Superb Enable Click Right: Break Free from Copy Restrictions! Unblock Context Menu, Right Click, Copy, and Selection on Any Website.
Jste unavení z omezení při prohlížení webových stránek? Často se nacházíte v situaci, kdy nemůžete klepnout pravým tlačítkem myši, kopírovat nebo přistupovat k kontextové nabídce? Máme pro vás dokonalé řešení! Představujeme Superb Copy, ultimátní rozšíření prohlížeče, které vám umožní využít plný potenciál vašeho webového prohlížení. 🚀💻
🔓🖱️ Odblokování kopírování a výběru 🔓🖱️
S Superb Copy můžete bez námahy odblokovat funkce klepnutí pravým tlačítkem myši, kontextové nabídky, výběru a kopírování na jakékoli webové stránce. Už se nebudete omezovat omezujícími nastaveními webových stránek. Kopírovat a vkládat texty, obrázky a další s lehkostí, právě tak, jak to chcete! 💪✂️
🌐💥 Snadné povolování a zakazování 🌐💥
Superb Copy vám poskytuje flexibilitu pro povolování nebo zakazování jeho silných funkcí pro konkrétní webové stránky. Přizpůsobte si své prohlížení a upravte jej podle svých potřeb. Jste ve své kontrole! ⚙️🔌
⚠️⚠️ Důležitá poznámka: Porušení funkčnosti webových stránek ⚠️⚠️
Vzácných případech může rozšíření dočasně narušit funkčnost webových stránek. Ale nebojte se! Máme vás pokryty. Ve výchozím nastavení je Superb Copy vypnutý, aby zajišťoval hladké prohlížení. Stačí jej ručně povolit na webových stránkách, kde chcete využívat jeho výjimečné funkce. Je to tak snadné! 😎🔧
🔬👩🔬 Vyzkoušejte Superb Copy nyní! 👨🔬🔬
Chcete-li zažít úžasnou funkčnost Superb Copy, zveme vás, abyste si ji vyzkoušeli. Navštivte naši testovací stránku na 👉 a pozorujte, jak Superb Copy bez námahy odblokuje omezení kopírování a zlepší vaše prohlížecí schopnosti. 🌐✨
🚀 Nečekejte déle! Stáhněte si Superb Copy ještě dnes a osvoboďte své webové prohlížení! 🚀
Are you tired of being restricted when browsing websites? Do you often find yourself unable to right click, copy, or access the context menu? Superb Enable Click Right is the ultimate browser extension that empowers you to unleash the full potential of your web browsing experience! 🚀💻
🔓🖱️ Unlock Copying and Selection with Superb Enable Click Right 🔓🖱️
With Superb Enable Click Right, you can effortlessly unblock right click, context menu, selection, and copy functionalities on any website. Copy and paste text, images, and more with ease, just the way you want it! 💪✂️
🌐💥 Enable and Disable with Ease 🌐💥
Superb Enable Click Right gives you the flexibility to enable or disable its powerful features for specific websites. Customize your browsing experience and tailor it to your needs. You're in control! ⚙️🔌
⚠️⚠️ Important Note: Website Functionality Breakage ⚠️⚠️
Please note that in rare cases, the extension may temporarily disrupt website functionality. But with Superb Enable Click Right, you can rest assured that you're covered. By default, Superb Enable Click Right is disabled to ensure smooth browsing. Simply manually enable it on the websites where you want to utilize its exceptional features. It's that easy! 😎🔧
🔬👩🔬 Test Superb Enable Click Right Now! 👨🔬🔬
To experience the incredible functionality of Superb Enable Click Right, we invite you to put it to the test. Visit our test site at 👉 and witness how Superb Enable Click Right effortlessly unblocks copy restrictions and enhances your browsing capabilities. 🌐✨
🔑 Unlock Your Full Browsing Potential with Superb Enable Click Right 🔑
Don't let restrictive website settings hold you back any longer. With Superb Enable Click Right, you can unlock the full potential of your web browsing experience. Copy and paste text, images, and more with ease. 🔑✨
🚀 Unleash Your Inner Web Surfer 🚀
Unleash your inner web surfer and break free from restrictive website settings with Superb Enable Click Right. With its powerful features, you can effortlessly enable or disable copy functionalities for specific websites. 🌐🚀
🔌 Plug Into Unrestricted Browsing 🔌
Plug into unrestricted browsing with Superb Enable Click Right. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly unblock right click, context menu, selection, and copy functionalities on any website. 🖱️🔌
💥 Experience Smooth and Uninterrupted Browsing 💥
Experience smooth and uninterrupted browsing with Superb Enable Click Right. By default, Superb Enable Click Right is disabled to ensure smooth browsing, so you can rest easy knowing that your web browsing experience won't be disrupted. 💻💥
🔧 Take Control of Your Browsing Experience 🔧
Take control of your browsing experience with Superb Enable Click Right. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily customize your browsing experience and tailor it to your needs. ⚙️🔧
🚀 Don't wait any longer! Download Superb Enable Click Right today and liberate your web browsing experience! 🚀
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-14) Made with Lemons Designs: Does not work on but the Extension does say it doesn't work on some websites. Bummer! Tried both Unblock options and restarting browser.
