A small filter option to hide or mark company in linkedin
A small filter option to hide or mark company on Linkedin.
When you are searching for your next job on Linkedin and sometimes you see company that you had some connection with them but by the end, you or they decide to "moving forward".
or if you want to mark for yourself companies that you want to contact later.
I build this extension to hide or mark those companies.
instead of checking your email with the company name to make sure if you already send an application or not.
so whenever you decide to filter a company with this extension you have the option.
this filter support both view - cube and preview
choose what action to do (hide or mark) by default is doing nothing.
export list as JSON
upload list from JSON
Source code is available here:
there is something that I didn't implement yet:
append add button on preview mode
rerender filter on scroll / ajax
so feel free to make a pull request ;-)