extension ExtPose

AliExpress dropship & Affiliate - woocommerce

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AliExpress dropship & Affiliate for woocommerce

Image from store AliExpress dropship & Affiliate - woocommerce
Description from store Aliexpress dropshipping and affiliate for woocommerce by wooshark offers the following features: * Import, customize and edit: - Variants such as size, color, model - Original images - Title and custom title - Images from the product description - Specifications and extra information - General description - Short description - Categories - Sale price - Reviews - Rating - Sku - tags * Import products as affiliate products * Import affiliate products in bulk * Automated price calculation formula. * Advanced description editor * Advanced image editor * bulk products import * General configuration * Link to the original product. * order placement on aliexpress * Publish / save as draft. * import shipping methods and cost * automatic updates stock and quantity This extension helps also to create an Aliexpress woocommerce dropshipping store

Latest reviews

  • (2022-12-24) Marc Dooder: import products as affiliate is a great addition to this software, I would like to have more import on the free plan in order to test more features one of my favorite importer
  • (2022-12-24) djamine djamine: One time payment with a good price for such level of features, I can assure you will not find this anywhere else, keep the good work
  • (2022-12-22) ASMA BM: Lovely solution. the last update that allows to import affiliate products is really great and smart, very good progress
  • (2020-10-09) pipanda store: It really helps out, adding products is such a drag normally this speeds it up a fair amount!
  • (2019-10-30) Long John: Tested so many extensions to add your AliExpress products, many are just plain rubbish to use. This plug-in gives you the option to directly edit your chosen single product, edit the the text, add short description, check and remove sellers advertising inside the product description, But most of all,direct assign the category. Plus have the choice to draft or publish them. To be 100% fare, found 1 that had even more options, but then you pay $50 per month. When there is a problem/question/or request for future suggestions you always get fast reply's. Programer does anything to quickly resolve problems. Good service, good plug-in and then yes the full 5 stars. We highly recommend this plugin and programmer.
  • (2018-07-30) LE POUDREUX: Une excellente application, l'import est correct et rapide, attention toutefois de bien vérifier les variables photos parfois mal attribuées photo/couleur. La meilleur pour le dropshipper car fonctionnel et pas cher.

