Description from extension meta
Create, share, and automate containerized environments on any Windows desktop.
Image from store
Description from store™ runs desktop and server applications in portable VMs that synchronize across the web.
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-06) Ekin Dede: You want to hear a joke? extension. That's the joke. is a joke.
- (2021-04-09) BCgar: Does it work on Chromebook? Also my rate does not count. I'm trying to run Pivot Animator 4 on my Chromebook.
- (2019-04-06) Dalton Reeves: This thing is absolute trash.
- (2017-12-05) 石巻亭(ishimakitei): インストールしようとすると強制終了させられて一向に使えない…。 良いもの見つけたと思ったけどダメそうだなこりゃ。
- (2017-11-13) Wessam Raafat: I was able to run an old version of Chrome. it worked very smoothly. Thanks.
- (2017-10-18) Dale Okkers: Worked at first and just stopped working.
- (2017-09-04) 王杨: ( ⊙ o ⊙ )!How to use?
- (2017-07-23) dinmuxammad mirzasharipov: ok
- (2017-04-19) zedbro 12: richtig cool
- (2016-11-27) Tony Roger: tried around 5-10 times, it's slow in the free trial, means hardly can connect to the browser! not so good for testing out the service!
- (2016-09-19) Alvin Ian: dunno how to use at all....
- (2016-04-12) Edi: Handy desktop containers platform. Cross browser testing: launch multiple IEs on the same machine. Zero setup Selenium grid, containerised. SQL sandbox allows running SSMS without install (multiple versions).
- (2016-04-12) Roman Stoffel: Cool, allows you to quickly launch browser tons of different browser versions to test websites. I also use it to quickly launch 'heavy' applications, like SSMS without installing them.
- (2016-04-08) karmadorje: not working
- (2016-04-05) SAEED HASHMI: not working
- (2016-03-03) Jeff Savage: Works as intended. Turbo is mainly for enterprise, tho free users can use it with a ton of limitations. Want an alternative for the end user? Try
- (2016-01-08) Marcin Szymański (SzymaneK): Wtyczka spamuje systemy CMS doklejając do edytowanych stron wpis <div id="spoon-plugin-kncgbdglledmjmpnikebkagnchfdehbm-2" style="display: none;"></div>
- (2015-10-14) Konrad Bąk: the downloadable plugin 43MB, that is required, doesn't work ;_; i run it, and nothing happens, it just appears in task manager
- (2015-08-04) Хангелді Iлебаев: Как я понял он только для windows пользователей. А зачем ваша программа нужна если можно просто скачать саму програмку