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- (2024-01-21) C Liang (xxhhlk): 为什么用一段时间之后,二管家内的扩展那里,就会变成空白?要重装才能好……
- (2023-10-15) 斩魔: 分组只是调亮了还是一堆乱七八糟无条例,根本不够显眼。
- (2023-10-01) hei ck: 非常好! 可以根据不同的网站地址打开针对不同网站的扩展,可以节省内存,换了不同的浏览器,总是要安装这个扩展
- (2023-09-09) Google User: Complex, small window to work. Completely inappropriate in 2023. Add these issues to Ghub. But it seems this extension isn't any longer supported, it's been abandoned a.k.a developer writes it's dormant and had no plans on continuing with it. Pity.
- (2023-09-06) hh qq: 建议增加优先级排序移动功能,分组点开可以直接看到包含的插件,而不是另外跳转单独窗口
- (2023-08-18) Allen Woody: 这个扩展是失效了吗?完全不能识别我的扩展,什么都没有??
- (2023-08-12) Zoran M: Some instructions how to use would save a lot of clicking.
- (2023-07-23) Thomas Schittli Akros: It is very sad that it is not possible to create a new Group with the currently enabled extensions.
- (2023-05-08) Skill seizer: ive been using this extension for like 1 or above yrs, it is awesome, esp. its feature of GROUPING extensions, enabling / disabling the extensions in just 1 click BCOZ, ive 300+ extensions....thanks to this extension, it is super easy and convenient to manage my ext. excuse me for reviewing and rating it late .take care, salaam (peace)
- (2023-04-16) Junio Silva: Não vale nada!
- (2023-04-09) Xinhua Xu (Arya): 你好 能不能增加一个拓展固定/取消固定的功能。
- (2023-03-23) Kenny Power (KennyP): The "Auto State" feature has stopped functioning a few days ago. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
- (2023-03-20) Fawaz Akhtar: Pretty cool. Would be nice if you add Dark Mode and the ability to pin/unpin an extension to the toolbar.
- (2023-02-05) M El: tile view is awesome
- (2023-01-10) Astryd Lilium: Good idea but very but implemented. 1. No dark mode in 2023 is inconceivable! 2. The research go away after with or without notification. Also the window autoclose so I have to search again 3. Impossible to open link with middle mouse button, 2023 to 1990! 4. Bug opening web store also in this same extension redirect to option link To work to do before really use
- (2023-01-07) bb bb: 1) эти дурни забыли что у людей 4к мониторы и невозможность увеличить размер окна - идиотизм 2) эти умники решили, что сделать серым неактивные збс идея. но пля... если я помню цвет иконки, как я могу найти среди серых чтобы включить? ба ра ны.
- (2023-01-05) Chris Vydas: While i appreciate what this extension does and what it aims to aspire to be, some of it's more advanced functionally sounds better in theory rather than it is practical. As a result, i don't bother to use them. Couldn't help but notice, nooboss does not handle bookmarks which is too bad but an extension called Ultra button does, and is very similar to nooboss at it's core. Nooboss is an excellent and truly innovative extension but it needs refinement and in then end, i uninstalled it
- (2023-01-05) Rainbow Warrior Princess: I get no notifications in Microsoft Edge browser (although activated in the options: when update extensions etc.)
- (2022-11-26) Andrei Akopian: Would it be possible to make this extension launch other extensions? Lets say I want to activate a speed-test extension. I have to click on the puzzle piece, scroll down, find it, and click on it to test my connection speed.
- (2022-11-20) Sven Arnold: Grouping extensions works fine, but there's no context menu to (de-)activate a group. You have to open NooBoss first and toggle groups or individual extensions/apps there. Although there's practically no real difference between left- or right-clicking to toggle a setting in a context menu or the main ui, one feels convenient while the other feels clunky and unfinished. The Autostate feature could've been truly great, but bad execution kills it. The extension doesn't care which tabs are currently active, inactive or in focus. If a rule is created so that a group of extensions only get loaded on a specific webpage/domain, e.g. Google Docs, those extensions won't get deactivated when you switch to a tab on a different webpage. Not even when the Google tab is sent to sleep by "Auto Tab Discard" or a similar extension. Those extensions will stay activated until you close the Google tab. This gets extremely annoying as soon as you have several tabs open with contradicting rules attached. So unless you never have more than a hand full of tabs open and don't mind frequently closing and re-opening tabs in order to get the right sets of extensions working, I cannot recommend this extension manager.