Latest issues

  • (2023-04-06, v:3.0.9) ديكور ستور: Can not add the extention to chrome
    hello I Can not add the extention to chrome
  • (2022-12-22, v:1.9.1) Ruby Jenkins: Need help getting woocommerce setup
    how can i take activation code Wooshark for AliExpress & woocommerce
  • (2022-12-22, v:1.9.3) Martina Vuletic: HELP
    Hello, I bought a premium for allexspress and he tells me: Activation code is not valid, free version enabled? Should I go for free?
  • (2022-12-22, v:1.9.3) Martina Vuletic: HELP
    Hello, I bought a premium for allexspress and he tells me: Activation code is not valid, free version enabled? Should I go for free?
  • (2022-12-22, v:1.9.5) מור ידיעות: NO GET EMAIL
    Hello, We did not receive an email
  • (2022-12-22, v:1.9.5) David Haworth: link to aliexpress
    my order will not process through to AliExpress
  • (2022-12-21, v:1.9.9) Daniel V: why single product import not showing in wooshark pro extension
    why single product import not showing in wooshark pro extension
  • (2022-12-21, v:1.9.9) Daniel V: Help ........................Hello i Bought aliexpress wooshark pro plugin im facing issues
    why single product import not showing in wooshark pro extension if im importing single product its not showing in wooshark extenstion also i sync that but nothing happen and even its not showing sync option on products tab of woocommerce
  • (2021-12-13, v:1.9.3) Martina Vuletic: HELP
    Hello, I bought a premium for allexspress and he tells me: Activation code is not valid, free version enabled? Should I go for free?
  • (2021-12-13, v:1.9.3) Martina Vuletic: HELP
    Hello, I bought a premium for allexspress and he tells me: Activation code is not valid, free version enabled? Should I go for free?
  • (2021-08-28, v:1.9.1) Ruby Jenkins: Need help getting woocommerce setup
    how can i take activation code Wooshark for AliExpress & woocommerce
  • (2021-08-01, v:1.9.1) James Goodson: API CODE
    Hi from TOP FLOOR SHOP I have not received my API KEY . Can't import and need to change product information and change costing , and need for contact suppliers . Need asap to get this site going
  • (2021-06-17, v:1.9.1) Ekweaga Ikechukwu: I havent seen my activation code
    Wooshark havent sent an activation code to my email
  • (2021-03-11, v:1.9.0) xuan wang: i need activation code
    please give me
  • (2021-01-21, v:1.9.0) Dominic Osanyingbemi: Request for Activation Code for Aliexpress dropshipping for Woocommerce Extension
    I am requesting for the activation code for your Aliexpress dropshipping for Woocommerce extension so I can start using it. Thanks for your anticipated response.
  • (2020-12-12, v:1.8.9) Renata Popescu: Activation code not received by email so far
    I haven't received the activation code by email to get this extension to work, how can I get the activation code, please?
  • (2020-11-21, v:1.8.9) Erdal Tunc: we can not listing from chrome extension we become error
    we become duplicate sku or invalid sku and these error when wil listing from aliexpress Error establishing connection to server This can be caused by 1- Firewall block or filtering 2- An installed browser extension is mucking things we have new installed wordpress and from beginn sayme these error and these is not from hosting or from the website than the website is new installed clean website pls look these and resolve these pls .
  • (2020-11-01, v:1.8.9) Anh Nguyen: how can i take activation code Wooshark for AliExpress & woocommerce
    how can i take activation code Wooshark for AliExpress & woocommerce
  • (2020-07-24, v:1.8.1) Chrysa Theocharidou: Wooshark for AliExpress & woocommerce FOR ANDROID
    Hello! how can i download this application to an android?
  • (2020-06-16, v:1.8.1) mustapha touahri: Chrome extension
    updated the Chrome extension. The problem is that it brings the first old comments and I'm looking for the modern ones and it takes a long time
  • (2020-01-26, v:1.8.0) T. VM.: Multiple stores
    How can i add multiple stores?
  • (2020-01-02, v:1.7.9) Валерий Аксенов: Lost my license! How to restore?
    Hello, I can't find the license number! How to restore?
  • (2019-12-15, v:1.7.9) KodakKidd Will: Can not Import to store
    I'm having issues importing products to my store please help.
  • (2019-12-15, v:1.7.9) KodakKidd Will: Can not Import to store
    I'm having issues importing products to my store please help.
  • (2019-10-18, v:1.7.3) Pereba: erro
    Error establishing connection to host This can be caused by 1- Firewall block or filtering 2- An installed browser extension is mucking things, disable other chrome extensions one by one and try again
  • (2019-10-12, v:1.7.1) Love Flower: After I bought chrome extension for Aliexpress, I do not get key, where is my key?
    After I bought chrome extension for Aliexpress lifetime, I do not get key, where is my key?
  • (2019-10-05, v:1.7.1) Small Enterprise: Woocommerce AliExpress dropshipping Test connection to Woocommerce account
    Error establishing connection to host Http//plussizec.com
  • (2019-09-21, v:1.6.9) Hayti Production: activation code
    hey so i want to buy activation code please how i can get it ?
  • (2019-09-10, v:1.6.3) Francisco PBautista: I haven't received the activation code
    I already made the payment in Paypal for the unlimited plan but not $ 25.99 but I did not receive any activation code and it limits me only 5 products per day, I already send you an email I wait for your prompt response, but I will contact you again here, Regards
  • (2019-09-10, v:1.6.3) Francisco PBautista: No eh recibido el codigo de activación
    Ya realicé el pago en Paypal por el plan ilimitado pero no de $25.99 pero no recibi ningun codigo de activación y me limita sólo 5 productos por día, ya les mandé un correo espero su pronta respuesta, sino los vuelvo a contactar por aquí, Saludos
  • (2019-09-04, v:1.6.3) E Store Accessories: Activation Key
    Hello just bought the extension, but not received the activation key by email. Email is: [email protected]
  • (2019-08-20, v:1.6.0) Bessa Mosas: Activation Code
    1- How do I get the activation code? 2- Is this plugin free? Thanks.
  • (2019-07-24, v:1.5.5) Vivek puri: did not recieve the activation code
    Hi There, baught the forever plan from google chrome and still did not recieve the activation code. It was working fine for three days. Now it says its a free plan and can only import 5 products a day. It's not even importing single product. My email is [email protected] or my gmail is [email protected]
  • (2019-07-01, v:1.5.4) Marcelo Silva: No visitor set up API dropshipping aliexpress
    when I try to configure this error Error establishing connection to host https://maziro.com.br <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-us" prefix="content: http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/ dc: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ og: http://ogp.me/ns# rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# sioc: http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns# sioct: http://rdfs.org/sioc/types# skos: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# xsd: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> @charset "UTF-8"; [ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], [data-ng-cloak], [x-ng-cloak], .ng-cloak, .x-ng-cloak, .ng-hide:not(.ng-hide-animate) { display: none !important; } ng\:form { display: block; } .ng-animate-shim { visibility: hidden; } .ng-anchor { position: absolute; } </style> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>Oops, something lost</title> <meta name="description" content="Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap."> <link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="/htdocs_error/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i" rel="stylesheet"> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-26575989-46', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> </head> <body> <div class="error" id="error"> <div class="container"> <div class="content centered"><img style="width:500px;" src="/htdocs_error/something-lost.png"> <h1>Oops, looks like the page is lost.</h1> <p style="font-size:22px;" class="sub-header text-block-narrow">This is not a fault, just an accident that was not intentional.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>


3,000 history
4.625 (8 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-17 / 3.1.8
Listing languages
