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Reference websites and papers with a single click, powered by Citationsy
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Cite websites, books, papers, articles, podcasts, songs, and much more using Citationsy. Perfect references and footnotes every time. Citationsy is perhaps the world’s best referencing tool. This Chrome extension will let you cite any website with a single click. We support citations in APA, Harvard, DIN, Chicago, MLA, and thousands of other referencing styles.
When you find a website or link you want to cite, simply click the Citationsy icon in the toolbar (*) and a little window will pop up to let you choose which one of your Citationsy projects you’d like to add the link to.
If you’ve been using RefME, CiteThisForMe, Mendeley, Endnote, Citavi, Zotero, or EasyBib, Citationsy will be like a breath of fresh air.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-28) Mariam Abdelsabour: Doesn't work. Opens up a popup window that does nothing
- (2022-01-13) Wasiq Rahman: it works but it does not have 200000+ users it literally says it on the downloads user bar
- (2021-04-16) Nika Bacac: Very useful extension for referencing! It makes writing up your papers way easier.
- (2021-04-12) Melanie Perry: Fast, easy, accurate, and user-friendly.
- (2021-03-22) Klea Malai: Is very good and i really like that i can chouse the edition of APA that i want
- (2021-03-07) Stephanie Santini (Fany): Super great, super easy. organized, great for college students.
- (2021-02-07) Christina Brummett: I use this citation manager with every class I take and every project I do. The layout and organization is awesome, and when the manager does make mistakes it's really easy to go in and fix them. I am so glad I found it!
- (2021-01-21) Joshua Sun: So I didn't know about this until I started looking but glad I found it. Works really well and good toned down way with no ads versus EasyBib etc. If you refer your friends you can get free citations and it also has an extensive amount of journal/DOI/papers you can cite. Try it out, I think most would like it.
- (2021-01-20) Ice Cream: It was very useful, a small bit limiting with amount of sources but for how easy it makes it, it makes up for that small downfall. Very helpful for my work.
- (2021-01-13) Md Aminul Islam: This is one of the most easy and useful citation and bibliography management tool I have ever used. It saves time. I confidently recommend academics and researchers around the world to use this tool.
- (2021-01-05) PANOS KOLLIAS: Perfect, very fast. You gain time Just try it
- (2021-01-04) Aperson: I really loved this. It helped me so much with my projects and researches
- (2020-12-31) Ntombenhle Sithole: Very easy to use. Best thing ever.
- (2020-12-26) Patrick Perrault: Very solid app. Useful to drop sources into when you're looking around.
- (2020-12-20) Courtney Copeland: This was if not the best, one of the best citation sites I've come across. Always up to date and easy to use.
- (2020-10-31) Clarence Teo: The most straightforward citation application i've used so far for University. I found popular applications provided by the school (EndNote X9) and Mendeley's suite quite troublesome, and needed quite a bit of time to learn (and have not done so...). Citationsy is straightforward in the sense that you need your source's DOI or link, insert it in, and voila. You're ready to take on the more important things in your submission. I recommend this application thoroughly.
- (2020-10-29) Mariely Vélez Pérez: Very user friendly! This extension takes you straight to your Citationsy folders, and you just have to click on the one you need your reference to go to.
- (2020-07-10) Nicolette W: Used this for when I had to cite news articles, and was surprised at how good a job it did at recovering the data, save me the headache.
- (2020-07-10) Michelle Guo: Amazing!
- (2020-03-26) Nadja Schaetz: Very useful extension for referencing! Highly recommend.
- (2020-03-26) Levent Özbakir: All I can do is recommend this amazing piece of art. Helped me a lot with Uni work. If I could rate it with 6 stars I would. Eleven(t) out of ten.
- (2020-03-23) Jose Oriol Lopez Berengueres: Citationsy public lists is my favourite feature, it lets me share lists of papers, referneces movies, in a way that makesme look like a pro.!
- (2020-03-22) Johann Gross: Highly recommend it!
- (2020-03-21) Veronica Özbakir: Much better than Citethisforme!
- (2020-02-22) Roberto Williams Batista: It is just an amazing tool! I use it for a while and is getting better and better. I just bought the pro annual license and I am happy.
- (2019-12-05) David Tod: Would be great if you could go click the browser extension on a Google Scholar BibTeX export page and it would take it from there.
- (2019-11-10) ALFRHED W: does this extinction support Mcgill citation for canadian universities? or bluebook citation system?
- (2019-09-13) Zeshan Shiekh: It was good. But my in text citation came as (sex)
- (2019-08-20) Pepe Chante: No tiene adaptación al español, de existir traducción para otros idiomas aparte del inglés pues la interfaz lo tiene bien escondido. El concepto es bueno para ahorrar el tiempo, sin embargo es muchísimo más productivo usar directamente otros servicios como el automatizado de office, pues mis expectativas al instalar la app era que citara por ti automáticamente, la extensión es semiautomática, prácticamente todos los citas los termina haciendo mal y tú debes hacer algo para corregirlo, es lo mismo que hacerlo tú desde cero.
- (2019-07-10) Tom Lahey: I think it's the last man standing that's worth anything! And it's worth a lot! Also, wiki is more dead then alive these days, someone add this to;
- (2019-05-07) MO: Vielen Dank für diese tolle Erweiterung. Funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich nutze sie in meiner täglichen Arbeit und könnte es mir ohne sie gar nicht mehr vorstellen. Ich würde mir noch eine App wünschen!
- (2019-05-07) Nurilly Rania: unable to cite certain site
- (2019-03-31) It would be nice to have a font choice.
- (2019-02-28) Citationsy is the best! Glad to have the chrome extension.
- (2019-02-22) Caleb Brown: what is by far my favorite citation generator now has an easy peasy chrome extension. This could absolutely not get any better.. except maybe a mobile app for citing on the go?