extension ExtPose

Coin-Hive Blocker (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Save your computer from CryptoJackers

Image from store Coin-Hive Blocker
Description from store Super-light script that removes coin-hive and other crypto-miners from all websites. The script both cancels all requests from Coinhive and removes the script from the DOM before it loads. * Update 18 - Phasing out Premium * Update 17 - Notification change * Update 16 - Handle denied permission for email * Update 15 - Premium plan notification * Update 0.14 - Fix for initial pattern list * Update 0.13 - Bugfix for too sensitive CPU-scanner - CoinHiveblocker Premium - Server rendered auto-analysis of suspicious pages(premium) - Wider range of known miner-domains(premium) - Added guide for miners not blockable by chrome api(premium) * Update 0.12 - New UI - Bugfixes - Collecting data on already blocked domains - New server for block-list - Block-timeout - New Switch method * Update 0.11 - Add notification block, small change in UI (popup) *Update 0.10 - Bug Fix, fetch backup blacklist locally on failed fetch *Update 0.9 - Add whitelist for reported sites to avoid unnecessary notifications *Update 0.8 - Add CPU-load detection - Blacklist is now fetched from github (https://github.com/andreas0607/CoinHive-blocker/blob/master/blacklist.json) - Notification when consistant high CPU-load, fetches site-url and sends to dev for inspection *Update 0.7 - Remove welcome screen (it was annoying) *Update 0.6 - Update list of miners to block *Update 0.5 - Creating statistics from blocked sites - Toggle to statistics display-mode - Welcome message *Update 0.4 - Toggle on and off the blocker by clicking the icon top left *Update 0.3 - Updating to block coin-hives new domain coinhive.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Source-code: https://github.com/andreas0607/CoinHive-blocker/ Coin-Hive is: "Coinhive offers a JavaScript miner for the Monero Blockchain (Why Monero?) that you can embed in your website. Your users run the miner directly in their Browser and mine XMR for you" This means it steals your CPU power and slows your computer down.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-02-14) killerman_world: this show me fake info and after instal myu browser working slowly isk why
  • (2021-06-12) Mandeep Hundal: best extension for blocking unwanted mining on webs
  • (2021-02-26) nestor fabian: muy buena extensión, funciona realmente muy bien. Bloquea todo lo que tiene que bloquear, estaria bueno que le agregaran la posibilidad de agregar las paginas a una lista en caso de querer visitarlas a pesar de ser bloqueadas por ella
  • (2019-12-17) Alan S. Morrison: Seems to work. Easy to use.
  • (2019-10-16) ANTONIO P.: Mi pc consume menos memoria
  • (2019-09-25) Free Hugs: very helpful extension, I could finally get rid of a few very agressive sites, thank you
  • (2019-07-18) Muka Tsuku: Funny to see people freaking out about email registration and exclaiming that the dev is greedy. You know what? The people who are complaining are the greedy ones, thinking they are entitled to getting stuff without paying for it. This extension works fine without any malware activity.
  • (2019-02-09) Mikhail Rusanov: НЕ ПАШЕТ & MAYNIT SAMO !!! L0L
  • (2019-01-24) Santiago Iñigo: Parece funcionar bastante bien !!.
  • (2019-01-22) Ali Ridha: يطلب ايميل
  • (2019-01-20) Juan Alberto Vázquez Rodríguez: Pena que no se pueda pagar con Pay Pal, sería Premiun.
  • (2018-12-21) leg single: 브라우저 종료시 몰래 남아서 cpu 점유하고 있음 이 확장프로그램 지우고 해결됐으니 참고하시기 바랍니다
  • (2018-10-20) Aaron Egger: Der Schrott funktioniert nicht.
  • (2018-10-03) Azky Igf: NOT BAD....
  • (2018-09-30) Александр Чередников: Пока всё чётко выполняет свои функции. Дня три назад начал комп ужасно тормозить без видимых причин. Пришлось разбираться глубже. После установки этого приложения всё стало просто летать (браузер криптотаб). Правда я почти все такие приложения установил в браузер с хром магазина ещё. На всякий случай.
  • (2018-09-15) Tim Adams: Uhoh, no email address for you!
  • (2018-09-13) S D: Why unexplained need for user's email IDs???
  • (2018-09-13) Why do you suddenly need to see our email? This addon being sold to 3rd party?!
  • (2018-09-13) William Resvoll Skaug: It blocks like a charm <3
  • (2018-08-22) Blaq Laser: Have used it for five minutes, toggling it off/on. I still see the script, but it's disabling the script as evidenced in my task manager. Yay!
  • (2018-08-21) Yusuf Afandi: This best miner block so far.
  • (2018-08-20) Franz Scherrer: Gut
  • (2018-08-04) Dhammika Jayasundara: it do the job.
  • (2018-07-24) Travis Bourrie: I have no idea if it is working or not. I am going to assume it is and isn't itself mining for bits...
  • (2018-07-18) Subash Kumar: good to protect from coin-hive miners
  • (2018-07-11) jose manuel bada: Buena
  • (2018-06-24) Blair Wolf: Seems to be doing the trick.
  • (2018-06-19) Francesco Francesconi: 5 stelle sulla fiducia: non ho mai avuto problemi con i miner e ovviamente non so se è merito dell'estensione oppure no


10,000 history
4.3 (270 votes)
Last update / version
2019-07-16 / 0.18
Listing languages
