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Best Instagram assistant manager : Auto Story-watching, follows, likes, unfollows bot
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Grow your Instagram. You can easily gain up to few thousand followers per month with Instech.
Just choose your preferences and forget about it. Bot will work on your behalf.
Privacy policy link updated
- Liking by hashtags
- Liking by location
- Liking my feed
- Liking user's followers by username
- Liking user's followings by username
- above features plus following
- above features plus unfollowing
- above features plus story watching
# Instech doesn’t need your Instagram username or password to operate.
# Instech doesn’t send your Instagram activity to a remote server. Your data is secure.
Latest reviews
- (2021-03-04) Hadi Soleimanzadeh: Does not work
- (2021-02-24) Adeel Ahmad: trash
- (2021-02-24) Stampede Solution: Trash , doesnt work
- (2021-02-23) Adnan Morbiwala: Ive bought a license, which lets me use multiple accounts, and it is for a year, however, it keeps telling me my license has expired, even when I use custom actions, let me know what I need to do?
- (2021-02-02) Preyash Patel: thank you for the tool
- (2021-01-14) APOORV MISHRA: Best extension available for this purpose on chrome web store
- (2021-01-08) Marcus Schirrmacher-Gavallér: Be aware, Instagram block your account. I used this addon very carefully. next day IG blocked my account. Reason: Potential pishing.
- (2020-12-25) احمد بیاتی: دقیقاً همان کاری را انجام می دهد که من برای انجام آن لازم دارم. خیلی ساده و موثر! دوستش داشتم!
- (2020-12-04) Hamada Antar: I hate to say that this app is a total dud. It looked very promising at first, but none of the tasks and actions work.
- (2020-11-17) PNW Kitty: Does not work at all anymore. Very sad. They say to use a VPN but I've down that road many times and it's a dead end.
- (2020-11-10) Mike De wit: love it
- (2020-11-08) Mohamed Amine Benatia: ottimo fa il suo dovere
- (2020-10-30) Nathan Unger: Be sure to run this on VPS or RDP. Instagram has SO MANY restrictions, that this HAS to take it's time. . .There is no expressway to botting your account. Going to subscribe. I hope IG doesn't start screwing these guys. It's looks as though they've put a lot of time and energy into this. LOVE the IGTV component!
- (2020-09-24) Maria M: Bought the big pro vision and it does not work, as they say we can only add 2 profiles, our 3 profile it will not add, and the worst part is that Instatech does not respond to our email at all, and you get no help. Do not buy the pro vision
- (2020-08-24) Hospitalidad Emprendedora: Instatech has 0 customer service. I have linked 2 of my accounts with a paid license. Only one of them works. I have done everything they show on their tutorials and it does not work. I have written them and they do not answer. I have written them maybe 6 emails in the last 15 days and I have not received a single answer. On top of that, the only account that works, works half of the time. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS BOT
- (2020-08-09) KARRY NGUYEN: It is not working, all the 5 stars are fake. i need a refund! my $45 !
- (2020-07-22) Mischa Milivoje Bakic: Basic Function: Follow / Unfollow Strategy is NOT working. I purchased the tool an made a deep testing of the "follow and unfollow" method. Summary: -> NOT WORKING! Problem is following: If you follow for example from hashtag '#art' today 50 people. And you add a unfollow task to unfollow 50 people from the database and set a filter "dont unfollow within 5 days after follow request" the programm skips the followed user but is changing the statuss to "Unfollowed". This causes that after 6 days the programm will not unfollow the user because the status says already "unfollowed" This causes that you will never unfollow users and you will increase your follows to maximum and you are not able to follow new users. In fact the instech did not understood the unfollow / follow strategy basicly. The only chance is to remove the "unfollow after X days" filter. This causes that you will follow some users in the morning and will unfollow the same day when the unfollow task runs. But as you know, you need at least 3 days rest for the user. I made a detailed claim to instech with pictures etc. and proposed a Skype meeting since 1 year but they did not pick up my complaint. In the meanwhile over one year is gone and the problem is still not solved. The tool haves high potential but it is not functionable for the so important follow / unfollow strategy.
- (2020-07-22) THE TV NRI: Amazing extension for chrome and works amazingly well for instagram users.
- (2020-07-21) Mauro Bute: Great tool, just be pacience when there is an issue, remember that IG is always changing their algorithym.
- (2020-07-07) Rachel Blandon: It does not work. You run it with your browser open and it counts how many likes you are giving out. However, when I go to my account settings on IG and select "Posts You've Liked", nothing shows up.
- (2020-06-30) Tim Cor: I have one major grievance with this extension. It will not follow private accounts automatically. I have tried multiple times and each time the algorithm fails to follow private accounts. If you could fix this, i would rate it 5 stars.