- (2022-11-02) A: Estensione molto utile, nel mio caso, per automatizzare la disattivazione di altre estensioni ad esempio per ottenere cashback dai siti quando si procede all'accquisto utilizzando referral link.
- (2022-10-30) Jānis Ķengurs: Where is button Auto state now? I cant edit auto state- dont have button on top anymore.
- (2022-10-22) Muhammad Waleed Ishaq: Absolutely life saver <3!
- (2022-09-21) 鼓逢: 非常好用基本满足我的绝大部分需求的插件管理器
- (2022-09-01) Manolo: A must have extension that employs rules to enable and disable other browser extensions based on websites visited. In the absence of any guidelines, creating rules is somewhat confusing, and requires some exploring to get a hang of things. Thus far, I have had success using "Enable Only" to create rules. Haven't used "Disable Only" yet, and don't really understand how "Enable When" and "Disable When" work. Would appreciate it if anyone who has had success using them could point the rest of us - who don't know how - in the right direction.
- (2022-08-30) Nirantali Zorvax: The only Extension where you really see every Extension, App and Theme and where you really can check, enable, disable, remove every Extension, App and Theme. Not even Googles own "Chrome Apps & Extensions Developer Tool" was able to show me the hidden ones on Chromium, but with NooBoss no problem to see and disable them.
- (2022-08-17) QUNKE MIU: 怎么开启这个插件占用很多资源,一直找原因浏览器后台怎么不用还很高占用。
- (2022-08-09) yet kim: 谢谢你
- (2022-07-30) alaska Canyon: have many features but no one work correctly . also ugly slow interface
- (2022-07-06) Shmuel: enabled 100 extensions all at once without any intention and crashed chrome, made me work hard to restore and I'm still not fully recoverd
- (2022-06-16) SNANA51832: 请问多个域名之间加什么?忘了看说明了现在没了。
- (2022-05-23) Rik van den Reijen: The only extension manager allowing for unlimited auto state rules. However the extension is often irresponsive making it hard to use.
- (2022-05-17) 星辰: 非常好用,强烈推荐!
- (2022-03-21) Ne0Gen3tic: I really have to say, I am very excited about this expansion! I was afraid that this extension would not come back, but luckily it did! She was namely a few days locked and was taken from the store! Why I do not know unfortunately? But now to the functionality of the extension: "As an add-on manager" it simply covers everything. I especially like the "grouping", which is very easy and it is with "cloud synchronization", that's the great! Also, apps can be launched and also uninstalled directly from the manager, visit the publisher's website and more! Even "CRX" files can be downloaded with this, so you have "offline", the extension and can save it. So you can not lose the "extensions"! You have them "Offline" packed in a file on your hard disk (HDD). I hope this extension remains in the Playstore for a long time, then I would be really happy! The great thing is, you have all extensions at a glance and the interface is really super "Tidy and very nice". You notice, here someone has made an effort with dedication and he does this apparently very happy. It has really been programmed with "love" (if you may say so!). That the extension is ad-free and free of charge is absolutely NOT a matter of course! There are guaranteed several weeks of hard work inside, I am convinced, because I am a programmer myself! I have also looked at the code, this is already a bit more complex and much more complicated than most other "extension managers". Therefore I give full 5 stars and thank you very much for the great hard work and hope that this extension will be maintained for a very long time and by that I mean updated! Simply outstanding work, more can (and must) be said about it in any case! Hats off!
- (2022-03-14) Артем Коркунов: Спасибо,наконец я удалил стандартные расширения хроме!!))
