Description from extension meta
An extension to help play Axie Infinity.
Image from store
Description from store
Add-on to help play Axie Infinity (
This extension will show number of breeds, HP, speed, purity, and pending exp.
When mousing over the stat line, it will show you hidden genes.
1.7.1: Updated to work with new graphql query.
1.7.0: Thanks to Maxbrand for adding 512-bit gene support and summer parts! Added support for new marketplace filters to make loading faster.
1.6.2: Fixed axie details page stats. Changed breeds icon. New filters don't work yet
1.6.1: Support reverse part search (to a degree)
1.6.0: Migrated to Chrome Extensions manifest v3
1.5.4: Fixed CORS issue
1.5.3: Fixed search/sort drop-downs
1.5.2: Fix for new Axie URLs
1.5.1: Switched to V2 graphql API and fixed fetching batch axies for ronin addresses.
1.5.0: Major speed up and code clean up. Removed support for old axie site.
1.4.6: More API migration.
1.4.4: Bug fixes/tweaks. Updated to work with Axie Infinity's new API format.
1.4.2: Performance tweak
1.4.1: Fixed performance problem on marketplace/inventory pages when petites were present.
1.4.0: Fixed bug causing slowdown on axie details page. Fixed dropdown transparency issues.
1.3.7: Fixed bug when trying to write stats to children portaits on the new axie details page (no longer trying to print stats there).
1.3.6: Made extension work with new API change. Now overwriting "Breed Count" text with stats.
1.3.5: Fixed popup menu
1.3.4: Removed exp feature since we've moved on to love potions now.
1.3.3: Fixed broken list view in new marketplace.
1.3.2: Tweaked gene box location.
1.3.1: Bug fix.
1.3.0: Added support for the new marketplace site. Fixed bug with Japanese breeding window.
1.2.2: Fixed pending exp bug due to new Chrome security restrictions (
1.2.1: Reverted last update. Turns out we don't need Account ID.
1.2.0: Display Axie Account ID on the Land inventory page. For use with other tools.
1.1.6: final v1 to v2 api change
1.1.5: Fixed minor bug for v2 api.
1.1.4: Reverted breaking change.
1.1.3: Moved to v2 api. Minor bug fix.
1.1.2: Minor bug fix.
1.1.1: Updated outdated Infura endpoint server.
1.1: Added hidden genes display to the Axie details page. Mouseover the stars area.
Latest reviews
- (2022-04-10) Rob D'Avola: I guess it does mot work anymore. I will remove it.
- (2022-03-29) jesus alberto marquez parada: Es una herramienta muy útil.
- (2022-03-13) Sir Maniegs: the Origin card support is Awsome!
- (2022-01-24) Samuel Rodríguez: Super util, 83 opiniones son muy pocas. Es una buena herramienta que te va a servir para conseguir buenos padres para el breed
- (2021-12-17) Superon: It was working, until the recent update of the marketplace last Dec. 15.
- (2021-12-16) Cocoy Mate: Extension is not working at the moment. there way a layout change in the MP, maybe it has affected the way this extension work.
- (2021-12-16) Criptocultor: Stopped working again
- (2021-12-16) Jose Taboada: Porque no muestra los datos? Antes si me mostraba y ahora no
- (2021-12-15) 470: не работает
- (2021-11-22) Eric Parera: sigue sin funcionar es posible o es problema de mi PC
- (2021-11-18) duyen bui: pls fix lag :( tks
- (2021-11-18) Joseph Raven Galicio: It was okay before now update the google update it's not working anymore. Please fix this thanks
- (2021-11-15) mark cornelio: The app is working fine for showing on the Genes, Although there's an error on the network log showing a CORS error.
- (2021-11-05) Juan David: no sirve ya instale y reinstale y no funciona
- (2021-11-03) Erick Becerril: Lo acabo de instalar y no funciona.
- (2021-10-23) Crypto Buro: Works exactly as advertised. Essential tool to view Axie purity & traits.
- (2021-10-16) Lester Orlando: Ya se arregló el problema.... solo desintalen y vuelvan a instalarla
- (2021-10-16) Bruno Bucci: Great but must to be updated since mktplace uri has changed and maybe it`s endpoint data structure
- (2021-10-16) LIVE MAN: Fix Extension Update To day Not working
- (2021-10-15) Ell Jansky: It is not working anymore as of October 16 2021, please make an action thank you
- (2021-10-15) Farid A.: Esta caido, alguien sabe otra alternativa?
- (2021-10-15) Jerson Sadulang: Extension not working for me i already remove and reinstall the extension but same issue not working for me? Any updates or can do to resolve my problems.
- (2021-10-15) damian mag: Conocen alguna alternativa? necesito hacer breed y esta herramienta era ideal..
- (2021-10-15) ShaMan Gaming: the Extension is not Working Anymore ? any updates ??? 10-16-2021
- (2021-10-15) Jorge Hernan Granados Bolaños: no funciona...
- (2021-10-15) JOSELO JOSELITO: actualizaron los datos de graphql en el Marketplace de axie deben actualizar la extensión, por el momento no funciona nada
- (2021-10-15) Ramiro F. M.: Esta molestando la extension, ya reinstale y sigue igual
- (2021-10-15) Antonio P: Great extension but still not working today - 15/10/2021
- (2021-10-15) pedro perez gonzalez: Alguna alternativa??
- (2021-10-15) Marco Amateur: La reinstalé porque creí que el problema era mío y me encuentro a muchos que están igual... espero que arreglen este problema porque la verdad que es bien útil, ayuden a su público... saludos a los creadores...
- (2021-10-15) Acessedesconto Cripto: parou agora tem que ve neste site
- (2021-10-15) Google Google: Is it Axie Infinity planning to ban this extension to control the breeding and then to maintain the market price?
- (2021-10-15) SofDigital: No esta funcionando
- (2021-10-15) J CAMP: Esta caido, vuelve y se cambia la votacion
- (2021-10-15) Eduardo Mendez: No me funciona desde esta mañana 14/10. Ya lo he borrado y vuelto a instalar, pero no funciona.
- (2021-10-15) Scarlet Muñoz: It's having some problems, i can't see anything in the webpage 14/10/21.
- (2021-10-14) Earldwight Lodovice: its not working right now. already tried reinstall chrome and restart pc. tried removing and adding back extension, its still not working.
- (2021-10-14) Widemar Luiz: parou aqui tb
- (2021-10-14) uldrich gomez: esta teniendo problemas al 14/10/2021. no muestra nada, sera solucionado.?
- (2021-10-14) Jose Bueno: no me funciona
- (2021-10-14) iKabie: No funciona
- (2021-10-14) Delta Carla: Not working MOST of the time.
- (2021-10-14) Luciana Cerdan: No funciona # Not Working
- (2021-10-14) Guilherme Cruz: Infelizmente hoje parou de funcionar
- (2021-10-14) sick: not working rn
- (2021-10-14) SweetCorner By_nica: hello, today oct 14 the extension isnt working or just the mp is having an issue but its been two days.. any idea what happen
- (2021-10-14) Jestermix5528: no me funciona
- (2021-10-06) Kenno Costa Silva: topzera, ajuda muito.!
- (2021-10-02) Zac V-C: Does not work
- (2021-09-25) Tawin Choksitthikasam: gud gud