Description from extension meta
Responsive Inspector Reloaded allows inspecting page media queries. Same as original, but it works on modern browsers.
Image from store
Description from store
Original version of Responsive Inspector was broken.
Piotr Walczyszyn (developer) stopped supporting and updating of extension. This version is open sourced and have GitHub project page:
Feel free to fork and making pull requests or add issues.
Latest reviews
- (2019-10-09) Manuel Burghammer: Same error as old Version: Error in event handler: Error: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules at getMedia (file:///C:/Users/***/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/elmkkpeccekaekegjhnekaolcjafnnep/1.0.0_0/scripts/content.js:22:28) at file:///C:/Users/***/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/elmkkpeccekaekegjhnekaolcjafnnep/1.0.0_0/scripts/content.js:95:21 Win10 and Linux
- (2016-07-25) Tyeth Gundry: Fantastic.
- (2016-04-18) Neil Griffiths: Just like the other Responsive inspector tool this loads a box with nothing but zoom controls regardless of what site I try to use it with.
- (2016-03-28) Helio Alves: Seriously!!! This is definitely one of the best if not the best responsive inspector tool. If you are in Front-End Development then this extension must be part of your toolbelt. :)
- (2016-03-19) Justin Gordon: Glad I found this extension after trying the (broken) original. This extension is a must when learning about responsive sites. Thank you for your work on this extension/project!
- (2016-03-15) Scott Godin: Nice job fixing the bugs of the original -- too bad the chrome webstore won't let you take over the original module -- I only found you accidentally: the store offered the original module as a 'related' to some other things I was looking at, and I only inadvertently found _you_ when I went to file a bug report on the original. Glad I did; this thing is _slick_.
- (2016-01-17) Valerii Bogomolov: Спасибо за поддержку!
- (2015-12-08) Web Designer Beauty School: This is my favorite responsive inspector tool, period. It's the quickest tool I have found to identify break points in websites, and in turn drill down to the CSS at those break points. Thank you so much for fixing it! The students in my Web Designer Beauty School are also thrilled to have this tool back. Who would have thought we could get excited over responsive coding tools! But we do...!
- (2015-10-06) Bottle Green: Fixed the bugs which caused the original Responsive Inspector to display a blank window. Thanks!
4.3077 (13 votes)
Last update / version
2017-05-10 / 1.0.0
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