extension ExtPose

Audio Equalizer and Amplifier

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Globalne sterowanie korekcją dźwięku, ustawieniami gatunkowymi, zwiększaniem głośności wszystkich elementów multimedialnych

Image from store Audio Equalizer and Amplifier
Description from store A tool for boosting or reducing (attenuating) the levels of different frequencies of media elements in web pages. The most basic type of equalization is the bass control on the old home audio equipment to control low frequencies and the treble control to adjust high frequencies. Since there are only two controls, the adjustment is for a fairly wide range of frequencies. In this extension, however, you can adjust a wide set of frequency ranges (60, 170, 310, 600, 1K, 3K, 6K, 12K, 14K, 16K) similar to the well-known VLC player. The extension adds a toolbar button to your browser to control audio equalization simply from its popup window. There are about 12 presets to select from or you can adjust your own levels. The extension offers profiling to keep user selections in different profiles. This extension supports pre-amplification for each profile as well. Basically, you have a global volume control to adjust the level of each profile too. For more info please read the FAQs page. You can submit bug reports in the GitHub page.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-17) shironeko: perfeito, o melhor *Faço uma expressão de satisfação*
  • (2023-05-24) Kakha Khmelidze: The once good extension seems to have stopped working. Developers, thank you for all the years during which your extension worked perfectly and please check it out on the latest versions of Chrome. Extension definitely stopped working.
  • (2023-04-09) Kimiponcho: funciona tbm no spotify 🤩
  • (2023-04-06) Zain Sajjad: It's a good extension cause in other extensions you have to reload page evry time you make changes.
  • (2023-03-28) Mouad EL GHANIMI: très helpful
  • (2023-03-22) Diman Kot: имба
  • (2023-02-20) Web - Youtube Gelişim: doesnt work
  • (2023-02-15) Nand D: All the 3 latest versions 0.2.0, 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 fail to work on my Chromebook. They just won't turn on and toggling "Enable Equalizer" on and off makes no difference. Tried re-install, still no luck. So I re-installed version 0.1.4 and it works perfectly but only for about an hour or so because it gets updated automatically to the latest version which sucks. I am therefore back to square one and at my wits end. I am constantly uninstalling the latest version, re-installing version 0.1.4 , uninstalling, re-installing, on and on. Very frustrating indeed! Does anybody know how to block this extension from auto-updating?
  • (2023-01-31) Billy Braga: 0.2.2 doesn't seem to work for me
  • (2022-11-28) Pichet Chaohem PC: จากการใช้จริง เปรียบกับหลายแอ็ปอื่น ทดลองฟังกับหูฟัง ดีกว่าทุกตัว ให้เสียงที่นุ่มใสให้รายละเอียดครบ เสียงไม่แข็งกระด้าง ชอบมากครับ
  • (2022-11-11) Maxiii: Super util y conveniente
  • (2022-10-09) João Pedro: O melhor que encontrei dentre vários que já usei. Basta ficar atento ao ganho de volume, se você apenas deslizar o grave pra cima certamente ficará distorcido, você precisará compensar reduzindo o volume total ou reduzir as faixas indesejadas de forma que as desejadas fiquem em 0.
  • (2022-09-26) Feruchio: Infelizmente, costuma picotar o áudio, especialmente durante o carregamento do buffer no YouTube. Espero que corrijam isso, pois faz mais de um ano que esse add-on não recebe nenhuma atualização.
  • (2022-09-15) Cat K: best extention
  • (2022-08-24) Fachi: Very good, my only issue is that on some websites when you try and fast forward a video it completely removes the sound, it's a big bug and makes me use a whole different browser just to get it to work
  • (2022-08-24) -PR4BB4R -: Awesome!!
  • (2022-08-10) Aa Ww: Simply the best.Stereo/mono switch left right balance, usually unsuported by other producers.Works globally in all open pages - no need to adjust it for every new page.I'm very satisfied -good job in the old style and meaning of this word.
