Description from extension meta
Genrate QR Code From Current Tab's Url.
Image from store
Description from store
根据当前 Tab 窗口 URL 生成 QR 码,支持在移动端打开、扫描分享到微信等。
* Share to WeChat: Use WeChat's Mobile client to scan two-dimensional code sharing page to the micro-channel circle of friends.
* Save QR Image: Drag the image to your desktop(or other location what you want), the image type is PNG.
This is open source project:
Latest reviews
- (2017-08-14) le liu: 好用
- (2016-11-08) Vincent Tsai (Vayn): good!
- (2016-03-18) 王海兵: 简洁、好用,没有广告
- (2016-01-13) Andy Huang: 相当不错 二维码要是能再大点就好了
- (2015-10-11) Wu Jacob: Just worked, and it doesn't require some strange privilege, like some other extension does. Good!
- (2015-09-29) Rickon Chen: 简约直观,不过有时候对于长网址生成的二维码有些模糊,倒是也能扫…… 希望隐藏中央的图标。
- (2015-03-30) Color Fuzzy: Just Great! I love this ~
- (2014-12-17) Xin Li: Great APP
- (2014-03-28) 草民李: 同样的问题,刚安装时可以生成,过一段时间软件不再生效
- (2014-02-14) elvin wu: 简单好用,只是只能生成当前页面的URL,要是能生成复制的内容、简单编辑文字就更好了
- (2014-01-05) CR Jack: 速度快,图标大,就用这个
- (2013-12-18) zero MONG: 五星,简洁好用!
- (2013-12-18) Chris Yuan: 装了之后发现可以生成。过一会儿发现失灵,任何页面只返回一个icon图标,没有二维码。
- (2013-11-17) Dahui Feng: 简单可用。行了