вирус не будет скачивать и никаких чужих криптовалют))))
  • (2020-12-15) Sven H: Changed settings are not stored. E.g. change proxy port. Settings will just revert to the old proxy port.
  • (2020-11-27) Raimo Kräuchi: The recent update broke the whole think! In the drop down menu for Rules Mode there ist only "Whitelist" available. Alle the previous modes are gone. All enties in the previously defined exclusion list are gone.
  • (2020-10-26) Jacob Holmes: Tried to use with TorGuard SOCK5. Did not work. Entered server address, port, and authentication. Selected SOCKS PROXY from extension menu. Got error, ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED
  • (2020-10-03) Neoine Sendaris: 真的超喜欢!谢谢作者的付出,简单又快速!
  • (2020-08-17) Zhang Allen: 简单好用!
  • (2019-10-27) Matías Coronel: Me resultó útil para unas pruebas con Hoverfly...una herramienta simple y eficaz.
  • (2019-06-17) Alexei Zakharov: PAC file doesn't work. The file doesn't get loaded or executed.
  • (2019-06-07) John Deer: This extension DOES NOT use proxy for all chrome traffic. Please use firewall configuration to block your browser connection to other IPs than your proxy if you need security.
  • (2019-03-22) jason li: 认证不工作,用户名密码都没写错
  • (2018-12-28) 卜创欢: 非常不错
  • (2018-12-18) Ali Dbg: very Good for SOCKS5
  • (2018-08-31) WeslyG Gibson: Поскольку PAC скрипты не даржат авторизацию. А городить огороды в этом не хочется, может кроме списка bypass - белый список? Ибо мне надо на ограниченное число включать проксю.
  • (2018-08-14) ventisca: So I found that this addon uses DNS resolve through proxy, which is good. People who use proxy wants everything pass through proxy anyway.
  • (2018-06-27) Sanjua Carrillo: muy bueno
  • (2018-04-13) Oleg Nizhnik: It just can't handle socks5 authentication. It successfully tries to connect to my socks5 server but doesn't pass any user\password
  • (2018-04-11) Quang Vuong: proxy bao mat cho win 7 cuc cao
  • (2018-04-07) Vladimir Mogidin: Socks5 Authentication not work
  • (2018-03-30) Владимир Кокарев: Socks5 Authentication not work
  • (2017-12-15) Hao Liu: 居然更新了。非常棒
  • (2017-10-16) Thanks for being open source!
  • (2017-09-20) Wing Huang: 很稳定,很智能,谢谢作者!希望继续保持更新和改进!
  • (2016-12-24) David: worked till today and was very happy with it. But I had to turn it to Direct for som work and now I can not turn it back on. Tried to delete and reinstall but no luck.
  • (2016-11-16) مشاري المجلاد: ممتازة جدا وانصح باستخدامها
  • (2016-11-15) Nate Woods: Works perfectly for me (using SOCKS5 via a pac file and ssh -ND on Chrome for Ubuntu) after a minute or two of figuring out how to engage it. I have no experience in security so I can't speak to how well it helps hide you from repressive governments or anything like that.
  • (2016-10-10) Tsubasa Yeung: 方便,好用
  • (2016-09-22) Sean Barney: does not support socks5 with authentication.
  • (2016-04-14) Martin Žaloudek: CZ: Přepínání funguje dobře. Změny se aplikují okamžitě bez nutnosti restartovat Chrome. EN: Switching works fine, immediately without needs to restart Chrome.
  • (2016-04-04) Андрей: Нехрена не работает!
  • (2016-02-20) adam wenger: Does not work with SOCKS5
  • (2016-01-25) Mac Rosel: doesn't work or is just too difficult to use

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-01, v:1.4.5) DIEU NGUYEN THI: proxy api doesn't support SOCK5 authentication
    My account have a problem with info: proxy api doesn't support SOCK5 authentication but i still use it before. I buy money to buy it, Why you dont give me using it?
  • (2023-06-10, v:1.4.5) dj vravo: dont open it all time show relode
    please solve my essu as son as dont open it , when i click add to crom then showing relode all time
  • (2023-06-08, v:1.4.5) Van Nghia: Không sử dụng được
    Tôi không sử dụng được
  • (2022-04-07, v:1.4.2) Александр Петров: iframe
    Добавьте пожалуйста загрузку во фреймах. А то получается, что сама страница загружается через прокси, а фреймы на ней, например с reCaptcha, делают запросы с моего IP и меня постоянно блокируют.
  • (2021-09-29, v:1.3.3) camika taylor: proxyhelper
    all option not available
  • (2021-06-06, v:1.3.3) Mark Thompsonn: Failed to add proxy for 5socks
    How do I add socks5 proxy in this chrome I keep having error problem when trying to do it.
  • (2021-04-09, v:1.3.3) Sridhar Ayengar: Can't Save Settings`
    I am adding a proxy IP in the interface and it won't save. Even if I simply refresh the interface, the IP and port disappears.
  • (2021-02-16, v:1.3.3) Florian B.: Bypass list
    We can't add bypass list anymore ?
  • (2021-02-03, v:1.3.3) Sergey Zhemoitel: Please back exclude hosts
    White list and blacklist, no worked is Please back exclude hosts list
  • (2021-01-02, v:1.3.3) been bless: please i need help
    i can't click on the space box provided
  • (2019-03-31, v:1.2.7) cant install proxy helper
    cant install proxy helper
  • (2018-10-11, v:1.2.7) select HTTP PROXY as Default instead of SYSTEM
    Hi, I would like to keep HTTP PROXY as default when am starting selenium chrome instead of keeping SYSTEM is there any way to do that ?
  • (2018-08-31, v:1.2.7) WeslyG Gibson: White list
    I need to go to a limited number of resources through a proxy, can I add a whitelist in addition to the blacklist?
  • (2017-06-26, v:1.2.6) Fedor Koshel: Socks5 authentication does not work
    I tried t oconnect to my proxy server with authentication by username and password, but it does not work. Tests throught curl passed well.
  • (2016-10-15, v:1.2.6) Юрий Герасименко: only certain url
    can i configure extension to enable proxy for certain sites, not for all?
  • (2016-10-05, v:1.2.6) Lord Lollington: Resets my changes
    Everytime I want to switch to HTTP Proxy the extension switches back to "SYSTEM". Updated Chrome and the extension but the problem remains. Hope you can help me. Thanks.
  • (2016-10-03, v:1.2.6) jk **: auto pac file refresh
    Hi, I am using PAC file for proxy settings. When I change my PAC file it is not getting reflected automatically, is there a option in add on to update that PAC file automatically every x second/minute Thanks
  • (2015-08-21, v:1.2.6) khathutshelo nditwane: proxy
    im running a WPAD script on proxy settings it works fine on IE but on chrome it wants me to enter a username and password on every search and url.. what could be causing this?
  • (2015-04-09, v:1.2.6) Elizabeth Brink: facebook
    whenever i try to use proxy helper to get onto facebook it keeps on saying page/network error. can anyone help? much appreciated
  • (2014-10-27, v:1.2.6) Niels Huylebroeck: Linux not supported
    On linux (Ubuntu 14.04 fyi) the proxy setting does not seem to do anything.


100,000 history
3.7917 (192 votes)
Last update / version
2022-08-22 / 1.4.5
Listing languages
