For all fans of 13 Reasons, we’ve collected HD wallpapers for your favorite movie series, which you can enjoy every time.
"13 Reasons" tells a very shy California high school student who came home one day and found a box in front of it with seven cassettes recorded by Hannah Baker. She recorded these tapes before committing suicide. Give him to 13 people who caused her to commit suicide.
We've also added a bunch of features to enhance your browsing experience. If you frequently check for new emails in your inbox, you'll like the next feature. Now you can instantly see your mailbox and immediately know when you receive important information. With the built-in ToDo list, it's now easy to keep track of current tasks.
Here's a list of other features you'll get:
- Dating time
- weather widget
- Most frequently visited websites/bookmarks/closed pages recently
- screen protector
- Google Calendar Sync
- New label theme library
This plugin will change your default search.