- (2023-09-11) Rayhan Roshidi Nasrulloh: The best plugin for copying content from protected resources. All options work properly. In my opinion, just super!
- (2023-09-08) Hayden King: Works great after refreshing the web page.
- (2023-09-01) Prashant Kumar: Works perfectly.
- (2023-08-18) Wassim: works.
- (2023-08-16) bin435: nice
- (2023-07-22) Brandon Hardman: A decent plugin! I am very grateful to the developers. Qualitatively removes locks from any elements on the sites. Completely free version, for which special thanks.
- (2023-07-22) Caleb Williams: Excellent narrow-profile tool. Saves when you need to copy some protected element. In a couple of mouse clicks, it opens full access to it.
- (2023-07-22) Eva Martinez: Sincere thanks! I just didn't have enough of such a plugin for comfortable surfing. Qualitatively removes all system restrictions from any web content.
- (2023-07-22) Cecilia Anderson: I occasionally use this add-on when I encounter protected content on the Internet. I must admit, it helps out in such cases. The necessary service.
- (2023-07-21) Michael Baker: What is manual mode, what is automatic - they work fine. A couple of clicks on the button and access to the content is unlocked. It works perfectly on all sites.
- (2023-07-21) James Gilbert: It works, but it's hard to figure out without a manual. I'll put a five, but it doesn't hurt to release the manual.
- (2023-07-21) Caleb Chandter: I recommend it! A very useful extension for copying private content. Just a couple of mouse clicks and access is open.
- (2023-07-21) Alex Babcock: I have been using this plugin for quite a long time. We can say that it helps out regularly, in particular with access to copy-protected content.
- (2023-07-21) Nancy White: It works exclusively in the background and consumes a minimum of resources. On my weak PC, it does not affect performance at all. The most useful plugin.
- (2023-07-21) Michael Austin: Sometimes I come across that I need to copy something from sites and the options are closed. Now it's not a problem. And all thanks to this addition. I advise you to put it, it will come in handy.
- (2023-07-21) Thomas Moore: For simplicity and convenience - I give an excellent rating! I have been using this plugin not so long ago, but I have already managed to appreciate its idea and potential.
- (2023-07-21) Gregory Donovan: I regularly encounter protected content on different sites. Fortunately, this plugin helps out by opening access to copy functions.
- (2023-07-21) Katrin Otter: In its own way, a unique plugin for accessing protected content on Internet pages. Allows you to work effectively with any content.
- (2023-07-20) Ivan Miller: Qualitatively removes all restrictions of working with websites, providing optional access to any content. Great service!
- (2023-07-20) Daniel Grant: I usually use this extension to copy protected text. There are simply no analogues in the chrome store. A useful thing.
- (2023-07-20) Stefan Batler: The best plugin for copying content from protected resources. All options work properly. In my opinion, just super!
- (2023-07-20) Kate Hammel: The usability quality is on top. The tool is quite convenient and practical. Often used to copy protected text, copes just fine.
- (2023-07-20) Robert White: Advanced context menu features with lots of useful options. The addition is high-quality and debugged. For work - excellent service.
- (2023-07-20) Gregory Adams: I often use this service when working with copy-protected content. Helps out regularly by opening a full context menu. I really missed such a plugin before.
- (2023-07-20) Patric Nelson: A great plugin for copying protected content. Opens the context menu on any elements, which allows you to fully use all the functionality.
4.6129 (31 votes)
Last update / version
2023-07-04 / 1.0.1
Listing languages