- (2022-03-12) summer desire: 希望能够上架firefox 和edge 扩展商店
- (2022-02-12) Jay Jinx: UI有待改进。不过我最想要的一个功能是备份和读取备份浏览器的拓展程序,毕竟现在插件越装越多,一旦需要更换电脑或者系统,就要手动换一个个去备份,实在是太慢了。如果能出一个一键备份插件(甚至是其他浏览器的插件也能备份),然后在别的电脑上一件读取备份并安装备份,这种功能就实在太好了。
- (2021-12-15) Clemens Ratte-Polle: download, extract, save crx is missing
- (2021-10-26) Claribel Sanchez: I like this app. Wished it looked more minimalistic in design, but it works great!
- (2021-10-22) 静沐暖阳: 很好用的扩展,但是也有几个不足之处.1:希望能加个优先级排序功能,比如设置打开的扩展优先展示,没打开的在后面,每次打开/关闭扩展时还要满屏幕乱找,效率不高.
- (2021-10-03) ce ce: UPDATED REVIEW 2021-09-23 NooBoss 0.1.9 (October 27, 2020) 247KiB NooBoss [email protected] Version 0.1.9 Updated October 27, 2020 Size 247KiB Managing extensions is EXTREMELY SLOOOWWWW What's even worse is the foreground font color against the background in Managing extensions & groups is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to read. Horrible contrast which needs to be fixed as a priority Changing theme colors does not work Instead of a highlight to enable extensions in the group management NooBoos needs a way to be able to select all enabled extensions to add them to a group, you should be able to sort quickly by enabled & disabled The group filter option should also display and be able to find extensions by their description Exporting NooBoss options file name should be NooBoss_settings_YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM_SS.options Exporting NooBoss extensions file name should be NooBoss_extensions_YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM_SS.html TAKE A LOOK AT THESE & IMPLEMENT THEIR FEATURES Extensions Manager (aka Switcher) Offered by: cmrd.Kaash Extension log Offered by: Achernar Disable Extensions and Apps Offered by: BrowserNative Share Extensions Offered by: BUGS FOUND: 1) Copying a Group or Copying a Group & renaming it will NOT export that copied group therefore any added extensions you thought were saved into that new group or the cloned group itself will NOT be available upon crash restore/import 2) When exporting extensions to .html file it stops right before an installed extension named Display #Anchors (which is Offered by: Rob W) ( This may be due to having the # hash/pound sign in the name Export links of all extensions Gabriel v1.4 August 13, 2020 11.44KiB accomplishes that function fine with no problem also numbering them 3) Restoring should have the ability to merge into existing options or overwrite existing options with a prompt cautioning/warning user of what is about to happen
- (2021-09-03) 土豆哪里去挖: 首先我觉得这个插件贼好用 然后我想问一下 这个插件已更新的提示到底是从哪取的数据 总是提示某个插件更新了 但是我看那个插件的版本号就没有变过....
- (2021-08-16) Bnodon ProjukT: i use it to disable all extension when i open any local html file. But it doesn't automatically enables those extensions for other tabs, i need to close the tab (where i opened the local file), only then it enables those extension automatically.
- (2021-03-19) Олег Барминов: Отличное расширение! А то все остальные не устраивали. Great extension! Best! Please, add sorting in mange extensions list from enabled ext to disabled. And after removal of the extension through nooboss popup is closed and it is necessary to re-open.
- (2021-03-03) Hai X: Mac Microsoft Edge 88.0.705.81无效,是没有适配吗?
- (2021-02-05) hao: 能否临时启动扩展呢?很多扩展只是偶尔用一下而已,希望用完后就自动禁用。比如可以在浏览器只剩最后一个标签的时候或者在浏览器关闭的时候自动禁用那些“临时启用”的扩展
- (2020-12-26) 归零者: 一直在使用的扩展管理,希望能上架edge扩展商店
- (2020-11-09) 王一凡: 有了它可以給chrome分組方便管理。
- (2020-10-12) 凉凉: 非常好用只可惜作者已经很久没更新了 出现了很多bug
- (2020-10-10) Steve Muscroft: Needs an option to disable items in separated sections. turning off all extensions without disabling apps or the current theme, for instance.