- (2020-06-24) Mame Perez: Not a single follow or unfollow. I tried this extension for several days now and I don't achieve any results as this extension can't make a single follow of any account I set. I understand logic and followed tutorials (just in case), I let my screen on and Google tab open just to find out I wasted my time. Ah. Soft ban is one thing I achieved. For only a few like the extension managed to do. Can't recommend, sorry. Would be a magic solution, but has serious issues.
- (2020-04-07) Josh Koelker: Is it finicky? Sure but all instagram automation is after recent updates. Instagram is anti automation and anti small business. But this app has a community that is growing with an app that works if you are willing to put in a little effort and take a little risk. Safely and organically (WITH MUCH BETTER TARGETED MARKETING) I am saving about $100 per month in organic growth as opposed to running ads.
- (2020-04-06) Dr ABAQUS: Thanks for this amazing bot, worth full and safe
- (2020-04-03) YEKTANEGAR CO.: perfect in working ! specially at followers increasing ...
- (2020-03-25) Sotiris Milopteris: best accurancy..100
- (2020-03-23) Bipin Adhikari: it just says "invalid username" everytime in follow by followers task. Is it just me?
- (2020-03-15) UFOSIGHTINGS: This app works well, did the job needed for so good app
- (2020-03-07) ldren kkk: instagram has been given "Error Please wait a few minutes before trying again." while clicking my home page. you has to solve this problem !!!!!
- (2020-02-24) isabelle slaney: does it hack account that already have 700+ followers? lmk
- (2020-02-10) Lara Costantino: Funciona perfeito, e é bem melhor do que outros apps, recomendo demais! (no começo é complicado mas depois se aprende)
- (2020-02-06) Andres Felipe Zuñiga Mera: genial 100% recomendada
- (2019-12-26) Soumaya El Bakkali: used to work great for me in the beginning of this year, but now it is full of bugs, "sleeping" status during the whole day / "illegal name" error messages whenever I try to write down an account name to setup a new automation ... and their customer service simply doesnt answer at all (been waiting for 15 days). So I wont renew my license
- (2019-12-18) Dacian Kolkhuis Tanke: scam that runs in background and blocks yuor real account
- (2019-12-05) Georg Richter: Die Bewertungen sind gekauft! Diese Erweiterung ist nervig! Ständig schaltet sich die Tab an!
- (2019-12-05) V. A.: Das geht so gar nicht! Der Tab mit Instech wechselt sich ständig in den Vordergrund! Die Erweiterung lässt quasi nicht zu, dass man was anderes macht außer auf dem Tab zu schauen!
- (2019-12-05) Jessica Kette: Schlimm!!! Die Bewertungen scheinen Fake zu sein! Der Tab von Instech schaltet sich ca. alle 20 Sekunden in den Vordergrund! Es lässt einfach nicht zu, dass man ganz normal an seinem Rechner weiterarbeitet! Selbst in der Zeit dieser Bewertung von mir, hat sich der Tab drei mal auf Instech gewechselt! Zum kotzen!
- (2019-12-04) Antje Ewald: Einfach nur nervig, dass egal was Du am PC machst, diese Erweiterung alle 20 Sekunden automatisch zu sich selbst (TAB) wechselt! Das ist total nervig und Du kannst nie richtig am Computer arbeiten und die Instech parallel anwenden!
- (2019-12-01) Miniatural shopping: Empezó funcionando bien, a las 2 horas ya no funciona. No detecta los usuarios y google chrome no me deja entrar en instagram, me bloquea mi usuario...
- (2019-11-26) D birdflips: lit
- (2019-11-22) Mac Book: it stopped working, looks instagram rejects its interactions when you try to follow , even when you try to search a location instagram redirects you to the main page on instagram. this sucks can instatech please fix this
- (2019-11-05) Corey Van DeVelde: Paid for a year-- stopped working half a year through and the owner ghosted me and will not email back.
- (2019-10-11) Abhinav Rai: Action Blocked This action was blocked. I could not perform any action now because of this within 2 days of using this. Can you explain why this is happening?
- (2019-10-08) AC Bilisim: Not Working
- (2019-10-01) Pe Nassif: Comprei, e o atendimento é muito prestativo! RECOMENDO! Use com moderação
- (2019-06-26) El xH: Terrible support. I think the app works but I need to reset my e-mail before I pay for it so I sent like 10 e-mails. No reply from them. Is the app down? Was anyone ever in touch with them? Do multipal accounts really work?
- (2019-06-06) Clay Kellogg: This works well. If it doesnt work for you, then I think you should make sure your hashtags and content strategy (of your ig account) are relevant and valid
- (2019-06-05) PUGZ Ken: amazing extension saves me a lot of time!! Thank you so much for making this!!
- (2019-05-24) Oliver O'Kelly: MALWARE, dont install it hurted my whole pc instantly. SCAM
- (2019-05-23) Maria Gente: VIRUS , really bad.