Turns Canvas into Dark Mode!
Canvas does not currently have a dark mode option, like many other sites. This allows the user to toggle into a dark mode to protect their eyes at night.
Version 2.7: Added access to new schools!
Latest reviews
- (2022-05-13) Jack Carignan: It works well, although there aren't any color options available. Text can be difficult to read due to black text on a black background.
- (2022-02-06) Can you do this for Oregon State University please? canvas.oregonstate.edu
- (2021-12-07) Comrade Of The 34th Dimension: Can you do Neumont College of Computer Science? Otherwise, this was not the move
- (2021-09-16) Jacob Shobe: Trynna hook it up for rutgers?
- (2021-09-09) Samuel Mancia: I would absolutely love, could you allow this to be used for Cal Poly Pomona?
- (2021-08-24) Raymond Lin: Didn't work
- (2021-08-24) Zack Steadman: Could UF get this added
- (2021-06-01) Mees van de Walle: Can you add https://tilburguniversity.instructure.com/ If you can I'll make my review 5 starts ofc :)
- (2021-04-20) Rochelle: Would love this for my school! Distance learning is killing my eyes! https://4cd.instructure.com/
- (2021-03-12) Connor: This seems amazing, could you allow this to be used in Mansfield TX
- (2021-02-25) Paula Perez: Hello could you make one for my school? https://vcccd.instructure.com/
- (2020-10-03) Vidhath: Would love it if this was available for Florida State University. Thanks!
- (2020-09-22) Xavier Barbeyto: Please make it either universal somehow or at least for Virginia Tech! My eyes are tired of being blinded. Let me know if you need anything from me!
- (2020-09-20) Vito Scalleta: Would love to have something like this as I love having a dark mode as it's easy on the eyes. Could you please add https://canvas.morainevalley.edu/ Thank you so much if you can
- (2020-09-11) Ken Hopson: https://virginiacommonwealth.instructure.com/ please
- (2020-08-28) Trevor Gudmundsen: Hello, is it possible to make this available for Touro University - California?? Canvas brightness is a killer
- (2020-08-26) Sela Weaver: Looks awesome! Could you make one for https://miamioh.instructure.com/ ?
- (2020-08-25) Rohit Mittal: Could you add bcourses.berkeley.edu?
- (2020-08-16) Carolina: My eyes are protected
- (2020-06-24) TheTujipufu: I would love it if you could do this for Texas Chiropractic College!! https://txchiro.instructure.com/
- (2020-04-14) Livia Anderson: Can you please make an extension for my school, light mode kind of annoys me. thanks https://jsd.instructure.com/
- (2020-02-22) Mohannad Tamim: Please do it for University of Oregon
- (2020-01-24) Brent: please expand this to https://clarkcollege.instructure.com/
- (2020-01-17) Ryan Purcella: I would imagine this dark mode would look amazing. I wish I had it for my college, University of North Texas
- (2020-01-07) Jose Corral Mitchel: Hey, I don't want to be too much of a bother, could it be possible you release an extension for my school, here's the link to our canvas score if that's what you need https://brophyprep.instructure.com/login/canvas https://brophyprep.instructure.com/
- (2020-01-07) Frankie Bays: Was forced to download and rate to give a request. Can you add one for https://ilearn.laccd.edu/ for the dark mode? I'm a night owl and the bright screen hurts, and I'm pretty sure that's the url for everybody in the Los Angeles Community College District's canvas.
- (2019-11-09) Connar Duh: A universal version of this would go down an absolute storm with a lot of students. Great job with what you've done so far.
- (2019-10-03) Adrian Corvison: Looks great for your canvas. Do you think you can make one for "https://canvas.unf.edu/"? or even an option to add your own canvas site?(tho not sure myself if all canvas lms schools are coded the same.) Thanks!
4.5 (26 votes)
Last update / version
2022-04-30 / 2.7
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