  • (2022-07-04) Gabriel S.: I've used tons of equalizers and in all of them I had to press F11 to go fullscreen on a video. This one is working fine, the only cons is that it modifies the audio of the whole browser, not being able to have different settings in different tabs and the boost range isn't that great, even though it's enough most part of the time.
  • (2022-06-15) Fernando Savi: Funciona de verdade em qualquer site, recomendo 100%
  • (2022-04-17) Burning Ravine: All you need, look no more!
  • (2022-03-07) Jeff “Stormin” Norman: THE BEST EXTENSION for Music. I just have a Laptop but also a 30 yr old Pioneer System so it Cranks up big time. TY Mr. DEV. Great stuff! Wish I could send you money somehow...Sincerely...Stormin
  • (2022-01-30) Amir Rezaei: It does not permission to work with hls-player-extensions or play local files in the browser. some extensions can do that.
  • (2022-01-10) Tony Snark: I am really torn on this one. It's better than another volume control extension I've tried, but it causes issues with playback on some sites. Bandcamp is one example. I opened an album, played the first track fine, but then it would not play audio from anything after. Even after unchecking "enable equalization" in the extension and force refreshing the site. I had to disable the extension to overcome the problem.
  • (2021-12-31) Виталий К: Сто звезд автору! Единственное из похожих расширений, которое может сохранять заданный уровень громкости! Есть 100500 расширений, увеличивающих громкость, и почти нет таких, чтобы банально уменьшить громкость и сохранить ее уменьшенной.
  • (2021-12-16) Francisco Ignacio: De los ecualizadores que he probado en Chrome y Brave browser, para mi, este es el mejor.
  • (2021-12-08) Debtcol Global: Best authentic sound miles apart from others, installed in all devices and browsers
  • (2021-08-29) Gil Wallerman: It works
  • (2021-07-07) busin': now i can enjoy some neutral bass idk but i loved it
  • (2021-07-04) Drawing Base: So good, nice, easy. Does the job. I'm looking for it every time. It's hard to find but you can see it from 1000. Recommended to friends as well. Take care good developer. Can't suport you with crypto, just recommends.
  • (2021-06-15) Tony Row: some what natru;e
  • (2021-03-20) Imie Nazwisko: best
  • (2021-01-17) Greg Spickard: If you're trying to make YouTube videos louder, this extension won't help you. I just tried it and it has no effect on YouTube at all. I haven't tried other sites, but if it won't work with YouTube, then it's pretty useless to me.
  • (2020-11-17) Joe C: Not useful or functional. Reinstalled to encourage people not to install.
  • (2020-10-03) alberto martinez servin: me funciona perfecto
  • (2020-08-12) Keith N: This crAPP turns OFF sound for no reason! Got sound back ON only by disabling it on chrome extension page. DON'T INSTALL THIS APP. 💩
  • (2020-03-12) PaeCG: Cool! It's works for Youtube! :D
  • (2020-03-09) Bree Vwhyman: This is one of the few VOLUME BOOSTERS that i found which does NOT seem to take the CPU to 100 percent causing crackles and audio pitch shifts when you run it in a TAB & then switch to another TAB to surf & pass traffic. All the other boosters seem to take even a good CPU to 100 percent, causing audio issues. While your plug in does not give amazing volume boost.....it's enough ....and stays solid. thanks The browser here is a regular CHrome derivative ........ and it's a good Intel I5 cpu with DUAL CORES appearing a quad cores (hyperthreaded) in windows 10 .......so plug ins should NOT take a cpu to 100 percent. (yours does not) Thanks
  • (2020-01-25) AKARACH VIVATANANONT: การปรับตั้งย่านความถี่ทุกความถี่เสียงได้ดี และจะไม่กระตุก
  • (2019-08-29) Felipe Saavedra: exelent
  • (2019-04-10) son brotto: it's very helpful to amplified your music.
  • (2019-03-21) Black Volume: Hello, I noticed that in the extension "Audio Equalizer and Amplifier" (fgjoaiofojbppcbaghehnpofkbhhclfl) you are using my images. Remove it in your extension, or I will be forced to file a complaint against you.


10,000 history
4.4154 (65 votes)
Last update / version
2022-11-28 / 0.2.2
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