Description from extension meta
Content filter that stops ads. Remove advertising on YouTube and all other websites.
Image from store
Description from store
Adblock keeps your browsing smooth and free from distractions. No more pop-ups or banners getting in the way of your favourite sites.
AdBlock starts blocking ads right away, giving you a clean browsing experience. There is no need to adjust any settings. Just add it to your browser, and it does the job. Ads and banners disappear instantly.
No ads mean faster page loads and a lighter browsing experience. Every ad, from pop-ups to banners, is blocked by default. You won’t see ads tracking you or slowing down your pages.
Browse with No ads and enjoy a safer, faster online experience.
It’s perfect to keep things simple. Just install it and forget about ads.
YouTube, Facebook, or any other site, Adblock - blocks ads and helps protect your privacy.
This Adblock works in the background, so you can browse faster and more securely.