extension ExtPose

Izslēgt visus Google Meet ™

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Description from extension meta

Nerādīt visus Google Meet ™ lietotājus

Image from store Izslēgt visus Google Meet ™
Description from store Pielāgojiet iestatījumus un saglabājiet Google Meet preferences. Izmantojiet šo programmatūras paplašinājumu, lai saglabātu visus lietotāja iestatījumus pakalpojumam Google Meet. Šeit ir saraksts ar lietotāju iestatījumiem, kurus varat pielāgot, izmantojot mūsu paplašinājumu - Automātiski izslēdziet mikrofonu, kad pievienojaties Google Meet zvanam - Iestatiet video izslēgšanu automātiski, kad pievienojaties Google Meet zvanam - Automātiski ieslēgt skaņu, pārliecinieties, ka citas personas, kuras piedalās sarunā, nevar izslēgt jūsu mikrofonu - izslēdziet visus dalībniekus, tas ir noderīgi, ja esat prezentācijā un vēlaties būt vienīgais, kas runā - Paslēpt izslēgt uznirstošo logu, paslēpt "Vai jūs runājat?" uznirstošais logs, kad esat izslēgts. Mēģiniet izmantot šo paplašinājumu jau šodien un jauniniet pakalpojumu Google Meet. Izbaudiet iespēju pielāgot savu Google Meet pieredzi.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-06-21) Mariano P.: mmmm si fuera como un mod menu de navegador para ser admin le pondria 5
  • (2022-03-23) Trung Tuấn Vũ: fake
  • (2022-02-16) ert er: it doesn't work it doesn't mute
  • (2022-01-27) sado ch: nice
  • (2022-01-27) Aaditya Singh Rajput: ❤❤❤
  • (2022-01-24) Francisco Javier Mata Hernández: es la mejor
  • (2022-01-20) roblox gamer: perfect!!!!
  • (2022-01-19) nitesh kumar: it is working and it not working
  • (2022-01-07) Gilma Giraldo jimenez: :D es lo mejor me funciona perfecto silencia a mi profe :>
  • (2021-12-24) Cid Kagenou: me gustaría que se pudiera silenciar y botar sin ser el administrador
  • (2021-12-03) Shush Zomd4s: ES EXCELENTE
  • (2021-11-30) Son goku: SCAMMMMMMMM
  • (2021-11-22) minh hoang đoàn: i clicked it but it not mute all
  • (2021-11-08) jan gu: me agrada por que si funciona
  • (2021-11-04) milthon jhoel chamaya garcia: no me gusta es inutil
  • (2021-10-27) m p: no me gustó, tienes que ser el anfitrión de la llamada para usarlo, me parece una pena que uno piense que vas a silenciar la llamada y que no puedas x no ser el anfitrión, ya que yo he buscado maneras de silenciar y todas no me funcionan, pensé que funcionaría, una decepción
  • (2021-10-19) Daniel Castro Lopez: no funciona
  • (2021-10-19) Trương Gia Bảo Nguyễn: Tốt Giờ Đây Tôi Có Thể Troll Bạn Của Mình
  • (2021-10-13) Zenaida Yachimba: la verdad la estoy probando a ver que pasa
  • (2021-10-04) Mr president Yousif Alzuhairi: Because it works for hosts and it doesn't let me mute someone it says are u sure u want to mute all I pressed ok it did not work
  • (2021-09-27) IVANNA GUADALUPE PARRA MONTES: no funciono
  • (2021-09-22) thành an nguyễn: it's fake
  • (2021-09-20) Cristiano Aruquipa: muy buena
  • (2021-09-15) Anthony Chang: same here
  • (2021-08-27) Rajani Singh: It does not work very bad . Not expected this😤😡😡
  • (2021-08-24) Chittibabu Pothana: in the peaple box the option is there but i am clicking its not muting
  • (2021-08-18) Nacor Trejos Ramos: it does not work!
  • (2021-08-18) Varun Tyagi: Very nice
  • (2021-08-16) 王進達JD Wang: 太好了
  • (2021-08-14) Risheekesh Akumalla: maybe you should also let participants remove and mute others
  • (2021-08-13) Hello3Rules: WOAH! I Love this extension. REALLY GREAT.. TYSM TYSM TYSM for making this extension! U MUST TRY USING IT! I'll at least share this extension with my 30 friends for sure. I love this so much! :D
  • (2021-08-11) Sushanth Annam VII C 40: it worked but only for host plz make participants then it will be good
  • (2021-08-10) Likki BG: It's not working at all it's waste of time
  • (2021-08-03) pipe cardona: escuchame lo digo como el mismo tipo que lo escribio no saca a nadie y no silencia algunas veces me cago en toddo
  • (2021-07-28) RODOLFO JAVIER PINEDA HERRERA: No funciona
  • (2021-07-26) Donal roll no 15: it is very good,i like it .but the problem is the host of the meet cannot mute permanent all
  • (2021-07-25) frans alfian: belum bisa digunakan
  • (2021-07-24) Vishnu S 6A DPSK: Good not bad
  • (2021-07-19) Nlco: esta muy genial sirve demasiado
  • (2021-07-16) Mayank jha: nice and op
  • (2021-07-08) Ashit Verma 9B: not worked
  • (2021-07-07) Yasir Ortega: solo queria eso para mi no el creador
  • (2021-07-05) nori jea: its doesnt not work lol
  • (2021-06-24) അരുൺദേവ് ജെ: good
  • (2021-06-23) Ramos Araujo Alejandro Nicolas: mm
  • (2021-06-22) Timeluck Timeluck: kuy
  • (2021-06-17) sofi creus: me gusto mucho la app le doy 5/5 solo le agregaría que no ponga como "fulano desactivo tu micrófono'" solo eso pero después me encanto
  • (2021-06-16) Zezé Antonio Palomino Cornejo: La Mejor Aplicación que vi
  • (2021-06-15) Luis David Hernández Lezama: es buena
  • (2021-06-14) RoHini Khobragade: When I use in my Computer i Used in Mircosoft edge and chrome IT DOESNT WORK! THIS APP IS A SCAM AM I RIGHT??


10,000 history
3.5319 (141 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-31 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
